When the world feels dark and frightening, it can be difficult to have hope for better days in the future. However, through the promises of Christ, we can have hope that things will improve. Praying can help strengthen your help and faith. The following prayers will guide you to asking God for help in hoping for better days and doing your part to make them happen.
These are a collection of my favorite prayers for better days.
Let us pray.
If you want something a little more immediate, you might try sharing a prayer for a better tomorrow.
Short Prayer for Better Days
Dear God,
As the world feels tumultuous and so many people are hurting, I am struggling to hope. I know, though, that You have the power to heal all wrongdoings in the world.
I pray that You will help things improve. Teach people more kindness and forgiveness. Show us how to take care of each other.
Protect the Earth from natural disasters. Help us prepare for them if they do come, and help us to care for people who have been less fortunate than we have.
I offer this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Powerful Prayer for Better Days
Holy Father in Heaven,
The future feels gloomy as I observe the hatred and animosity in the world. I fear that peace will never be an option on Earth, and I worry that so many are being mistreated and abused.
I acknowledge that You have the power to heal all wounds. I know that You can restore hope and peace on Earth. I pray that You will forgive me for my fear and help strengthen the faith that I have.
Father, please give us a brighter future. Help everyone here on Earth feel more generosity. Let us choose righteousness over hatred and sin. Teach us to help people who need it. Open our hearts to more kindness and love. Guide us to creating a better future through our words and actions.
Father God, please decrease the contention in the world. End the wars and animosity between people of all nations. Teach us to love one another as brothers and sisters.
Use Your omnipotent power to heal diseases that spread through the world. Help us develop the medical supplies to help treat people who are ill and suffering. Send us Your mighty miracles to improve our quality of life.
With Your divine help, all things are possible. I pray that You will improve the world. Remove the hatred from our hearts and replace it with forgiveness and empathy.
I invoke Your power on behalf of this world, in Your name, Amen.
You could also offer up a prayer for a better tomorrow.
Prayer for Better Days Ahead
Holy God,
As we look at the hatred and evil in the world, we are struggling to have hope for better days ahead. We know, though, that You can help. We have studied Your words in The Bible, and we have seen how You have intervened in the lives of Your followers throughout time. We have faith that You can do the same thing for us.
Help the world improve day by day. Help the citizens of this world grow in faith, love, empathy, and kindness. We hope for days ahead without war, injury, sin, hatred, and illness. We pray that You will help the world achieve a more perfected state. Use us as instruments in Your hands to help create a kinder world.
Improve our faith. As we worry about the current state of the world, it is difficult to have hope for the future. We know that faith in God can bring miracles into the world. Help us have greater faith. Strengthen the faith that we already have and let us trust that faith when the world seems so dark.
We humbly and faithfully close this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Positive Thinking Prayer for Better Days
Holy God above me,
I believe in Your divine power. I know that You have the power to make anything happen. I have seen miracles in my life and in the lives of the people I care about. I have faith in Your plan for my life.
I pray today that You will use Your divine power to touch my mind and ease my worrisome thoughts. Help me have positive thoughts about the future. Let me accept that trials are a natural part of life, but that they do not have to define me.
Give me hope for a better future. Let me imagine the joy, love, and support that I hope I will find. Teach me to hold onto that hope when I feel overwhelming despair and discouragement. Help me learn how to trust You and Your plan.
I pray that You will clear my mind of anxiety and depression. In their place, give me healing, strength, and hope for the future of the world and my life. I am so grateful for the peace You have already granted my mind.
Please ease the minds of all of the other people who are struggling with despair and worry for the future.
I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for Better Days to Come
Holy God,
We are so grateful for the world You have created. We are grateful for Jesus Christ and His grace that saves us all.
At times, this world can feel dark and troublesome. It is hard to believe that things can ever improve. However, we know that through You, all things are possible. We pray for improvement in this world.
Help the future be bright and full of joy. We hope that there will be love and friendship for everyone here on Earth. We pray that we will be forgiving and kind.
We pray that orphans will find loving homes. We pray that the hungry will be fed and that the homeless will find comfort and shelter. Please rid the world of abuse. Please help all children feel loved and cared for throughout their lives.
Please help all those who are struggling with their mental health. Help them feel love, support, and hope for the future.
We pray that as these things improve, the future will be bright and hopeful.
We offer this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer For Better Times
Oh, Lord God, we come before you today in prayer.
We know that these are difficult times, and we pray for your help in overcoming them. Lord, we ask that you would bless us with better times – times of peace and prosperity.
We know that you are a God of mercy and compassion, and we ask that you would pour out your blessings on us during these difficult times. We thank you for your goodness and faithfulness, and we ask that you would guide us through these difficult times.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Prayer For Times Getting Better
God, I come to you in prayer, asking for your help during these difficult times.
I know that you are a God of mercy and compassion, and we ask that you help me through these tough times. Please give me the strength to face the challenges ahead and guide me toward the path of righteousness.
I also pray for those who are suffering, that you will comfort them and ease their pain. Lord, I know that you are in control, and I trust in your plan for us. I ask all of this in your name, Amen.
Prayer For Better Days At Work
Dear God,
I come before you to ask for your help at work. You have seen the difficult times and the struggles I sometimes face. By your guidance and support, I’m still there but I pray to you for better times at work.
Help me to stay positive and see the truth in the situation. Help others to see the true me and bring me forward to better days at work.
I ask this in the name of your son who gave himself for us.
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for better days submitted all over the world:
We all go through tough times at some point. Our trials can test us but with the Lord God by our side they cannot break us. Praying for better days invites the Lord into your life and heart to hold you firm as we await a glorious new tomorrow.
Bible Verses for Better Days
As Christians, we can always place our faith in God. There are Bible verses for despair that shine a light into the darkness. His words and teachings can remind us that we are never alone.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6
The Bible is full of verses that offer hope and comfort in difficult times. In this verse, we are told to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and to not lean on our own understanding. Instead, we are to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will make straight our paths.
This verse reminds us that even when we don’t understand what is happening in our lives, we can trust that God has a plan. He knows what is best for us, and He will ultimately lead us to a better future.
The Bible is full of stories of people who faced difficult circumstances but ultimately came out better for it. We see this same message throughout Scripture – that despite the bad there are good days ahead of us. A simple prayer for a good day might be all it takes to see a real difference.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13
This verse is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that God is always with us, providing the strength we need to overcome any obstacle.
The Bible is full of verses about hope and about God’s promises for a better future. In Psalm 30:5, we are told that “weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” This is a reminder that even though our current circumstances may be difficult, they will eventually give way to better days.