Christians can offer a prayer for adulterous husbands to come back so that God can heal and restore their relationship. Marriage is beautiful, but it’s a test of errors and resilience – sometimes even forgiveness which is where these prayers for adulterous husbands to come back comes in.
This does not need to be the end of a marriage. Christians know that through the love of God you can be restored back to the love you shared before. Perhaps this is what needed to happen in order to bring you closer together.
We have shared prayers for marriage restoration after adultery in the past and seen miracle u-turns in marriages.
Let us pray.
Prayer for Adulterous Husband to Come Forward
Lord, here I stand before you in my darkest hour, at my weakest, and riddled with grief. My heart aches more than it ever knows about my husband’s infidelity. I recall the vow he made to me; to love and to hold. I find myself helpless and grief-stricken.
Father, I seek Your help knowing only You possess the ability to save me from being engulfed by sorrow and misery. I ask you to fill my husband’s heart with guilt and repentance. For him to come forward and proclaim his sin. For him to accept his mistake. For him to ask for forgiveness. Father, I pray he does not stray and comes forward to me, his wife, with the truth of the matter.
I pray, for the sake of our marriage, that he sees the path back to righteousness. Lord, it is only You who has the ability to make him come forward.
This I pray.

Prayer to Forgive Adulterous Husband
O Heavenly Father, He who moves mountains, seas, and valleys. I stand before you asking for my heart to be filled with forgiveness for my husband. My husband has strayed, my husband has broken our vows, and Lord I pray to find it in my heart to forgive.
The pain I feel is unlike any other. I pray no soul feels this grief. Father, my husband has sinned and has come forward proclaiming his sin. At this time, where I see no hope, I pray that You fill my heart with forgiveness for the sake of my marriage.
Lord, in Jesus’ name, my Savior and hope. I ask for a miracle to forgive more than I had believed I was capable of. The sin is severe and my heartache is real, but I pray to be able to forgive. Lord help me.
In Jesus’ name.
Both of you may benefit from a prayer for the forgiveness of adultery. The healing process can’t begin until you’re both ready to move on.
Prayer for Adulterous Husband for Repentance
Dearest Father, You have been there for me when the world has failed me. You have seen me at my strongest and weakest. You have guided me through every second of my life. Father, I believe in Your capability to turn the unseen into the seen. To be able to turn the impossible into the possible. Father, my Savior, Protector, and Guidance, I am here asking for another miracle.
My husband, the man who promised to love me, has abandoned his vows and fallen onto the path of sin. I find my heart riddled with grief and pain. My marriage is crumbling, Lord.
I pray for my husband to see the pain that he has caused and for him to repent. I believe in Your ability to fill his heart with guilt over his sin, repentance over the hurt he has caused, and grief over the home he has destroyed. I pray for a miracle. I pray to you, my Lord.
Prayer to Accept Adulterous Husband and Move on
Almighty Father, my mind and heart have been overcome with negativity. My heart feels nothing but pain, and my mind feels nothing but anger. I find myself helpless against this negativity. I find that my heart is unable to move on. I find that my mind is unable to accept it.
Father, I find myself in a sorrowful place. I recall happier times, but I am unable to accept happiness for myself anymore. My husband’s sin has hurt me deeply. I find that I am unable to accept it and unable to move on from it. Help me, my Lord. I know that no one can help, but You.
I trust in You. I have seen Your miracles at my darkest hours and I believe in Your capacity to bestow a miracle upon my aching heart again. Heavenly Father, I am hurt and I am in pain. Bestow upon me the virtue to accept and move on.
This I pray in.
Prayer for Patience with an Adulterous Husband
Lord, I seek Your help in times when my heart is close to giving up. I hold on to hope that when all else fails, my Lord and Healer will be there for me. To replenish my heart with love and happiness that it was once abundant with, to heal my mind from sorrow and grief.
Lord, I turn to You again asking for patience in my time of restlessness. My husband has committed a sin, he has hurt me, deceived me, and broken our vows. I seek Your help, O Father, holding on to my marriage by asking for patience. I pray I persevere in this time. I seek Your help and to you, I pray.
Depending on where your marriage currently is, you could also offer up a prayer for your husband to leave the other woman.
Prayer for a New Start With Your Husband
Heavenly Father, here I stand before You with You knowing the pain that I had been in. The lies, the infidelity, the hurt, the heartache, the acceptance, and now I stand here asking for the ability to begin life anew. Heavenly Father, my Saviour, and my Protector. After all that I have been through, I know that You have been there for me through it all.
In the turmoil that I’ve put behind myself, I know that You were there for me. I know that You were healing my heart every step of the way, and I thank You for where I am today. Father, I pray to you now, having put all of that behind me to begin a new chapter. I pray for a new start.
I pray for life to be happier now than it has ever been. Father, I have felt what I have never felt. My husband and I are now in a better place. I have forgiven. He has repented. Here I stand before you as our hope and our truth, bestow upon us the capacity to begin a new life together – better than it had ever been. Heavenly Father, Almighty Lord, and our Guidance.
This I pray.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
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