Having children is a huge gift, blessing, and responsibility. It helps families grow and it brings more souls into the world. Parents must raise their children with righteous principles, and there is a great reward for doing so. These prayers for conception will invite the Lord to bless you with a child and enrich your family.
However, when you are struggling to conceive, it can be a heartbreaking process. Remember, that God can help you accomplish your righteous desires, and He loves you.
The following prayers will help you invoke God’s mighty power in your process of bringing new life into the world. Regardless of where you are in your journey, a prayer for getting pregnant can enrich your life in so many ways.
Let us pray.
Daily Prayer For Conception
Dear Holy God,
Thank You for bringing us together as a couple. We are grateful for this holy relationship and the support it gives us. God, we are so grateful to complement one another, and we thank You for helping us unite as one.
God, we pray today that You will help us conceive a child. We trust in Your plan and Your timing, and we pray that You will give us the faith to endure whatever Your plan may be.
If it is Your will, please let us become parents. We desire to nurture, love, and protect a child, and we pray that You will help us bring that life into the world. Send us a soul to love and care for. We pray that we will be prepared to be faithful and loving parents.
Holy God, bless us with a child. We promise to always strive to be loving, generous parents. We will keep You involved in the process of raising this child.
God, when we do become parents, please help us parent righteously. Help us teach our children right from wrong. Give us the wisdom to nurture and instill wholesome values into our family. Please fill us with love for this child, so that we can support them throughout their life. Help us know what is righteous and good.
We offer this daily prayer with hope for our child.
We pray in Christ’s sacred name, Amen.
Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb. – Genesis 30:22
Prayer For Fast Conception
Dear Father in Heaven,
We are so grateful for the opportunity to be together. We express our gratitude for every blessing You have so graciously bestowed upon us. Thank You for watching over us and protecting us. We know that You are capable of working great miracles.
Father, we pray for a miracle now. We desire to become parents and have children. We pray that You will help us conceive quickly, so we can begin the process of becoming parents. We feel ready to bring a child into the world, and we pray that You will help us accomplish this righteous goal.
Prepare us in any ways we are lacking. Help us know what we will need to do to prepare for the arrival of this blessed soul. Help us conceive quickly and help the process occur without heartache and misery. We pray that we will have plenty of time to plan for the arrival of this sweet new soul.
Father, help us know if there are any hindrances to the conception of our child. Help us remove those blocks and prepare to become parents.
We humbly and graciously offer this prayer in Your holy name, Amen.
None shall miscarry or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days. – Exodus 23:26
Prayer For Fast Conception
Holy God Above,
Thank You for watching over us and supporting our righteous relationship.
God, we pray today for a righteous desire that weighs on our hearts. We would love to become parents and to love and nurture children.
God, please bless us with the ability to conceive a child. Help prepare us to be parents. Please bless our bodies and minds.
God, we are so grateful for everything that You have given us, and we humbly accept Your will while we pray for this desire.
We offer this prayer in Your name, Amen.
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? – Corinthians 3:16
Prayer For Conception Of Twins
Lord in Heaven,
Thank You for watching over me. I am so grateful for Your power and influence in my life. You are truly a loving Lord, and I have faith in Your plans for my life. I feel so blessed to know You and Your power.
Lord, I pray for a gift and a blessing today. Please, help me conceive twins. I desire to become a righteous parent, and I would love to have twins to love, nurture, and care for.
I pray that You will remove any hindrances in my mind or body to prevent me from having twins. Help me remove conflict in my life. Bless my body with the strength to care for these two babies.
I pray that as I become a parent, I will have Your strength and help in my life. I pray that You will help me teach righteous principles to these twins. Help me teach my children to pray and live in faith, study Your scriptures, and keep Your commandments.
Lord, I pray that I will remain prepared for these twins. Help me create a home that will keep them safe and will help them live righteously.
I humbly pray for the desires of my heart.
I offer this prayer in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. – Psalms 127:3
Prayer For Conception After Miscarriage
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You today to ask for Your incredible power in my life. I am so grateful for the blessings I have already received, and I humbly ask for another great blessing.
Father, You know that I have struggled to conceive a child and that difficulty has included a heartbreaking miscarriage. Father, I pray that You will bless me with comfort and strength as I deal with the emotionally difficult of this time.
Father, I pray that now You will bless me with a child. Help me conceive a baby to love and nurture. I pray that You will help my body heal and prepare for this child. I pray that the new baby will come and be healthy and happy.
Help me be a loving, caring parent. Bless me with the courage to try again and to be considerate and generous.
I humbly pray for this blessing of a child. I have hope and faith in this desire.
I offer this prayer in Your sacred name, Amen.
And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. – Luke 1:31
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for conception submitted all over the world: