The Lord God will never abandon us and these prayers for being saved invites Him into your life to save you or others in your life.
Prayer is a powerful and intimate way to connect with God and he always hears our words. As you seek salvation, know that He is with you and will never leave you. If we believe with our hearts and speak to him with our lips, he will hear and save us.
Let us pray.
Prayer For Being Saved
The evil one and your enemies have waylaid one of your own children. I come before you in the name of Christ to ask that they be saved.
Your word tells us that forgiveness is Your way of bringing us back to You. Your word teaches us that true faithfulness always gives us a road back to You.
In Proverbs 18:10 you tell us: The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
I ask that you have mercy on us Lord God. Forgive us Lord.
Your words tell us that you won’t cast us aside and leave us in darkness. Through Your Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, I ask that you send your angels to our side.
Let the Holy Spirit support us and keep us on the right path. The path back to Your side. The path back to eternal and everlasting love.
Grant us an opportunity to hear these words truly.
Grant us a chance to walk the correct path. Grant us a chance to go forward supported by the Holy Spirit.
Lord God, we love you. Deeply and truly, we love you. We do not intentionally turn from your teachings but sometimes we falter and the path we find ourselves on leads to darkness and dismay.
God almighty, we love you deeply and truly. Work within us, Lord, and grant us the strength to sin no more.
If forgiveness were not a part of our walk with God, none of us would have a chance of reaching heaven. Even the holiest among us who live a life for God would stumble.
Lord, Your compassion, is great and your mercy is unending. You know the truth in our hearts and see our intentions.
You know we mean no true evil.
Wash us from sin and leave us clean from temptation, according to Your loving kindness and eternal forgiveness.
Strengthen our resolve and embolden our souls. Allow us to see the joy and gladness in Your path. Let us go forward with a renewed spirit and lead a new life by Your teachings.
The Bible tells us that the cry of a sinner is like the barking of a dog. We know that God holds his believers closely but he does not ignore the cries of those in need.
Lord, allow me to pray for those who need these cries being heard.
In the name of Your holy Son, Jesus Christ, I present them to you. I do not come to you in my righteousness but in the righteousness of Your own Son who came to save us all.
Lord Jesus, wash us and we shall be clean. Pardon us and we shall be forgiven.
When we stray from Your love, we do it not with malice or hate. We can be misled and lost. Have mercy on us as we confess our sin to you.
Have mercy upon us, Father. Forgive us, Father.
Grant us Your grace, Lord.
The wickedness shall fall silent in darkness. Their temptation shall fall to the background as their strength fades when faced with Your light.
We come to you in forgiveness, Lord.
We come to you to yield before You.
In the name of Christ, we pray.
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. – Isaiah 26:3
These Bible verses for lost souls remind us that God will never turn his back on us or forsake us. There is always a way back to his eternal love.
Short Prayer To Be Saved
Dear God,
We thank you for today. We thank you for the blessings and grace you place before us.
We thank you for being with us in the highest mountain and the lowest valley.
God, look upon Your people on Earth. When Your enemies would lead them to temptation and evil, we ask that You help us to love You more.
Help us to trust only You.
Help us to trust Your plan for our life.
Help us to see our path forward is by Your side.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13
Prayer For Sin After Being Saved
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in prayer to lift up those who have sinned. Your teachings in the Bible tell us that a true Christian will be blessed and cleansed if they ask for Your forgiveness.
You know our intention and see into our hearts.
You know we do not mean to fall from Your teachings, but we are not perfect.
God, help us to leave the past behind us and move forward in Your grace. Help us to live a life guided by Your love. Help us to see the path before us and the road to Your eternal love in heaven.
As we believe in our hearts and profess with our mouths that God is our savior and salvation.
God, in prayer, we declare that our slates be wiped clean. As Your own son, Jesus Christ, arrived on Earth to cleanse our past and show us the way forward, we declare that our own future is at your side and free from sin.
God, we know that You hold nothing against us. Allow us to leave the past behind us as we strive forward to live a life of holiness and love.
God, we know that You hold nothing back from them. In Your son, we have redemption and forgiveness.
Praise the Lord.
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. – Corinthians 16:13
Prayer For Souls Being Saved
I come to you in prayer on behalf of all souls needing to be saved. On behalf of all who struggle with sin and temptation.
In the Bible, you tell us that You will always fight for us and we will hold our peace.
We know that you fight by our side, even when we stumble and falter. When we sin, you show us the way back to Your side, back to the path of righteousness and faith.
The Bible tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
True believers of Jesus Christ know that He died on the cross and rose again to save us all. True believers in Christ know that we sin, but the Lord does not turn His back on us.
Dear Lord, in prayer, we ask that you would bring change to our hearts. We ask that you would increase our faith and transform or lives for the better.
Cleanse the sin and doubt from our hearts and souls so that we might go forward and live a life for God. Alight within us the Holy Spirit.
Remove from us every desire and sin that is not pleasing to You, God.
Instead, place within us a humble spirit that seeks Your teaching and lives by Your word. Allow us to see the future before us by Your side in everlasting eternity.
Help us to obey Your Word and will. Grant us the strength to overcome temptation and cast the devil and his allies of temptation far from sight. There is nothing that can stand against us when You are by our side.
With Your help Lord, we can face any challenge.
With your love Lord, we know that you uplift and protect us from all sin.
With your forgiveness Lord, we know that we will have peace.
In the name of Christ, we pray,
Prayer to Save a Sinner
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in prayer, knowing that You hear our words and know our hearts.
Father, we come to you in prayer to ask that Your love be cast on every sinner and lost soul in the world. Their enemies keep them far from Your words in the Bible and we seek their saving and salvation.
There are none that can keep Your almighty love from their side.
There is no burden too heavy for Your love.
No distance or sin too far from Your heart.
In prayer, I decree that these words be heard. Evil and sin be driven from their side and Your almighty love to hold them safe from harm and temptation.
Wherever they are. Whatever they are dealing with. Bring them the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Lord, bring Your word to them. No matter where they are. Send Your teachings through writing, words and those who would share Your love with them.
Lord, let them see Your love they didn’t see before.
Lord, let them hear Your guidance where they didn’t hear it before.
Lord, let them feel You in their life.
I ask this in the name of Christ.
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. – Proverbs 17:17
Prayer For Salvation For Others
Lord God,
In the loving and ever-powerful name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we come to you in prayer for the salvation and guidance of those in need of Your love.
We know that You hear our words and see the truth in our hearts.
God, we come to on behalf of the unsaved people in our lives. We know that Judgement is coming and living life by Your guidance is our salvation and our key to an eternity in heaven by Your side.
We come to you in prayer not to ask for material things or Earthly wealth but to ask Your help in the salvation of those in our lives who need Your love. Those who have not accepted Jesus into their hearts and those who have been misled by your enemies.
God, send your angels to their side.
God, fill them with the Holy Spirit and allow them to see how living a life in Your light can set them free.
Lord, let their hearts be filled with the love of Jesus and their mouths filled with the word of God.
Light their path before them so they may see the actions away from sin.
Give them the words and strength so that they may take the path to salvation.
Place Your armor of God upon them so that their enemies can no longer mislead them. The temptation and harm from evil cannot hope to conquer when You are by their side.
Lord, help us to share the word of Christ with those who need to hear it. Allow their ears to hear the words and their hearts to accept the news. The news that Christ has risen and their sins are forgiven.
We pray in the glorious name of Jesus,
There are Bible verses for unbelievers that can help guide us in helping others hear the word of God.
and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. – John 3:22
Prayer Submission
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