30 Consecrated Bible Verses for Panic Attacks
Terror can grip your heart so tightly that it makes it hard to breathe. You can actually get it even if you are not under stress or have nothing to fear. It can be so unexpected, and so it’s important to always meditate on Bible verses on panic attacks to be ready to respond when

23 Blessed Bible Verses for Homeschooling
These are a collection of my favorite bible verses about homeschooling. With the state of education in many countries today, it’s much better to get your children’s training started at home. There are encouraging Bible verses on homeschooling that show it’s much better for children to be educated at home. Consider this, some schools in

41 Pure Bible Verses for Single Moms
Curious about what the Holy Bible says about single moms? These verses should give you some guidance. Every day you work hard and strive to meet all the needs of your children, often sacrificing your own. You do everything humanly possible to be a good parent, but the struggle is real and trying to do

44 Angelic Bible Verses for Birthdays
Each one of us is placed in this world for a reason. The Lord specially planned our destiny before we were even born, and that’s why birthdays are incredibly relevant in every person’s life. They are the annual reminders of God’s goodness, which is why it also brings Him great joy when we celebrate this

54 Encouraging Bible Verses for Healing Sickness
Your sickness shall be healed if it is following God’s will. These Bible verses for healing sickness help remind us that the Lord is watching over us and shall never forsake us. However, God may not always will someone’s physical healing. Even with earnest prayers and unwavering trust in God’s ability to heal, no healing

35 Healing Bible Verses for Heartache
God is the only one who understands the depth of your heartache. These Bible verses for heartache can help you to heal and move forward. He is the only one who truly comprehends love and heartbreak. All that you will ever need is His unfailing, unbreakable love for you. Each person has experienced this agony

58 Devout Bible Verses for Protection From Disease
God is a healer, but He doesn’t always lead us along the path of healing. These Bible verses for protection from a disease will help us to understand His will and keep us (and our loved ones) safe. He sometimes allows us to endure suffering, illness, and hardship as part of His divine plan for our

37 Blessing Bible Verses for Everlasting Life
God offers us eternal life out of His tremendous love for humanity. These Bible verses for everlasting life remind us of what awaits us in heaven by his side. Contrary to popular belief, eternal life does not entail an endless existence. Everlasting life is what we have now. It is not a process that starts

40 Pure Bible Verses for Revenge
As Christians, you are never to retaliate or seek revenge against someone who has wronged you. These Bible verses for revenge can help you understand the teachings of God. To want revenge or to think about revenge constantly is unhealthy. God does not desire resentment, hatred, or vindication to reside in your heart. God desires for

25 Consecrated Bible Verses for Engaged Couples
Christian couples who are thinking of getting married must realize the depth of such a commitment. These Bible verses for engaged couples remind us of how important this promise is. God intends marriage to be a permanent commitment, not a momentary partnership. Before getting engaged, Christians should make sure they have a good grasp of their

68 Blessed Bible Verses for Luck
As true Christians, we know that God is always there for us and that alone is a blessing but these Bible verses for luck can invite His eternal blessing into our lives. On top of this, we Christians can reject luck because it is stated in Scripture that everything is predetermined by God. There may have

78 Devotional Bible Verses for Witnessing God
You are completely capable of witnessing God. These Bible verses for witnessing God can help you see His presence in your daily life. A person can see God with the eyes of his heart even though God is a spirit, a form of life that is invisible to human sight. You come to know Him

25 Encouraging Bible Verses for The Weary
If you feel that you’re spiritually weary, it’s likely because you are not resting in God. These Bible verses for the weary remind us that God is always there to offer His support. You could feel as though you have a lot on your plate while attempting to please God. Weary people may experience emotional

25 Devotional Bible Verses for Mission Trips
Mission trips allow you to expand God’s kingdom. These Bible verses for mission trips help us understand His will and inspire us to spread the word and love of God. The gospel must be preached everywhere so that everyone can hear it. Some individuals have still never heard of Jesus Christ or His message of

39 Blessed Bible Verses for Procrastination
Procrastination is sinful as it causes us to waste time and abilities that God has given us. What should you do when procrastination, the slothful demon, tries to infiltrate your life? These Bible verses for procrastination can guide us on how to live our lives productively and by the word of God. Learning to live

15 Sacrosanct Bible Verses for Atheists
As Christians, the scripture calls upon us to spread the love and word of God to those in need of his love. These Bible verses for atheists can guide us on how to do this. Do not consider atheists a threat to your religious belief; instead, consider them as open individuals who need the message

47 Hopeful Bible Verses for Positive Thinking
When we feel uncertain, unsure and faced with obstacles we, as Christians, are charged with believing in God and his plans for us. These Bible verses for positive thinking can help us remain positive and trust in Him. Positive thinking works because it is a God-given spiritual truth. We are encouraged to examine the things

41 Saving Bible Verses for Lost Souls
As True Christians, we are called upon to always seek the love of God and pray continually. These Bible verses for lost souls can give us guidance when we feel we have strayed too far or we can use them to help others in our life in need of help. Lost souls need unconditional love

34 Pious Bible Verses for Despair to Help You
These Bibles verses for despair can help us to see God’s help when times are hard. When you’re in despair, keep in mind that Jesus triumphs all. Keeping the faith is difficult when things are bad. It’s difficult to be obedient and believe that God is in control and will bring it to pass when

27 Bible Verses for Insecurity and Worry
God does not leave his believers to toil in worry and fear. These Bible verses for insecurity help give us guidance and support from the word of the Lord. Being grounded in God’s word gives us the power to crush our insecurities. When we feel insecure, we allow a lack of self-confidence or trust in

27 Bible Verses For Bad Days That Ease the Struggle
Sometimes we struggle and face hardships, true Christians know this struggle is not in vain but sometimes we could use a little solace and help from scripture. These Bible verses for bad days remind us that there is more for us on the road ahead. God does not give us things we cannot deal with.

9 Angelic Bible Verses For Adventure
These Bible verses about adventure tell us that God has more in store for us than we might think. He looks beyond the simple tasks and chores of life and guides us to something greater while shielding us from the storm. God has an adventure in store for you. If there was one message you need to

30 Sanctified Bible Verses About the Devil
God has a message for you today and these Bible verses about the devil come with both a warning and a promise. The Bible tells us of the threat of false apostles doing the work of Satan but also of Gods protection granted to us and the shield of God that can cover us in

37 Hallowed Bible Verses For Praying For Others
While prayer is a private conversation between you and God, the Bible does teach us what we are supposed to do as true Christians. These Bible verses on praying for others helps us to understand what the Bible says about praying on behalf of other people in our life. Some of these verses are clear

55 Special Bible Verses For Living For God
As Christians, we know that we have a true calling. A path that takes us further. We know this because the word of God tells us that judgment day is coming and these Bible verses for living for God guide us forward and teach us how to live a life that is well and true in His

38 Blessed Bible Verses For Unbelievers
Your words are more powerful than you know. The words of a true believer have the ability to shape the destiny of another on Earth and these Bible verses for unbelievers helps us to shine the light on those who do not yet see the truth and love of God. The Lord gives us these words

8 Pious Bible Verses For Monday Morning
These Bible verses for Monday morning remind us of God’s goodness and faithfulness even on the most difficult of days. As we embark on a new week, let us be encouraged by Scripture and empowered by the Lord to face whatever challenges come our way. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

41 Faithful Bible Verses For Tiredness
When you are tired and struggling, these Bible verses for tiredness can lift you from your struggles and remind you that God is always with you. In times of struggle and hardship, God’s Word can be a source of comfort and strength. Allow His divine teachings to renew your strength and fill you with hope

25 Faithful Bible Verses For Feeling Worthless
If you (or someone you know) are struggling with feelings of feeling worthless, then these Bible verses can remind us that God is always there for us and sometimes all we need to do is to ask for His help. Our day-to-day lives can sometimes hide our true value from us. We can become distracted

31 Hallowed Bible Verses For Breakups
The Lord God watches over us in our toughest times and these Bible verses for breakups remind us that no matter what we are going through, His love for us is everlasting. Heartbreak can leave us feeling hopeless but God doesn’t forget us. The Bible tells us that He is always with us, especially in

42 Sanctified Bible Verses For Students in School
Turning to the word of God and allowing these Bible verses for students in school to be a light in our lives. The Lord can help any student focus, understand and succeed. He gave us his only son, Jesus Christ and wants to see us succeed. These verses can help whether you are a student,

40 Faithful Bible Verses For Long Distance Relationships
These Bible verses for long-distance relationships can help Christians to still feel loved and connected, even when miles apart. Physical distance is often viewed as a barrier to communication and intimacy, but with God’s help, long-distance relationships can blossom into beautiful examples of faith and trust. The power of God can help both of you

14 Revered Bible Verses for Overwhelming Times
These Bible verses for overwhelming times can help us when we fall on troubling times. When we go about our lives, sometimes we face some challenging circumstances. There are many times when we are facing hardships and we find ourselves confused about how we got to this situation, and we also often forget that God

27 Pious Bible Verses For Nurses
The scripture on Nurses speaks of those who bear heavy duties and hard work but bring huge change to people’s lives every single day. All of us owe something to these incredible workers and whether you are a nurse yourself or seeking scripture to help support or thank someone who is, I hope these words from

26 Divine Bible Verses For New Home Construction
These are a collection of my favorite bible verses about new home construction. Whether you’re embarking on building your forever home or seeking the Lord’s help in making it happen these words from the Bible can help guide you. No matter where you are in your journey on home construction, God can give us guidance

50 Hallowed Bible Verses about Blessings
May these scriptures fill your heart with hope and joy as you seek God’s blessing in your life! These Bible verses on blessings show us the words of God. May the words from The Lord God guide you. These Bible verses for blessings tell us God has given us favor for a reason. This is

49 Hallowed Bible Verses about Betrayal
Betrayal is one of the most painful experiences that someone can go through. It feels like a cold knife slicing through your heart. Betrayal can leave you feeling isolated and alone. But you are not alone. The Bible has many verses about betrayal that can offer comfort and hope. These Bible verses for betrayal tell

30 Pious Bible Verses about Believing
There are a lot of Bible verses about believing. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to do when you don’t feel like you believe in God. Here are some of the most pious Bible verses about believing to help encourage you during tough times. Remember that God is always with you, and he

59 Pure Bible Verses For Being Yourself
There’s no need to become someone else when you are a Christian. You are special and loved just the way you are. These Bible verses about being yourself will remind you of God’s love for you and His plan for your life. Embrace who you are and let your light shine! These Bible verses for

56 Devout Bible Verses about Being Saved and Salvation
Being saved is one of the most important things in a Christian’s life. Jesus died on the cross so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. There are many Bible verses about being saved, and these verses can provide encouragement and guidance to Christians who are looking to be saved. Here are some

59 Consecrated Bible Verses about Being Quiet
In our noisy world, it’s more important than ever to learn the art of being quiet. These consecrated Bible verses about being still and listening can help. Take some time for yourself today and be strengthened by God’s word. Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. Psalm

61 Consecrated Bible Verses about Being Grateful
Being grateful is one of the main tenants of Christianity. It’s easy to be grateful when everything in your life is going great, but what about when things are tough? These Bible verses will help motivate and encourage you to be grateful, no matter what life throws your way. These Bible verses for being grateful

37 Angelic Bible Verses about Being Alone
There’s something about being alone that feels both peaceful and daunting at the same time. For Christians, though, being alone can be a time of spiritual growth and connection with God. If you’re feeling lonely, take comfort in these Bible verses that focus on the angelic presence of God. He is always with you, even

18 Divine Bible Verses about Babies
Babies are a miraculous gift from God. Parenthood is one of the highest callings that a Christian can receive. Many Christians look for Bible verses to bless their children and encourage them in their faith. Here are some of our favorite divine Bible verses about babies. May they provide you and your child with strength,

27 Angelic Bible Verses about Beauty
The Bible is filled with verses about God’s love and care for us. While many of these verses refer to salvation or redemption, there are also a number of verses that discuss our beauty and how we should reflect it. Here are some of the best Bible verses about beauty, all from the perspective of

56 Pious Bible Verses about Appreciation
These Bible verses about appreciation help us to enjoy our own lives and appreciate the work of God and others in our life. As Christians, we know that our God is highly appreciative of us. The Bible is filled with verses about God’s appreciation and love for His people. Here are some pious quotes to

58 Divine Bible Verses about Answered Prayers
These Bible verses about answered prayers remind us of the promises the Lord made us and the blessings he pours upon us. Doubt can face even the purest of hearts and truest of Christians but the Bible tells us that God listens to our prayer. His words remind us that we need only to listen

26 Holy Bible Verses about Adultery
The Holy Bible is clear when it comes to verses about adultery. The most commonly known (and blatant) example is: You shall not commit adultery. Adultery is a sin against God and can cause extreme hurt and anguish. If you (or someone you know) is dealing with an adulterous spouse, these words from the Bible can help

32 Blessed Bible Verses about Adoption
The Bible tells us that we are all God’s children and these Bible verses about adoption show us that one of the most blessed things we can do is to care for another and bring them to The Lord’s love. These bible verses can help bring comfort and guidance if you (or someone you know) are going

19 Holy Bible Verses about Addiction
These Bible verses for addiction tell us that God has the power of addiction even over Satan. He can offer help to ourselves and those around us in a time of need. The following Bible verses for addiction explain how to find help from God. These words and His teaching can help guide us back

51 Revered Bible Verses about Acceptance
These Bible verses for Acceptance tell us what God’s will is for our lives. These verses talk about acceptance of Christ, acceptance of ourselves and our own humanity and acceptance of others around us. When we accept His will, then we can fully know the peace that passes all understanding and become closer to Him.

32 Devotional Bible Verses about Abundance
This collection of Bible verses about abundance reminds us that the Lord will provide abundance in joy and purpose for those that follow Him and believe. These verses help support and encourage your faith and invite abundance and affluence into your life. If you would like me to pray on your behalf, join me in

14 Sacrosanct Bible Verses about Abortion
A collection of Bible verses about abortion give us an insight into what the Bible says about abortion. While it might not use the term itself, The Lord does tell us the value of every human life including children in the womb. Get your prayer spread throughout prayer groups and Churches with our prayer request. What do these

50 Divine Bible Verses about A Broken Heart
These are a collection of my favorite Bible verses about a broken heart that can help ease the pain and burden you’re feeling now. The Lord God heals broken hearts if we let him remove this pain from us. “When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm

39 Consecrated Bible Verses about Protection
These Bible verses on protection can invoke the protection of our Lord to watch over you and those around you. The Lord blesses us with His divine word and teachings and we can use this scripture to don the armor of God and when God is with us, who can possibly be against us? You

31 Hallowed Bible Verses about Overcoming Grief
These verses on overcoming grief show us the words of God and give us some guidance through difficult times of loss. When we are grieving, it’s important to know that God hears our heartache. He’s always listening to our prayers. He knows what we are going through, and he is always there with us. These

35 Angelic Bible Verses for Newborn Baby Protection
A new baby is a blessing from the Lord! When you welcome your new bundle of joy into the world, be sure to start reading through these Bible verses for the protection of a newborn baby. This way, God can protect and guide these little ones as they grow up in our world. There are

Bible Verses for Protection Against Witchcraft
The Bible is explicit about witchcraft and what happens to those who cast spells, sorcery and necromancy. God, through Christ, protects true believers from such wickedness. But we live in a world where Satan pervades in subtle and sneaky ways. With all that’s put before us on a daily basis, it is easy to find
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