For those who are married, the best way to end each day is to pray as a couple. Taking the time together to thank God’s grace for the day and to seek His blessing for the night and the next day helps strengthen your bond as husband and wife.
Here are 6 goodnight prayers for couples to guide you as you pray to God each night.
Let us pray.
Prayer of Thanks for Couples
Dear God, thank You for how You’ve been blessing our marriage with so many good things. You’ve given us a good and loving home to share with one another. We thank You for the blessings we receive daily. Thank You most of all for our physical safety and good health. We praise You for being our protector, provider, and sustainer. We’ve had a productive and safe day because of Your loving hand of guidance and protection over each one of us. Dear God, thank You for being good to us in every way.
Even when we fail You, You always remain faithful to us. You’ve helped us through all the challenging times and struggles we’ve gone through in and outside of our home. Your presence has comforted us in sickness and in need. Even in our conflicts, You are in our midst helping us sort through our differences. Father, we just take this time to thank You for
Your unending grace, love, and goodness.

Prayer for a Stronger Marriage
Loving Father, please help make our marriage strong. Help us grow deeper in our friendship, love, and partnership as husband and wife. We thank You that this day has brought us even closer together. And we pray for more days of togetherness and unity in our decisions and priorities.
Dear God, help us work around our schedules so that we can prioritize our time together and build a stronger friendship. Help us gain more understanding of each other’s uniqueness. May we see and appreciate the value of our differences.
Help us understand that we are different because we will help each other through those differences. Help us learn to be more trusting towards each other. Show us the ways we can help each other in times of weakness. Let Your Spirit speak to us in moments of conflict.
Guide our hearts and minds towards having a united mind so that we may make solid decisions for the good of our family. Dear God, thank You for bringing us together. We know that You have a perfect plan for our marriage and family.
Let Your will be done in our lives, Amen.
Prayer for More Intimacy and Passion in the Marriage Relationship
Father in heaven, as we end this day, we pause and commit our marriage to You. Thank You for all the years of togetherness You’ve given us in this marriage.
Dear God, we pray that You will bless us with more years of strong, intimate, and passionate marriage. God of love, we ask that Your love will fall fresh on us tomorrow and every day after that. We pray that Your love will burn in us a strong desire and affection for one another. Help us be faithful to our marriage vows and may each day lead us closer and more in love with each other.
May our hearts crave for one another as each day goes by. May we see how important our relationship is. May we value one another’s company and attention above all else.
May we be devoted to the preservation of this marriage at all times. Safeguard our hearts so that we don’t get tempted to find fleeting love somewhere else. Dear God, let this marriage relationship satisfy our every need for intimacy and love at all times.
Prayer for Faith for Couples
Almighty God, we thank You for watching over us this day. You are almighty God. You know our ways and You uphold our ways. Dear God, as we sleep tonight, may we rest secure in Your greatness.
We ask for renewed faith and commitment to follow You and honor You in this marriage. You unite us, o Lord. May we never forget that our marriage can only remain strong if we remain faithful to You as a couple.
Dear God, may we put You first continually in our lives. May we prioritize our time with You, reading Your Word, praying to You, and going to church to worship with other believers. Dear God, You are our strong Shelter.
May we always go to You at all times, not just in times of need but even in times of plenty. Give us the discipline to keep praying together as husband and wife as often as we can. Father, thank You for always being with us. May we never forsake our faith and our time with You.
Prayer for Success of Relationship
God of all grace, we thank You for all the successes You’ve given us in and through this marriage. We’ve gone through challenges and we’ve overcome them. In great difficulties, we’ve taken the right steps and have reaped good results from all our labors. Father, bless our ways continually.
Give us the wisdom so we can keep making the right decisions. Help us maintain a calm and sensible mind so that we can approach all challenges with discernment. We seek the Spirit’s guidance over our ways. Lead us in the right direction for our marriage, work, and even business.
Whatever our hands find to do, o God, please bless us so that we can also bless others with the fruit of all our efforts. And keep us united and supportive of each other in all our separate and joint endeavors.
Prayer for Protection for Couples
Great God who sees all our ways, we come to You tonight praying for protection in every way. Keep our home safe tonight as we sleep. Help us wake up sheltered in Your loving arms.
As we go about the next day, protect our marriage from the forces of evil that seek to destroy our relationship.
Watch over our ways and keep us away from other friendships and business or work partnerships that can be a threat to our marriage. Father, keep us on the right path. Shield us from any outside influence that can weaken our commitment to each other.
This we pray, Amen.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
Have your goodnight prayer for couples submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses for Couples Before Bed
What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. – Mark 10:9
In Mark 10:9, Jesus speaks about the sanctity of marriage and relationships, and how humans should not try to break apart what God has joined together.
For couples, this verse is a reminder of the commitment they have made to each other. In good times and in bad, they have promised to stick together. This verse can help to give couples strength when they are going through difficult times. It is also a reminder that, no matter what happens, they will always be connected to each other.
Reading this verse before bed can help couples to remember their commitment to each other and to God. It can also help to give them peace of mind, knowing that their relationship is built on a firm foundation. Any kind of prayer for love or relationships should be offered with this in mind.
Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger – Ephesians 4:26
In a perfect world, couples would never argue. However, the reality is that even the strongest relationships are occasionally tested by conflict. When disagreements arise, it’s important to remember that anger is a normal and healthy emotion. A simple midnight prayer shared as you go to sleep at night can help keep both of you close.
As scripture tells us, we should be angry and yet not sin. In other words, we should express our anger in a constructive way, without resorting to name-calling or hurtful words.
If you’ve ever heard the cliche advice of not going to bed angry? The Bible is where this advice really comes from.