When life gets tough, it can be hard to find the strength to carry on. If you’re feeling discouraged, know that you’re not alone. Millions of people turn to prayer in times of trouble, and the Bible is full of prayers for those who are struggling. The world can be full of disappointment, fear, and heartbreak. Often, it can feel difficult to hope for a brighter future.
Please remember that God loves you and is ready to help you. Through His holy power, he can fill you with hope. He can renew your energy to keep trying.
The following prayers will help you ask God for encouragement and hope. If you humbly ask God and offer up a prayer for courage, He will make sure you feel loved and encouraged to do good. You might also choose to study some Bible verses for positive thinking which can remind you that God is always acting within your life.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer for Discouragement
Holy Father in Heaven,
I acknowledge Your omnipotent power and influence in my life.
The world is often dark and I feel hopeless. I pray that You will help me. Fill my heart with hope and love for brighter days. Help me dream of wonderful futures for myself and all of my loved ones.
Please help me create positive change in the world. Show me the small steps I can take that will make a big difference in the lives of everyone around me.
I pray that with Your help, I can feel a desire to go out and keep trying, even when things do not work out. I pray You will renew my faith so that I will trust in Your timing.
I offer this prayer in Your holy name, Amen.
You might also wish to share a prayer for strength in a difficult situation.
Prayer for Discouragement and Depression
Dear God,
I am so grateful for the blessings You have continuously showered upon me. I pray that You will help me remember those blessings when I feel hopeless and alone. Help me feel Your presence and Your guiding hand in all aspects of my life.
There are days when I struggle with feeling depressed. I lack energy and motivation. I feel lonely and empty. I pray that on those days, I will feel Your presence. Open my heart and mind. Remind me that I am not alone. Stir my heart and mind with the desire to do good. Fill me with the energy to do the things I must to feel better.
God, on days when I struggle with feeling like enough, please help me remember my worth. Show me that I matter to Jesus Christ. Fill my soul with hope for the future. Help me to forgive myself for my mistakes and shortcomings, so that I can have the hope to try again.
Focus my mind on the most important things in the world. I pray that You will refocus my energy so that I can recognize small victories, even if there are still disappointments. I pray that You will help me find positive energy for the success surrounding me.
God, please help me trust in Your plan and not my plan. Fill me with excitement for the opportunities You are creating for me. Help me look for opportunities to help others and let me find joy in that service. I pray that with hope in what You want, I will find encouragement.
I offer this humble prayer with hope for a brighter future, Amen.
Prayer for Healing Discouragement
Holy God,
I pray today first to express gratitude for Your blessings and Your love. I am grateful for the kindness You have always shown me. I am so grateful for the perfect love of Jesus Christ, whose grace saves me.
I humbly pray today for help with healing my discouragement. At times the failures and difficulties I have faced feel too much to bear. I struggle to find the joy and inspiration to keep trying. I know that with Your power I can feel that inspiration again.
I pray that You will guide me to the resources I need to heal from this discouragement. Let me find people who will understand and respect my struggles while offering encouragement and support. Speak words to my heart that will give me the courage to try again and to get back up when I fall.
God, please bless me with the love of Jesus Christ. Let His powerful love wash away all of the mistakes and the heartache that I face. Let me rise again with faith in Christ and the courage to chase my righteous passions. Help my faith in Jesus Christ get me through trials and tribulations. Remind me that Jesus Christ is always here to help me.
God, please help me become a better version of myself. As I seek improvement, help me learn to love myself as I am. Give me patience as I learn, grow, and improve. I pray You will guide me on this journey, so I do not have to face it alone.
I close this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer to Stop Discouragement
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank You for loving me and blessing me. I am grateful to be growing and learning with Your guidance and wisdom. However, Father, there are times when I feel discouraged. I worry I have made too many mistakes. I worry I am not working well enough or hard enough. I fear that others do not love me or that my efforts cannot make a difference in this vast world.
I pray that You will help me fight this discouragement. I pray that with the armor of God, I can be protected from the negativity that would drag me down and keep me from following Your path.
I pray that You will give me hope and energy. Help me try again every day, regardless of the heartaches I faced the day before.
Please remind me of my worth. Let me know that I am loved by a divine God, and therefore I matter. Give me chances to see that my efforts can make a difference. Help me know when, where, and how to serve others so that they can feel loved as well.
I pray that You will help me pursue things with vigor and hope. Help me forgive myself when I make mistakes and help that forgiveness serve as an inspiration to keep trying every day.
I pray that You will help stop discouragement in its tracks when it approaches me. Fill me with hope and joy.
I offer this prayer in Your name, Amen.
Short Prayer for Renewed Hope
Holy God,
Please help me find hope in Jesus Christ. When I feel discouraged and alone, help me remember that my Savior loves me and cares for me.
Fill my heart with courage and hope. Renew my energy towards love and service. I pray that with Your help, I can feel ready to tackle the challenges of this life.
I express my loving adoration for You.
I offer this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Prayer for Those Feeling Discouraged
Dear Jesus Christ,
I feel lost. Discouraged. Uncertain even knowing you are there for me.
Hold me close and guide me forward under your grace. Everything seems to be against me and I just feel like giving up. But I know that You are always with me, even in my darkest moments.
Please give me the strength to keep going. Help me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Help me feel your love.
Prayer When You Feel Discouraged
God above in Heaven,
I know that You are the only One who can help me through these tough times. You are the only One who can give me the strength to keep going. I need Your help, God. I need Your strength. I need Your wisdom. I need Your holy guidance.
I know that failure is sometimes part of life, but I don’t always handle it well. I get angry and frustrated. I lash out at those around me, instead of turning to You.
You who love us so much that You sent Your only Son to save us, You who comforts us in all our troubles, please help me when I am discouraged.
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for discouragement submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses for Discouragement
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3
The Bible is full of passages that offer comfort and hope to those who are struggling. In Psalm 147:3, we are told that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
This verse reminds us that no matter how much pain we may be in, God is always there to help us heal. The Bible also has a lot to say about discouragement.
In Job 4:4, we are told that discouragement can come from within ourselves, from other people, or from Satan. However, no matter where it comes from, we can always turn to God for help. He will always be there to encourage us and give us the strength to keep going.
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. – Psalm 55:22
This Psalm 55 is a reminder that we can always rely on God for strength in times of trouble. No matter how heavy our burden may be, God will never let us down. He will sustain us and help us to stand firm in the face of adversity.
So when we are feeling discouraged, let us remember that God is always with us, and he will help us move forward.