Blessed Tuesday Morning Prayer

This Tuesday morning prayer helps prepare you for the rest of the week ahead. Lining your intentions up to follow the word of God and prepares you for a successful week. With the panic of Monday passed, Tuesday is a good time to take a moment to remember the words of God and what he wants for us.

Let us pray.


🙏 If you would like me to pray on your behalf play the video above and listen along.☝️
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Short Tuesday Morning Prayer

Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning to ask for Your guidance and wisdom as we face the day ahead.

Help us to use our time wisely, and to always be prepared for whatever comes our way. Give us strength when we are weak, and courage when we are afraid.

Most of all, help us to remember that You are always with us, no matter what challenges we may face. Thank You for Your love and mercy.


Powerful Tuesday Morning Prayer

This was a longer prayer shared with our YouTube congregation on a Tuesday morning. If you would like something shorter and easier to use, we have a list of morning prayers or you could offer up a prayer for morning gratitude.

Lord God Almighty, please accept this Tuesday morning prayer as my gift of time to you. Time out of my life to honor you in all your glory. You are truly omnipresent and powerful. This prayer is my way of taking time out of my life to honor you and give you thanks and praise.

You rule the heavens and the earth with a hand of justice and care. You sent your only son amongst us to be persecuted and sacrificed to show how much you love us. Jesus suffered grievously at our hands in all manner of persecutions before we finally crucified him.

When your son rose again and ascended into the heavens you showed us that we too have a place in your kingdom if we follow the word of the Lord. We have been given a set of commandments and many ways to understand your word through your teachings in the bible.

In this Tuesday prayer, I want to pay special homage to Mary the mother of God, she bore the child Jesus and she brought him up knowing that he was the son of God destined for different things. Mary grieved his sufferings and his loss and later celebrated his ascension into heaven, where she joined him.

prayer submit

Mary as a mother has set the standard of motherhood throughout the ages, she loved with all her might, gave birth in a stable to the most important man to be amongst us, she had nothing and used a lowly barn as the birthplace.

Mary was chosen to receive God’s grace and to become the mother of Jesus, she was a virgin and a good woman, on this Tuesday we honor her role in bringing this special man into the world. She suffered through the birth in the barn and let her child into the city to preach knowing that he faced ridicule and harm.

Mary watched all this with acceptance as the will of God, this strength and goodness and acceptance of the will of God is what I am embracing in this Tuesday prayer. Let me try and remember the love between mothers and their children, and to remember all mothers in this prayer.

Scripture for Tuesday Morning

Mary Mother of God, be with me as I walk into the world today, let me have some of your grace and strength to face whatever the day brings. You bore a child in the worst of circumstances without help and you graced the world with your calm acceptance of your fate.

Bring me some of that grace as I work, help me to see people not with scorn but with love and help me to bear any troubles and to walk in your light footprints.

With this Tuesday prayer, help me to remember your grace whilst in pain, help me keep the image of you at your son’s cross, feeling his suffering and knowing that this was God’s will that he die for mankind. Help me to remember the sacrifice you both made for us.

The sufferings we undergo at work are minor compared to the pain you and your son endured for us. Help me to offer up any small troubles to you Mary and to your son Jesus. Help me to remember that his resurrection and ascension into heaven was a miracle sent to remind us all that our true place is in heaven.

Whilst in this life help me to remember my true path and keep me safe so that one day I may join you in that eternal place in peace and love. Help me to show love to others where I can today and to remember that all small sacrifices on my part can be offered to you and your son Jesus.

Let this Tuesday pass peaceably and safely for all of us, without any major dramas or sorrows.

Help me to remember that you are by my side and to take a few minutes during the day to give you praise. A silent acknowledgment of your presence is all I have to remember in those quiet few minutes.

Lord God praise you for bringing me into this new day, praise you for allowing me to walk with you to bathe in your quiet presence. As Mary stays with me to help me remember the love mothers bring into the world and the nature of true sacrifice, so too do you in my overwhelming love for you.

Make me worthy to walk through the day with this support and love in my life. I am truly glad to know you God and to be able to ask for your help when I need it and to be able to carry your word into the world.

As the day ends, be there with me at home to bring the same best self home so that any troubles and travails I encounter at work do not bleed into my life after work. Let me walk in your companionship as I have my family life to deal with.

There are times when life at home is stressful, help me take a calm and accepting approach to all those around me, look after my friends and family and walk in your grace in all my dealings with them.

Mother Mary this is where you are most sought after, you understand families and all the demands they bring as well as all the love and reward that exist by being inside one. Help me to see the good side in all my family, help me to be generous in all ways, including with my love.

As night draws in on this Tuesday bring my day safely to a peaceful close, remind me to thank you for all the small joys of the day, and for your help in any difficult situations.

Lord thank you for all your small mercies and all your support and love in my life.

Lord hear my prayer.


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Scripture for Tuesday Morning

Scripture for Tuesday Morning

Pray without ceasing -Thessalonians 5:17

This is a simple instruction that reminds us that we should always remember what is important and that the regular Tuesday prayer is important.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours – Mark 11:24

This is one of the frequent times in the Bible when we are told that prayer is a good thing where we are free to ask for whatever we want and need and that the Lord will listen to our prayers. This arrives to tell us that we need to recognize his power and not be afraid to ask for help and grace. This is exactly what this Tuesday prayer helps you do.

If there is something in particular that you need to ask for help with you can add it to the end of this or any other prayer. God will listen.

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