7 Powerful Prayers for Protection From Evil Spirits

More than ever, this world can feel dark and fearful. These six prayers for protection from evil spirits invite God to shield us and surround us with shelter and security in His strong and loving arms.

Let us offer these prayers in faith, believing that our Father will hear and answer our requests for protection.

Note: These prayers are mostly against specific emotions from spirits of evil temptation. If you’re fearful of the work of evil spirits generally use our prayers to keep evil away instead.


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Prayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits

Lord our Father, our mighty helper and light in the darkness. You are our defender, our fortress and our savior from evil. There is no other like you and we put our faith in you completely.

Sanctify this space from evil and cast your protecting light upon us. Preserve your devoted followers and guard them with your almighty aid.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


If you are worried about this, we have a larger collection of prayers for protection from evil you might wish to share as well.

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Prayer of Protection From the Spirit of Anxiety

Prayers for Protection From Evil SpiritsLoving Father, thank you for your Word that reminds me that I don’t have to be anxious about anything, but I can bring my worries and concerns to you.

You specialize in calming storms, Lord Jesus, and I pray that you would miraculously settle the storm of anxiety raging inside me.  When I am distressed, I ask for your peace.  When I am worried and fearful, I pray for the comfort and assurance of your presence.

Thank you, God, for protecting me from the spirit of anxiety and easing my apprehension.  I trust you to keep me safe and at rest.


Prayer of Protection From the Spirit of Jealousy

Lord Jesus, we are bombarded on every side by media and marketing that would have us believe we are somehow lacking.  We don’t have enough.  We don’t do enough.  We don’t make enough money or have enough friends or enjoy enough food, travel, or possessions.

When we scroll through social media, it’s easy to be distracted by and envious of others and the nearly perfect life that some seem to portray.  It’s easy to become overcome by the spirit of jealousy, Lord.

Jealousy and envy are evil spirits that can poison our souls and cause us to feel contention for those nearest and dearest to us.  These evil spirits can even cause us to hate others without cause and be bitter or angry with you as if you have somehow slighted us.

God, I need you to touch my heart. I petition you now for the spirits of gratitude and contentment to replace the envy and jealousy within me.  I ask for your help in not comparing myself to others and not wishing for what is not mine to have.

You are my all in all.  You meet every need and care for me with grace and generosity, goodness, and mercy.  Holy Lord, I ask you to protect me from the spirit of jealousy and let it not influence my thoughts or actions.


Bible Verse For Protection From Evil Spirits

Prayer of Protection From the Spirits of Sickness and Infirmity

Almighty God, you are our Great Physician.  I thank you for wonderfully and fearfully creating me in my mother’s womb.  You know my body fully, oh Lord, every cell, and every system.

As I come to you now, offering these prayers of protection from evil spirits, I specifically ask that you shield me from sickness and infirmity.

Lord, I ask that you grant me wisdom and willingness to do my part to keep my body healthy and well.  My body is your sanctuary, your place of worship, your temple, and I am its steward.  Strengthen me to care for it in a way that pleases you.

Please bless my body, my mind, my heart, and my soul with health and wellness.  Please deliver me from any illness within, whether known or unknown to me.  And please heal any infirmity, correct any disorder, and restore anything that is not working correctly.

Protect me, Oh God, from the spirits of sickness and infirmity.  Protect me from accidents, illnesses, injuries and diseases.  I ask in the name of Jesus.


Prayer of Protection From the Spirit of Depression

Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for the joy of my salvation.  I am so grateful that you trade beauty for ashes. You replace mourning with joy and the spirit of heaviness with the garment of praise. I am so appreciative that you love and care for every part of me.

Father, I ask you to prevent my thoughts from turning dark and hopeless.  I pray that you would fend off any oppression, shame, guilt, heaviness, or fear that would try to depress, sadden, or dismay me from finding a home in my heart or my head.

May the joy of my salvation bubble up within me and overflow as you shield me with your love and mercy.  Thank you, Jesus.


Prayer of Protection From the Spirit of Unforgiveness

Forgiving Father, I am humbled and amazed at your forgiveness.  You are so gracious to pardon such unimaginable wrongs, to absolve me from such unspeakable offenses.  You are quick to forgive and cast our transgressions as far as the east is from the west.

Grant me, oh Lord, the ability, desire, and self-discipline to forgive others as you forgive me.  I know I too often hold a grudge.  I am guilty of tossing wrongdoings in the face of those that have offended me instead of letting them go.  I harbor resentment and am sometimes too quick to anger and too slow to forgive.

I repent, merciful God, and ask that you fill me with love, compassion, and understanding.  Protect me from the spirit of unforgiveness, and let me have a forgiving heart.


Prayer of Protection From the Spirit of Fear

Lord of all, I am grateful that you have given me the spirit of a sound mind, of power, and love.  You have not given me a spirit of dread or worry or fear. When I walk through the deepest and darkest valleys, yes, even the valley of death, you are there with me.

Thank you for the Isaiah 43 reminder that I don’t need to be afraid because I’m yours.  You have called me by my name, and you have redeemed me.  No matter what I pass through, you protect me.  You protect me from the flames when I walk through fire.  You prevent the waters from sweeping over me when I pass through the rivers.

God, I pray for protection from the evil spirit of fear.  I pray you would give me the strength to cling to you and your truth because I know that fear is a liar.  Fear would have me feel frantic and hopeless about things that might not even be true.  Fear wants me to forget that you, Almighty God, are in control.

I pray that you would replace fear, worry, and anxiety within me with calm assurance, confidence in you and your Word, and a peaceful heart that is settled by your presence.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.


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Prayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits

Bible Verses For Protection From Evil Spirits

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. – Psalm 23:4

Psalm 23:4 is one of the most well-known and beloved passages in the Bible, and for good reason. In this verse, King David proclaims his trust in God, even in the midst of darkness and danger. He knows that God is with him and that He will protect him from all evil.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good – Romans 12:21

The Bible verse from Romans 12:21 is a strong statement about how Christians should live their lives. It is saying that we should not let evil take control of us, but instead use good to fight against it. This is because God is on our side and will protect us against evil spirits. Sometimes all it takes is a simple prayer for spiritual cleansing to force evil from your life.

The reason why we should overcome evil with good is that it will eventually triumph. There are many examples in the Bible where good has triumphed over evil, such as when Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness.

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