A Friday morning prayer is such a wonderful start to the day. For most people it is the end of the working week, for others, it is another day at work with a few more days to go without a break. For most of us, a Friday has a routine of its own, if it is the last day of work we wake looking forward to the end of the working week. If it is a day at home spent in the service of others it is a day like most others.
The joyful thing about starting the day with prayer is that we can thank God for the day ahead and seek his guidance in how he wants us to behave.
Let us pray together this Friday morning.
Prayer for Friday Morning
This was a longer prayer shared with our YouTube congregation on a Friday morning. If you would like something shorter and easier to use, we have a list of morning prayers or you could offer up a prayer for morning gratitude.
I want to offer this Friday morning prayer as a way of quieting my mind of all the daily cares and worries and tasks ahead and to take time out to focus on you God, on your love and on your greatness.
I find myself quiet in your presence, full of peace and love. This time is precious and set aside for worship Lord, it is my time to honor you as I awake and thank you for giving me this new day to spend in your presence Lord.
I know that when your son Jesus walked this earth he showed us by example that early morning prayer and preaching were the way to honor your importance in our lives.
I ask you now Lord God to still my mind of all invading worries and to allow me to focus on the wonder of your existence and the depth of your love for all of your flock. It is overwhelming to feel that amount of love in one being.
When I accept your love into my heart in this, my Friday morning prayer, I am aware of how small I am and how insignificant in your presence, yet I know that you accept me for who I am.
You forgive my sins and help me start fresh each day to try and prove my love to you.
As I start this Friday Lord help me bring a smile to my face and to the face of others as I pass through their lives this day. If it is possible let me share my love for you both in words and deeds and help me show kindness and respect for my fellow man.
As I work, help me pay attention to doing a good job, and not be tempted to stray into the path of deceit or conceit.
Help me be humble in my abilities and help others to do whatever is needed to get a good job done. Through my work I honor you
Outside of any duties, I have to do a good job and guide me in all the decisions I make so that I follow your will and your spirit in all the actions I take. Help me to avoid selfish decision-making, and to remember to put others first above my own needs.
If I am asked to make any sacrifices to my plans, help me to agree to this with a good heart and remember the sacrifices you made through your son, this makes my trials here so small in comparison so help me to bear them with good grace.
If I offended you in any way yesterday by any unchristian action allow me to make amends today by living true to your will.
I am truly grateful for the Friday morning, for the opportunity to embrace life anew, for the opportunity to give you praise and seek your forgiveness for any sins I may have committed.
Help me walk a clear and firm path today, if any obstacles are in my way help me clear them easily and with fortitude. If a chance to help someone, in any small way let me seize the chance and give help in a quiet way.
Friday is a joyful day and the sun has risen to bring us light and forgiveness from your heart, help me to notice all your gifts, the larger gift of life and the ability to breathe in your air, the small gift of laughter and happiness in another.
Help me make someone else’s Friday by bringing a smile to their face by a small good deed or word, it might be I remember to thank someone at work who always goes unnoticed, or I stop at lunchtime and talk with someone on their own.
You have given us the power of words, help me use mine today in praise of you by actively seeking out tiny moments when I can use mine to help others quietly.
I wake this beautiful day and spend these few minutes actively in your presence Lord to remind myself that I am here to do your bidding and that your bidding is that I always do good. Let me find time in my busy day to honor that promise to you, Lord.
Keep us safe from harm this day
Scripture for Friday Mornings
“Dear Lord I make it a priority to rise up very early in the morning to seek your holy face, because I know you love when we commit the very first hours of our day to you”
Psalm 5:3
A great welcome to the day, and to the importance of dedicating some time in prayer as soon as you can, to show the Lord that everything you do for the rest of the day you do in his name.
“Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul”
Psalm 14 3:8
Again a reference to prayer early in the morning as a way of honoring the Lord our God and asking for direction in the day that all things are offered in his name.
“And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed”
Mark 1:35
Jesus set us the example of finding a quiet place for prayer and contemplation first thing in the morning.
“Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them.”
John 8:2
When Jesus walked this earth he was busy early morning spreading the word of God, not waiting til the night fell or the time seemed more appropriate or convenient, and this invited all those who wanted to hear the word of God to do so first thing in the morning
“But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall”
Malachi 4:2
This is one of my favorite bible quotes about the joy of the morning and the love of God. A sunrise with healing in its wings is so joyful and forgiving.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
Have your prayer for Friday morning submitted all over the world: