We feel bewilderment and sorrow when people file for divorce. Even if they have power, fame, and wealth, their pursuit of more worldly desires still leads them to destroy their families. As Christians. don’t hesitate to offer a prayer for contentment for people that live a life pursuing more earthly possessions.
And it’s not just divorce. Greed and self-centeredness will lead to many kinds of sin. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. Be alert that you are not pursuing worldly wealth. Instead, remind yourself and the people you love to be content and pursue more heavenly riches.
Let us pray.
Contentment Prayer
God our Father in Heaven, we stand before You in prayer, humble before Your great presence. We pray for those pursuing contentment in their lives.
Lord Jesus, You said that whenever two or three are gathered in Your Name, there You will be. We humbly ask for Your presence beside us.
We know that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective, yet we claim no righteousness of our own other than the righteousness of our Lord Jesus.
We are grateful, Lord, that You have led them to desire contentment in their lives. Thank You that You have taken away the love of money in their hearts and replaced it with love for Your kingdom.
Help them to guard their hearts, and don’t let them be deceived by the lies of the enemy. For now that they desire contentment in the world, there may be more temptations that will lure them into desiring more of this world.
As iron sharpens iron, surround them with like-minded people – people who pursue the heavenly realm. Make them influence and encourage each other to help the poor and fight the good fight.
Still bless them with an abundance that fills all their earthly needs. May they never have to be slaves to money and instead be the masters of money. Allow them to wisely control their earthly wealth and not be controlled by it.
Make them a channel of Your blessings and encourage them to serve the poor and their local church. Help them focus their desires to advance the kingdom and make them fishers of men.
Help them discern when they are tempted to be greedy or self-centered. Renew their minds every day, and don’t let them conform to the patterns of this world. Instead, let them be leaders and good influencers to others. May their actions always lead others to praise and glorify Your Name.
May You always smile on them and look at them with favor. In Jesus’ name, we pray. And God’s people said, “Amen!”.
Do you know anyone who wants to change their life and start living for the Lord? Pray for them with these prayers for new beginnings and a fresh start.

For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:32
Short Prayer For Contentment
Gracious Father in Heaven, we pray for those seeking contentment in their life.
Thank You, Lord, for giving them the desire to be content with what You have richly blessed them. Lead them every day to seek You first, always in everything they do. Give them a heart that desires more of You and less of the world.
Help them discern when they are tempted to be greedy or self-centered. Mold for them a grateful and joyful heart that rejoices in You always.
Thank You for richly providing them with all of their needs. Make them a channel of Your blessing. Give them a heart that desires to help the poor and advance Your kingdom. Make them fishers of men instead of pursuers of wealth.
Prepare for them heavenly riches as they obey Your Word and work to advance Your kingdom. May You guide them and be with them always. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. – Corinthians 12:10
Prayer For Contentment And Peace
Lord God, we come to You praying for those who want contentment and peace in their lives.
Thank You, Lord, for showing them that having more money and more earthly possessions does not bring contentment and peace in their lives. Open their eyes and show more of Your will and purpose for their lives.
May the Holy Spirit that dwells in them show them the true joy of living for Your kingdom. Cast aside their worries and give them Your peace that surpasses all understanding.
We pray that they remain rooted in Your love all the days of their lives in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. – Timothy 6:6
Prayer For Happiness And Contentment
Lord God, Heavenly Father, we pray for those looking for happiness and contentment.
We pray that You fill the God-shaped hole in their hearts. May they find true joy in fulfilling Your purpose. We pray that You will give them a fresh revelation of Your purpose and will for their lives.
Grant that their hearts will no longer pursue the fleeting possessions of this world. Instead, let them find real happiness in serving the Kingdom and pursuing the ways of heaven.
Grant them joy in everything they do. May they find contentment in serving You. We claim and agree that this prayer is answered in Jesus’s mighty Name. Amen.

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. – Philippians 4:11
Prayer For Inner Peace And Happiness
Lord, we thank You and praise You for everything that You have done for Your people. May they bow before You in deep gratitude for all the rich blessings that You have generously bestowed on them.
May they continue to praise and glorify Your Name in all situations – in success or failure, in abundance or in lack, in celebrations and tribulations. May they recognize that all good things that are in their lives are because of You.
May they also recognize that all things which may seem bad are also from You – that You are molding their character to become more like Jesus in every way. So we thank You, Lord, for being with us always through the good and bad.
May that knowledge give them true happiness and inner peace every day of their lives. We lift up everything to You, Lord, in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Peace of mind can only be found in the presence of the Lord. Pray these for the Lord to grant you peace of mind.

Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches. – Corinthians 7:17
Prayer For Hope And Contentment
Heavenly Father, we pray for those who look for hope and contentment in You.
The things of this world have let them down. They cannot find joy in the pursuit of fame, wealth, or other earthly achievements. They have a God-shaped hole in their heart waiting for You. Fill their hearts, Lord, with Your Spirit, for You alone can satisfy them.
Give them hope of eternal life, the life promised to those who believe in You. May they find contentment in knowing that the God of the Universe loves them and cares for them.
We thank You in advance for answering this prayer in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man. – Ecclesiastes 3:13
Prayer For The Contentment Of The Heart
Lord God, we pray for those seeking contentment of the heart.
Let them know that there can be no true contentment without You in their lives. May they learn to fear You and seek You with all their heart. Write Your Words in their hearts so that they may follow them gladly.
Show them that one day in Your courts is better than thousands elsewhere. May they be content with the earthly possessions that they have and work to gain heavenly treasures.
May they live fully in Your joy and honor You at the end of their lives in Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God. – Corinthians 7:24
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for contentment submitted all over the world: