6 Prayers for My Husband to Leave the Other Woman

As a woman, one of the biggest heartbreaks is seeing your husband with another woman. You can try and try to get him to love you the way he used to, but he will never seem to take his eyes off of other women.

You may have tried and your attempts may have been feeble because you never attempted this with God on your side. Here are six divine prayers for my husband to leave the other woman.

Let us pray.


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A Prayer for My Husband

Dear God, I come before You so that you may shower your blessings on the man I married. He has strayed away from the path that You put him on and has broken the sacred vows of our marriage. Dear God, I pray that You show him the way, the light, and the truth and lead him back to his family.

The other woman is just a phase in his life, and nobody can offer happiness and pleasure the way his family does. I pray Dear God, that he sees this as a holy awakening and can understand the mistakes of his ways.

With Your light shining above him and guiding him to the truth, he will be able to see the plans that You have in store for him.

With Your blessing and love, he can now come back to his family and uphold the vows that he promised to me on our wedding day.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

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A Prayer for The Other Woman

Lord, I am humbly before You asking you the show the light in the right way to the other woman. God, I know that my husband has committed the act of infidelity and I come before You for your help.

The other woman may be able to please him momentarily, but with Your guidance and my love, he will be able to come back to his family. The other woman has committed a terrible act and she must be punished. I pray that in time, she sees the error of her ways. I pray she sees that she has broken my family by committing the acts that she has done.

Dear God as much as I pray that she gets her punishment, I also pray for her well-being. May she never do this to another woman or family. I pray she sees her errors and hope You bless her with the gift of knowledge and guidance.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

Bible Verse for My Husband to Leave the Other Woman

A Prayer for Me

Dear God, I come before You as Your child with a broken heart. My happiness has been shattered and it is only You who can put me back together. After witnessing the terrible news, I beg for Your sympathy, love, guidance, and help through this troublesome time.

I am asking that You shed Your light over me and protect me in this desperate time. My husband has committed a terrible act and I pray that you hold together my heart in this crucial time. I may appear as a weak, fragile shell and I need You to be my shepherd. I pray that You give me the strength and reasoning to be able to bring my husband back to our family.

I pray that You give me guidance and show me how to get my husband to love me the way he wants to. I also pray that You allow me to go back onto the path that You’ve created for me with my husband so that we may continue our life together.

I hope that You help me see the light in the situation and bring out the best in me.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

Bible Verse for My Husband to Leave the Other Woman

A Prayer for My Children

Dear God, after my husband’s despicable acts, I pray that You help guide my children.  I pray they don’t think of their father differently, and that they forgive him as I did. I ask that You show them the light like you once showed me so that we may move forward, together, as a family.

I pray that they forgive him and they trust him like the honest man he is. I pray that they are not affected by this small mistake and we can move forward as a stable household.

We have such a strong foundation that we stand on because of our love for You. We are praying that at this time, Your love shines through the darkness and helps us see the way.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

A Prayer for My Home

Dear God, my home was once broken and You were the glue that’s stuck the pieces back together. I thank You Lord for helping me see the light in a dark situation and I am grateful that You loved me at a point where I could not love myself. I am thankful that you were there every step of the way and Your guidance never left my side for a minute.

I thank You for bringing us the truth, reasoning, and the help that we needed in our time and I pray that You continue to provide us with these things and more. I thank you Lord for your presence in these situations and hope that You bless us with your company forevermore.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

Short Prayer for Your Husband to Leave the Other Woman

Holy Father,

Drive my husband from this other woman. Bring him back to me and our marriage. Show him the happiness we could share together.


A Prayer for Our Future Together

Dear God, You have shown us the light in a dark situation. I pray now that my family has come together and we have made a decision on the future, You can continue guiding us in the ways that you have before.

I pray that You keep us on this path that You have made for us, and hope that you can allow no further discrepancies to enter our home. From now on God, I ask that you shed constant light on us to provide us with love and guidance. May the past not have the opportunity to repeat itself and may the future bring light, love, and happiness into our lives.

Dear God, I also pray that You show us the way and allow us to fulfill our purposes on Your earth.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, amen.

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How Do I Pray for My Cheating Husband?

Prayer can be an incredibly powerful tool for healing a broken marriage (in fact we have some specific prayers for a failing marriage that might also help solve any root problems).

Begin by praying for your Husband’s heart to soften and for him to repent of his adultery. Pray that he will come to see the harm that his adultery has caused, not only to you and your marriage but also to the other woman. The Bible teaches us that adultery is a serious sin.

Secondly, we need to pray to god for the wisdom and strength required to resist temptation. For your husband to have the wisdom to see the value in your marriage and for your strength in allowing the marriage to heal.

Lastly, pray for your husband to have a deep desire to reconnect with you and build your marriage back. Rebuild the trust between you and bring you both back stronger than before. Pray for the grace of God to surround your marriage so that this doesn’t happen again.

Try, as hard as it is, to remember the word of God tells us we shouldn’t seek harm on others. You could use a prayer to make someone go away to drive them from your life and husband but don’t attempt to cause them harm.

Bible Verses for My Husband to Leave the Other Woman

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22

The Bible is full of wisdom on how to live a happy and fulfilling life, and that includes advice on relationships. This verse is often interpreted as meaning that marriage is a blessing from God. And while there is certainly truth to that, I think it can also be applied to the situation of a husband who is cheating on his wife.

God tells us that a husband should cherish his wife and that adultery is a sin. So, by praying for your husband to find repentance and to return to his wife, you are seeking God’s favor in your marriage.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32

In Ephesians 4:32, the Bible tells us to be kind and forgiving to others, just as God has been kind and forgiving to us. This verse can be a source of comfort and strength when we are struggling with hurt feelings or difficult circumstances.

When we ask God to help us forgive those who have wronged us, He will give us the grace and wisdom we need to let go of our anger and resentment. He will also help us to see the situation from His perspective and to respond in a way that is honoring Him.

Short Prayer for Your Husband to Leave the Other Woman

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