Studying the word of God is one of the easiest ways to increase your connection to the divine and these closing prayers for Bible study are a perfect way to end a session together and go forward in His grace. God gave us the Bible to teach us about Jesus and how Jesus Christ acted. As we study the scriptures, we can learn about how we ought to behave and how we ought to treat others.
If we study the good book together, we can help others come closer to God. We can also learn from the wise insight of those on the path to God with us. As you open and close your Bible study groups, if you use prayer, you can further magnify the strength of that study.
The following prayers will help you close your Bible study and carry the word of God in your heart as you go in peace for the rest of your day. You can also share a prayer to open Bible study whether you’re coming together as a group or studying by yourself.
Let us pray.
Closing Prayer For Bible Study Group
Dear Father God,
Thank You for guiding this group in our study of Your holy word. We have genuinely been edified through the words of Your servants found in the Holy Bible. We are so grateful to have Your word here on earth so that we can better ourselves and learn more about You.
We are so grateful for the wisdom each member of this study group shared tonight. Please help us acknowledge and remember the messages our fellow Christians have shared in this meeting. We are grateful for their presence and support. We are grateful to have this community of Christians to strengthen us.
God, please touch our hearts with the messages we have studied that we need to remember this week. Teach us about charity, faith, endurance, and love by touching our hearts as we remember the words we read tonight. Give us the courage to act wisely and kindly as servants of God and representatives of Jesus Christ.
Lord, as we go our various ways after this meeting, please bless us that we will travel safely and go on the paths of goodness.
We humbly offer this prayer in gratitude and faith, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Prayer For Bible Study Closing
Dear Father God,
Thank you for this lovely Bible study group. We are so grateful that we were able to meet today to read the holy words of Jesus Christ.
Please help us seek a deeper meaning and understanding of the words found in this holy book. We pray that as we part today, we will reflect on the wisdom that was shared today. Help us always remember the love Christ has for each of us.
Please watch over us as we go back to the rest of our days. Help us feel Your loving embrace and guidance in everything that we do.
Help us reach out to everyone who could not attend today. Let them feel Your love through our words and actions so that soon they will rejoin us and share their insight and wisdom.
We humbly and graciously pray today with thanks and hope, Amen.

Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
Closing Prayer For Women’s Bible Study
Dear God,
We are so grateful for this faithful, strong group of women. This Bible study group is such a blessing in our lives, as it gives us a chance to converse with women of faith and learn from one another as we study the holy word of God.
As we end our study, please help us remember what we have learned. Remind us of the strength and courage of the women in this group throughout the rest of the day. Help us not forget the stories of those in the scriptures that we hope to emulate, most of all Jesus Christ.
Give us the pure love of Christ in our lives. Help us have charity for the poor around us. Help us teach those around us righteous truths and the way to connect with you.
Give us the fidelity of Ruth. Inspire us with the courage of Esther. Teach us to be receptive as Mary, the mother of Christ was. Help us be devoted to the word of God as Mary Magdalene was.
We pray that we as righteous women can have an influence for good in the world. Help us spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
We offer this prayer today in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Prayer Of Bible Study Thanks
Holy God in Heaven,
We humbly come before You today to offer gratitude for the wisdom in the Holy Bible. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to come together as faithful Christians and study the life of our divine savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank You for all for the dedication and the generations of people who went before us to ensure that we were able to have the words found in the scriptures today.
Thank You for this community. We are so grateful that our peers have attended and that we all arrived safely. We are grateful for the experiences and insights that were shared tonight. Help us to ponder then alongside the words of the Bible, so that we may act as righteous followers of Christ in all circumstances.
We are so grateful for everything that we learned and studied tonight. Please help us to remember this knowledge as we go about the rest of our lives.
Please help us travel safely to our homes and families this evening. Give us the memory and wisdom to share insight from this meeting with those who were unable to attend, for whatever reason.
Thank You for the wisdom and insight of the Bible.
We offer this prayer of thanks in Your holy name, Amen.

Assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for you,
Short Prayer To End Bible Study
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank You for bringing this Bible study group together. We are grateful for the opportunity we have to study and learn together.
Please help us to always remember to draw strength from the words of Your holy scriptures.
Help us travel in safety after this meeting. Place a special blessing on all those who could not join us tonight.
We are so grateful for the Bible and what it teaches us of Jesus Christ. Help us always think of Him.
We pray today in Christ’s blessed name, Amen.

I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.
Prayer Submission
Have your specific prayer (for your Bible study or anything you wish to share) submitted all over the world: