These powerful prayers to St Joseph for a job ask for help and guidance bringing you towards the next chapter in your life. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers and many Christians pray to him for help finding employment.
If you are looking for work, here are some prayers to Saint Joseph that may help you find employment.
Let us pray.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Those Seeking Employment
Oh, St. Joseph, you were faced with the same situation of having to provide for the well-being of Mary and Jesus. You had to provide for all of their comforts and necessities.
As one who knows the troubles and anxieties of having to support a family and one who knows the stress of having to provide for others, please hear my prayer.
Understand my suffering and my inability to provide for my family, and help me be able to find work for them soon. Please take from my shoulders the burden of my inability and help me to find gainful employment.
Please help me not get discouraged, so that I may find a greater blessing in the end, and come from this trial spiritually more aware.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
You could also offer up a prayer to St Jude for employment.

Prayer for Anyone Seeking Employment
Oh, dear Lord, you have created us all and know us each by name. Through you, we have been chosen to be your sons and daughters. We strive to help you build a kingdom here on Earth. We want to share our talents and gifts with others. Please give us employment so that we may bring you joy through our work. We need to do your will.
Help our families to have patience while we look for a way to provide for them. Do not let stress take away from our love for each other nor let the desire for material possessions diminish our love for you. We ask this through Jesus’ name.
Prayer to Say While Unemployed
Dear Lord, I now realize how much I have to offer and how much meaning being able to go to work gave my life. I now feel the emptiness of not being able to go out and do work now that my routine is altered. I must remember that no matter what frustrations I may face, I still have the opportunity to serve you.
While I continue to search for some kind of steady employment, may I remember that I can still be grateful for all that I have and all that I can do in your name.
I ask this in Jesus’ name.
If you’re currently unemployed, you could take this opportunity to offer up a prayer for vocations as well.
Prayer to Find a Steady Job
Dear St. Joseph, you know the struggle of having to provide food and shelter for a family. Oh Lord, there are so many people in our country who are in need of constant jobs that pay affordable wages to be able to provide for themselves and for their families. Please give them the self-confidence to persevere and succeed in their search for employment.
Please teach them, Lord, to not be discouraged in their search. Let them know you are there and offer them guidance when they need it. Help me give my guidance to anyone who is in need of it.
For everyone in our country that is unemployed, we offer our prayers that they will find work that not only provides them with an income, but that uses their talents and skills to the best of their ability.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for Saint Joseph the Worker
Dear God, Our Creator and Savior, the gifts and talents that have been given to us by you are in need. We will use them how you see fit and in accordance with Your Divine Will. Through Saint Joseph the Worker, being our guide and model, may I find employment and work, and provide for those that may depend on me financially for support.
May I work with dignity and use the opportunities given to me. May I use my talents and abilities for the good of all, and do it in the glory and honor of your name. I ask this in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for Those Who Have Lost their Job
Dear Holy Lord, it is with a heavy heart that I come to you today, filled with uneasy anxiety about the future. I am now in some serious trouble due to being out of work and am in great need.
Please, Lord, help me to be able to forgive myself for the position I am in. Please grant me peace of mind so that I may continue to live my life in your grace.
I ask of you Lord, for the guidance to be a better and wiser person. I will strive to remember that through you all things are possible and that even though life may not be easy, you are always by my side.
I ask this in Your name.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Protection While Looking for a Job
Dear Saint Joseph, as you were the savior of the child Jesus, please watch over us as you watched over him. Keep us under your protection, and let us look to your example, so that we may live a holy life. We ask that you show us the way to employment that will use our gifts for the good of those around us.
Saint Joseph, with you as our guide, we can do what is asked of us and find a job to bring financial stability to our home and family.
Please watch over us and take away our stress and anxiety while we look for employment. Help to turn bitterness and discouragement from our hearts. We ask this in Jesus’ name.
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