It can be difficult to know what to say or do when someone close to you is going through a tough time. A prayer from the Bible can often provide comfort and guidance during difficult times. This is a collection of prayers to use in different situations to ask the Lord God to help your friend.
Let us pray.
If you would like your prayer for a friend heard by thousands of people send us your prayer and we shall share it with groups and Churches around the world.
Oh Holy Father, please hear my prayers for my friend. Please comfort them with your love and grace in the light of Christ. I pray that they may see your presence in their life, in their family, in their friends, in the world around them; that they may know Christ through faith.
I pray that they may celebrate this faith with joy and peace; and that they may spread this joy to others around them. Christ lives with us, in us, through us; he is never far from any of us.
Thank you for your love. Thank you for your comfort. Thank you for your everlasting peace.
Thank you for my friend.
Prayer For Strength For A Friend
God, I come to you in a time of need.
I ask for strength and power to help my friend through this time.
There is someone I care so deeply about, who I am currently struggling to help. Please, God, give me the power and courage to be an agent of your love and light. Fill me with your wisdom so that I may provide strength to my friend. May I be able to help them in whatever way you deem necessary.
Please bring them strength, Father.
Please, God, give me the words to say that will comfort them, words of truth and love. Help me get through this time with my faith stronger than ever before.
Prayer For A Friend In Need Of Healing
Gracious God, we pray for our friend, ________. May they know the comfort of your presence and the hope we have in Christ. We ask that you would bring relief to them as they are in need of healing. May they find strength and patience as they rest through this time of healing.
Be with those who care for them as they tend to their needs. Remind them to take care of themselves as well, so that they might be able to continue their service to them without becoming weary or distracted.
We also have a collection of longer prayers of healing for a friend.
Prayer For A Friend In Need
Oh, Lord God,
You are King over the heavens and the earth.
Jesus, you are Lord of lords, King of kings. Your name is higher than any other name.
No one can defeat you or stand against your will. When my friend is in pain or heartache, when he loses their way in the dark, I ask that you come and break through the darkness with your light.
I ask for courage for my friend to turn back toward the light, to find their way out of this dark time and into a land of peace once more.

Prayer For A Friend Who Is Sick
You might also want to share some specific prayers for a sick friend and ask God to heal them.
Dear Lord God,
Please send your holy spirit to be with my friend, ________.
As they are sick please help them feel your presence around them always, and please help them feel comforted and safe under your loving care.
Every time that they feel lonely or tired or scared, I pray that they will feel refreshed and encouraged. Take away their pain and make them whole again.
In your name, amen.
Prayer For A Friend In Pain
Gracious God, we stand by our friend as they go through this time of pain and sorrow. We pray that you would comfort them and help them heal; help them to know that your arms are around them and that you will never leave.
We pray for those who were affected by the actions of another: whether they were friends, family, or otherwise. May they find peace in knowing that you love them and care for them. We pray for those around the world who are suffering, physically or otherwise, who are weak and lonely. May they feel your presence with them now more than ever before.
We ask this all through Christ our Lord.
Encouragement Prayer For A Friend
Dear Lord God,
I praise you and thank you for your great love. I pray that today, the Lord will encourage _________ right now as they go through their day or week.
May they know that You are there with them and speak peace to their mind and hearts. May this friend feel Your presence surrounding them with love and grace. Let them see how you work in their lives, Lord God. Let them feel how You are with them, always. When they are feeling down or facing struggles, help _________ to see that the Lord’s love is all around them – surrounding them with light and hope.
Short Prayer For Healing For A Friend
Oh, Lord God of the Powers, I come into your presence to petition for my friend who is ill and has been ill for quite some time. Father, we know you care for us and ask that you remove this pain from your child.
My dearest Lord Jesus Christ, please look upon my suffering friend and heal them. Let them move on from this so that she might continue living the wonderful life you have given them.
Morning Prayer For A Friend
Oh Holy Father, our God in heaven, we worship you and give gratitude to your name, for through your son Jesus’ selflessness we have been given new life.
I thank you for my friend and I ask that you watch over them this day.
Guide us this day as we seek to bring the light of your truth to all those around us. May our hearts be filled with love for you and generosity toward others, so that we may bring about healing and restoration wherever we go.
We ask this through the power of your spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in perfect unity forever and ever.
Prayer For A Friend Who Lost A Loved One
Gracious God,
We remember before you my friend __________. You are the Resurrection and the Life, come to guide us beyond death into eternal life.
You have welcomed their loved ones in your arms as they have gone home to become one of your Angels. We pray for those who mourn, that they will know the comfort of God’s hope and peace in Christ Jesus.
We thank you for __________’s life, knowing that they are now with you in the kingdom of heaven.
For those left behind on earth, comfort them with your love and mercy. Ease their pain with the knowledge that their loved one is by your side.
Happy Birthday Prayer For A Friend
Father in Heaven,
We come to you today on the day of ______’s birthday. We come in a spirit of thanksgiving and petition, asking that you would bless ______. Bless them with friends who will bring joy into their lives today. Bless them with people who will respect them and lift up their name when they are ill or going through tough times. Bless ______ with people who will support them and not speak evil into their lives.
We thank you for the life of ______, and we ask these things in your name,
Prayer For Comfort For A Friend
Father in Heaven above us,
I just feel so helpless when my friend is grieving.
Please comfort them and help give them peace. I pray that somehow, in some way, this person will see your love for them. Give me the strength and ability to help them. Let me know what to say.
Bring them peace and comfort.
Good Night Prayer For A Friend
God, I thank you for another day.
Thank you for this friend. Watch over them this night Lord.
Forgive my sins, and show me your mercy. Let not darkness overtake me.
Go with me through life’s journey, And guide my steps along the way.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son,
Who loves me and gave His life for my salvation.
Prayer For Friend During A Hard Time
Oh, Holy Father, I pray to you now, I have a friend that’s going through something hard right now.
Please give them the strength to know that all this will pass and people will look back on these times as learning experiences for themselves.
Let their love for others grow through these hard times they’re going through now.
Please watch over them and protect them from harm, let nothing bad come to them or anyone around them during these hard times.
Positive Prayer For A Friend
Father in Heaven, God almighty, I come to you in the might of your strength. Lord God most high, glory is yours and I pray with wisdom in Jesus’s name.
I pray for my friend that he may be protected from the evil one. May this demon not have any control over them, or hold any power over their life. You are the Lord God almighty, the ruler of all things and I pray for my friend in your might.
Prayer For Peace For A Friend
Oh, Holy Father,
Thank you for blessing me with this friend.
They’re in need of peace oh Lord. Calm their soul and settle their mind.
Please watch over my friend as they go out into the world today, and give them wisdom.
Lead them through your path of righteousness so that they may have a long and happy life, content with their decisions.
Give them strength to avoid temptation, and to resist the things that look good but are bad for them.
Guide them to make wise choices, and lead them toward doing what is pleasing in your eyes.
Help them remember the importance of a healthy body, mind, and spirit as he goes about their day.
Prayer For Pain Relief For A Friend
Jesus Christ my Lord, please receive into your loving hands this, my friend. God created them in his image and they are in pain right now. I pray you to remove their affliction so they may be restored to the fullness of life, living abundantly free from all pain.
I pray that their pain will stop, allowing them to move freely without any hindrance or restriction. You are the Great Physician and I pray you will restore them to full health and happiness, allowing them to regain strength and energy.
Hold them close dear Father.
Prayer For A Friend In Emotional Pain
God, I lift _____ up to you.
I ask that you treat them with kindness, love, and care.
My friend is in great emotional pain.
But I ask that you help them through it.
God, I have put my trust in your hands. My friend is in pain, but I know that their sorrow will turn to joy. My friend is in pain, but I ask that you treat them with kindness, love, and care.
I am not here to judge them, only to support them. God please take away their sadness and replace it with happiness.
Prayer For Traveling Grace For A Friend
Dear Jesus Christ,
I pray that you would continue to bless my friend, __________. May she/he know the privilege of traveling grace and never be unaware of your provision. Bless their family members and loved ones too. May they not worry or be in fear during their travels; but put their trust in you, for you will take care of them all.
I ask you to watch over them as they travel, for hours on road are tedious. May they never lose focus of your presence that will accompany them everywhere. Watch over them every step of the way. May they always have a safe return home.
Submit Your Prayer
Have your prayer for a friend submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses for a Friend
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. – Ecclesiastes 4:10
The bible verse Ecclesiastes 4:10 is all about the importance of friendship. This verse is so important because it shows how important it is to have someone there for you when you need them. Friendship is such a special thing because it gives us someone to lean on when we’re struggling.
It’s someone to help us up when we’ve fallen down. If we didn’t have friends, we would be all alone in this world and that would be a very scary thing. This verse reminds us of how lucky we are to have friends and how we should cherish that connection.
After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. – Job 42:10
The book of Job is a story of a man who was tested by God. Job lost his family, his wealth, and his health, but he remained faithful. At the end of the story, God restores Job’s fortunes and blesses him with twice as much as he had before.
This verse is often cited as an example of God’s faithfulness and goodness. However, it also has implications for our own lives. When we pray for our friends, we are trusting that God will work in their lives just as He did in Job’s.
The more we focus on prayer, the stronger our faith becomes. It is not enough to ask for help from God each day, but it’s also important that we take time to thank him as well. Maybe you’re feeling really down or worried about your friend. Take a moment today to pray with these prayers for a friend so that they will invite the Lord into this time of need and give them hope in their times of trouble.