Supporting your friends when they need encouragement is a way to show Christlike love for them. You can let them know you love them in a variety of ways. A powerful way to help them is to pray for them with faith that their situation will improve.
The prayers listed here can guide you as you pray for your friend. You can personalize them by including the name of your friend. They will recognize God’s power and your support for them. A true Christian offers a prayer for a friend without wishing for anything in return, but God notices those who pray on behalf of those in need.
Let us pray.
Short Encouragement Prayer For A Friend
Dear Father in Heaven,
Please watch over my friend. They need Your strength and power to carry them through difficulties. Give them the courage to face each new day and the opportunities that come with it.
Help my friend know that they are not alone. Tell me what I can do to encourage them and ease their struggles.
In Christ’s name, I pray, Amen.

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. – Nehemiah 8:10
Prayer Of Encouragement For A Friend
Dear Lord,
Thank You for sending me caring friends and loving family members. I am so grateful for the times they have helped me endure the struggles I have faced. Today I pray that You will send that same help to one of my friends who needs it.
Please give my friend the encouragement they need to keep going in the face of rejection and discouragement. Remind them of their divinity and their purpose here on Earth. Fill their heart with the courage to carry on with the good work they are doing.
Lord, please teach me how I can be a supportive friend. Show me what I can do to provide the encouragement that my friend needs. Tell me the words to say that they need to hear, so that I can act in Your name on their behalf.
I pray that with this encouragement, my friend will find the strength to endure.
In Your name, I offer this prayer today, Amen.

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him. – Exodus 15:2
Inspirational Encouragement Prayer For A Friend
God in Heaven,
You are the source of hope, love, and inspiration in the world. You heal us and give us what we need to overcome.
I come to You to ask for You to help my friend find the inspiration they need. Speak to their mind. Give them fresh ideas and the energy to pursue them. Let them know that they have all the help they need to make their dreams come true.
God, please fill my friend’s heart with hope and encouragement. Teach them how they can pursue through difficulty and strife. Renew their energy each day so that they can have the perseverance to keep going through the struggles.
Show my friend all of the people who believe in them. Let me know what I can do to help my friend know that I support them and trust them. Let them trust that encouragement and let them trust themselves.
I pray for inspiration for my friend, Amen.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Prayer Of Encouragement And Strength
Holy Father,
We come to You humbly today to ask for Your guidance and assurance. We know that You can fix everything wrong. You can send guardian angels to protect us and keep us safe. You care for our souls and our bodies.
Father, send us encouragement and strength. Fill us with the power to build the future we want to see in the world. When we face disappointment and fear, please help us find renewed hope and strength.
Give us renewed energy. Let us find rest away from the world. Re-energize our minds, bodies, spirits, and emotions. Help us continue to explore new ways to accomplish our goals. Let us pursue paths of righteousness and truth as we strive to improve ourselves.
Reassure us when we are making the right choices so that we can have the courage to continue to choose You.
Bless us, Father, Amen.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13
Prayer For A Friend’s Happiness
Holy Father,
I love my friends. I am so grateful for their kindness and the joy that they bring me. I pray that You will please watch over my friend. They are a wonderful person, and I want to see them find joy and happiness in their life.
Please help my friend know the path that You have laid out for them. Help them trust that path and find joy in every moment.
Speak peace to my friend’s mind every day. Please remind them of all of the small reasons that they have to find joy. Let them recognize how many people love them and all of the blessings they have. Please also give them increased reasons for joy. Give them blessings and kindness.
Please help my friend find happiness in their life.

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. – Psalm 31:24
Prayer For Someone Going Through A Hard Time
Dear Father,
I come to You today to ask for Your power to help my dear friend. My friend is struggling and going through a difficult time. They need Your love to get them through this difficult time.
Please fill my friend with hope. Give them the broadness of vision to recognize that this difficulty is temporary.
Please help my friend look forward with positivity so that they can recognize that things will soon improve for them. Please give them the strength to keep trying. Please take away some of their difficulties so that they can manage the struggles that come their way.
Father, I pray that You will help my friend stay strong and find help. Teach me what I can do to help them.
I offer this prayer in Your blessed name, Amen.

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. – Romans 15:2
Powerful Prayer Of Encouragement
Heavenly Father,
Please use Your mighty goodness to bless everyone who is struggling right now. Reach out to Your children who are suffering. Give them the encouragement they need. Show them that there is beauty in their lives and that they do not need to be bound by their circumstances.
Father, please help righteousness prevail. Give hope to the people who are suffering. Let them know that they have the strength to pursue their dreams. Let them find the hope that they are missing.
Please relieve the suffering in this world.
There is a lot of scripture in the Bible on encouragement you could offer to your friend. There are also verses on praying for others to inspire you.

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. – Romans 15:4
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for a friend’s encouragement submitted all over the world: