Regular prayer is important for maintaining your spiritual health. It ensures that you are communing with God and tuning into His desires for your life. Praying every day can help protect you from temptation and sin. The following prayers will help guide you in your daily prayer. Be sure to pray regularly and trust in God’s plan for you.
Whether you spend just a few moments and begin your day with a morning prayer or you just take some time to talk to God about whatever is on your mind, the simple act to reaching out to him each day brings you closer to God. You might also want to offer a short afternoon prayer.
Let us pray.
Daily Bread Prayer
Our Father in Heaven,
We come before You today in prayer to thank You and to ask for a blessing over our physical needs.
Father, give us our daily bread. Give us the food to feed our families. Let no one go to sleep hungry at the end of this day.
Father, we pray that You will watch over our physical needs. While we know that this time on Earth is temporary, we want to enjoy this opportunity to learn and grow. We pray that You will use Your divine power to help provide for us.
Give us the financial capacity and wisdom to save money for times of emergency. Help us earn the money to pay our bills each month, so that we can keep a roof over our heads and warm beds to sleep in.
Father, please provide us with nutritious foods that will keep our bodies strong and healthy. We know that You will take care of us. We have faith in Your plan, and we love connecting with Your divine power. We know that if we trust You, You will provide for our daily needs.
We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. – John 5:14
Short Daily Prayer
Dear God above,
Thank You for watching over me each night while I sleep. Today I pray for Your continued power and protection.
Please help me learn today. Keep me safe from all harm and temptation. Watch over my family and help them find the blessings they need.
Give me opportunities to serve and spread the love of Jesus Christ in my community. I pray that I will spread the light and goodness of the gospel.
I offer this prayer in the name of Christ, Amen.

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. – Chronicles 16:11
Daily Morning Prayer
Holy God,
Thank You for blessing my family. Thank You for helping me sleep through the night. I am so grateful for the protection You offered me that kept me safe while I rested and rejuvenated my body.
As I rise this morning, I pray that You will watch over me. Help me have a successful day. Please remind me of all of the blessings I have and the reasons to be grateful. Let that gratitude fuel me in my endeavors.
I pray that You will send Your spirit to guide me. Please help me know what I should do. Help me be a servant in Your kingdom who spreads goodness and light to everyone around me. Bless me with Your power in my life.
God, I pray that You will comfort me today. As I face trials and difficulties, please comfort me. Grant me courage. Give me the strength to endure, so that I can carry on with faith. I am so grateful for Your enabling power that helps me become stronger and healthier each day.
God, watch over my family today. Keep them safe. Help us stay safe as we travel from place to place. Keep us secure from all harm and damage.
God, help me withstand temptation. When I am faced with temptation, help me remember Your commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I offer this prayer as I start my day in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. – Timothy 2:8
Daily Prayer For Strength
Holy God,
Thank You for watching over me. I am so grateful for this new day and the opportunities it will bring. I come before You in humility to ask for Your strength. I know that I need Your strength to help me grow, learn, and endure difficulties.
God, please grant me the strength to withstand trials. When I face difficulty, please bless me with the strength to press on in righteousness. Please encourage me to have the faith and trust to carry on when I face discouragement.
God, please give me the strength to fight off temptation. When I face situations that tempt me to stray from the teachings of Jesus Christ, please give me the courage to make the right choices. I pray that I will make the right choices in my life.
I also pray that You will bless my body with strength. Give me the strength to carry on with my daily tasks. Help me accomplish everything I would like to do without becoming weak or overworked.
God, I pray today that You will grant me mental strength. Help me face emotional difficulties with fortitude and strength. I pray that I will face adversity with courage and love for my savior.
I know that You have the power to give me strength. I know that Your strength can help me endure through all trials and difficulties.
I humbly offer this prayer in Your holy name, Amen.

That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. – James 1:7
Short Daily Devotional Prayer
Dear Lord,
I am so grateful for Your power in my life. You are my reason for existence and my source of strength.
I come before You today in prayer and to offer my devotion. Turn my heart towards Your teachings and Your blessings. Help me study the words of Your scriptures and acknowledge how they apply in my life.
I pray that You will guide me in my thoughts and actions today. Keep my thoughts pure and clean. Guide my actions in righteousness. Help me aid the poor, the needy, the sick, and the afflicted. Help me ease the burdens of those around me who need my help. Highlight my special gifts and help me know how I can use them to uplift others.
Lord, please accept my devotion. Please help me be a devoted servant. Give me the courage to speak up for truth and righteousness. I pray that You will use me as a tool in Your hands.
Lord, I offer this prayer in Your sacred name, Amen.

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. – Psalms 141:2
Prayer Submission
It doesn’t take much to connect yourself with God and bring yourself closer to His love. As Christians, a short daily prayer can help us live a life for God and ourselves.
Have your daily prayer submitted all over the world: