The following prayers will guide you as you ask for divine mercy prayers for the dying. Trust God and He will take care of everything. Though it is hard, we must remember that when we die, we go to be with the Lord. Until that time comes, however, we can offer prayers on behalf of the dying in the hopes that they will receive strength and peace in their last moments on earth.
The end of someone’s life is an important, emotional time. It brings up worries for their family and a future without them. Death can also bring our minds to the subject of the afterlife, judgment, and mercy. Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of mercy and He can give you peace, comfort, and salvation.
Let us pray.
You might also offer God a prayer for pain relief or a prayer for peace and comfort of the dying on someone else’s behalf.
Short Divine Mercy Prayer for the Dying
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please send Your loving mercy and kindness to this dear soul as their mortal life ends. Bless them with the peace and comfort that come from You alone.
Ease their pain and calm their mind as they prepare to move on in their journey. Help them know they are loved and that You will welcome them home.
I pray that You will bestow mercy and forgiveness upon them as they prepare to enter Heaven.
I offer this prayer in Your holy name.
Divine Mercy Prayer For Healing
Oh, Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, who created us in Thy image and bade us seek after all that is good, true and beautiful.
I beseech Thee to heal the holy and righteous in need of help. Shine Your light upon their body and heal them of their pain and hurts.
Hold them close dear Lord God. Bring them back to health and hold them far from pain.
Divine Mercy Prayer
Holy Savior,
Your power is mighty. Your mercy is endless and Your blessings are miracles on Earth. You are a fountain of life for all who need divine power in their lives.
Bless all those who suffer. Shower Your divine mercy upon their heads. Strengthen them and empower them to make courageous choices.
Touch the souls of those who are struggling. Grant them peace of mind. Soothe the aches in their hearts and their bodies. Help them know that they are loved and cherished.
Savior, please give comfort to those at the end of their lives. Show them miracles in their life and the lives of their families. Let them know that no matter what comes, they are not alone. They are known and loved by the Savior of the world.
Forgive our sins. Help us pursue righteous endeavors and abandon hatred, prejudice, slothfulness, and envy. Let Your mercy change our hearts. Let us be accepting of what You need in our lives.
Give us Your mercy as we face fears in this life. Teach us to have a larger perspective. Connect us to heaven and show us that we face the challenges in our life with angels on our side.
I offer this prayer in Your holy name, Amen.
Prayer for the Dying
Holy Father in Heaven,
Your power and might are a rock of foundation for my life. My faith in Your love for me carries me through this world.
Today I come before You in prayer to ask for blessings upon the heads of those who are ending their mortal journey. Please give them peace through Your holy power.
Ease the pain their bodies feel. Help the pain melt away and replace it with peace, comfort, and compassion. If it is in Your will to have them continue this mortal journey, I humbly pray for a miracle. Help them regain their strength and continue a righteous life. If it is not in Your will, I trust that Your justice and mercy will comfort us all.
Please bless the souls of these people who will soon pass away. Forgive their sins. Give their souls peace. Help them return to heaven. Show them that they can be forgiven and cleansed by the power of Jesus Christ. Please grant their souls comfort as they return home.
I pray that as their journey ends, they will be filled with hope and comfort. Help them know they are loved and that they are not alone.
I offer this prayer in Jesus Christ’s sacred name, Amen.
Prayer for the Sick and Dying
Dear God,
Thank You for always letting us know we are loved and cherished by the God of Heaven. Thank You for teaching Your children the way to live righteously. I pray that we will always listen to that example.
Today I pray for those who are sick and dying. Please pour out blessings over them. This journey of life is frightening, particularly when it ends. Please remove the fear from their hearts and replace it with the peace of Jesus Christ.
Heal their bodies as much as You can within Your plan. I have the faith to trust that You know what is best. If it is within Your divine plan to heal them completely and let them remain with us on Earth, please heal them quickly.
If it is in Your plan to bring them to live with You in heaven at this time, I pray that You will help them pass over to the next world quickly and without suffering.
I pray that You will comfort the families of the sick and dying. Bless their loved ones with comfort and knowledge of heaven. Help them find help as they prepare for a life without their dear ones.
I humbly offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for a Dying Loved One
Holy Savior,
I am so grateful for the wonderful people You have sent me. I have learned from them and felt loved by their tender help.
Today I pray for someone I love. They are preparing to meet You in heaven. As their journey in this mortal world ends, I pray that You will bless them. Give them comfort. Help them know that they have lived a full life and done the best they can do.
Forgive them of their sins so they can enter heaven with peace and comfort. Help them feel that forgiveness through Your grace.
Bless them with a gentle passing. Relieve their body of the pain and suffering that may accompany their death. Help them feel comfortable and help their passing be painless.
I pray that You will bless all of the people who will miss this dear soul. Help us remember them. Help them know they will never be forgotten and that they will be cherished deep in our hearts forever.
I offer this prayer in Your blessed name, Amen.
Short Divine Mercy Prayer For The Dying
Dear Jesus Christ,
Son of God, have mercy on those who are dying.
Comfort them in their final moments and hold them from harm.
Bedside Prayer For The Dying
Gracious God, we give you thanks for giving us life and breath.
We thank you for the gift of this time with our loved one who is dying. As we stand at the threshold of life and death, we commit them unto your care by your side in Heaven.
May they find in you a sure and certain hope, a rock to stand on in this time of storm, and a light to guide them home.
Submit Your Prayer
Have your prayer for the dying submitted all over the world:
This collection of divine mercy prayers for the dying invites the Lord God into their life at this most difficult time. God can provide comfort and peace in the midst of pain and suffering. They also remind us of what is to come and our eternity next to God our Father in Heaven.