9 Pure Prayers for Endurance

Endurance is a crucial Christian virtue. It allows us to persevere in difficult circumstances, trusting that God will see us through. When we say a prayer for endurance, we can be assured that God will provide all the strength we need to get through whatever lies ahead. Here are some prayers you can use to ask for endurance.

They are all taken from the word of God, so you can be confident that they are rooted in God’s Word and will therefore be effective in helping you achieve your goals.

May these prayers help you stay strong and faithful throughout your journey. You might also choose to read some Bible verses on positive thinking which reminds us that the Lord is always watching over us.

Let us pray.


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Get your prayer for endurance shared around prayer groups and holy places with the prayer submission.

Dear Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Our Savior,

We know You exist because we can feel it. We know we would be nothing without You. We need Your help to make it through our trials and sometimes that is a lot.

Thank You for strength far beyond any we could muster on our own and bring us the endurance to continue through any obstacle in Your name.


Prayer For Endurance And Perseverance

Jesus Christ my Lord, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,

Through your love, we can endure and overcome all things.

I ask you to give me perseverance and endurance during my trials. Help me to be diligent and carry on. Strengthen my heart in times of persecution and suffering. Help me to be wise in times of trial. Give me the grace to serve you faithfully and fully.


We also have a collection of more specific prayers for perseverance in tough times. You could also offer these to God in times of need.

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Prayers For Endurance And Strength

Dear Lord God, I thank thee that thou art the God of all comfort, and that in our time of suffering you are close to us. You will help us carry this burden, whatever it is. Let us be strengthened during this trial.

Please give me the power to endure and the strength to succeed.

Dear Lord, please help me as I deal with this burden. You know the situation better than anyone else – strengthen me through this difficult time. Please give me the strength to handle any consequences that may result from my choices during this trial.


Prayer For Endurance At Work

Dear Lord God, please help me be able to get through this next day at work.

I know that You have given me the chance to have a job, and it is important for me to go out and do my best no matter how difficult the task may seem. Please give me a renewed vigor in my body and soul, so I can continue to perform and show my value.

Please let me not waste a minute of my time, and help me to stay positive even when things are difficult.


Bible Verse For Endurance

Prayer To Endure Pain

Gracious God, we come to You today in faith and with a heart full of hope. We thank You for the life and mission of Your son, Jesus, and we thank you for sending Him to rescue us from the bondage of sin.

Gracious God, I come to you to ask for the power to endure pain as I know you bring me toward better things. Help me to endure this hardship with peace and hope in Christ Jesus.


Prayer For Endurance And Patience

Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I pray to you today in supplication for endurance and patience.

O’ Lord, when I am surrounded by people or things that are difficult to deal with. Bless me with the strength not to show my frustration in dealing with them. May your wisdom shine through me and let your words come out of my mouth.

Carry me through this trial as I endure and wait for the bounty to come.


Daily Prayer For Endurance And Strength

Offering a short daily prayer to Jesus can empower your life and keep you closer to him. The simple act of spending even a few moments offering Him a prayer can lead us to a life closer to God.

Dear Jesus Christ,

You are the source of my strength. Make me strong again in You. Help me to endure through all struggles and trials in Your name.

I believe that You are my Savior, Lord, God Almighty, I will exalt You above all, lift up Your Holy Name above every name.


Scripture For Endurance

Morning Prayer For Endurance

Dear Jesus Christ,

Please bless me to wake up every morning, today and always. I know that Your grace is sufficient for me. I know that if You are for me, nothing can be against me. Help me to remember these things in my heart when I am tempted or struggling this day.

Help me to remember the gospel of Jesus Christ, that everything I do for You is because of Your grace and not mine.

In Your name, I pray.


Prayer For Endurance

Prayer For Endurance in Difficult Times

Jesus Christ my Lord,

I need You to rescue me from this difficulty. Bring me endurance in this and all difficult times.

Help me know that this penance may be a gift from you. May it help me grow in mortification and self-control as well as an offering to blot out the sins of those who joined me in sin.

May it help you make us worthy for eternal life, for Your glory and honor.


Prayer For Endurance When Persecuted

Gracious God,

When the day-to-day becomes more difficult and I am persecuted please remind us to step back, take a breath, and let you lead.

When persecution comes my way, forgive us for passing it off as simply another obstacle on our road. Remind us that your love is there with us always, whether we are surrounded by friends or out in the cold all alone.

Remind us that your love is there with us always, whether we are surrounded by fear and uncertainty or secure in your perfect peace.


Prayer Submission

Have your prayer for endurance submitted all over the world:

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  • Would you like a prayer candle lit?
Take a few minutes every day to pray for endurance. Ask the Lord to help you through this difficult time, and thank Him for all of the blessings you have received in your life. Remember that with God’s help, you can overcome any obstacle and nothing may stand against you with God by your side.

Bible Verses and Scripture for Endurance

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; – Romans 5:3

The Bible verse Romans 5:3 is often cited as a source of comfort for Christians who are enduring difficult times. It tells us that we can look forward to a better tomorrow.

This is an important message for Christians because endurance is a key virtue that is necessary for living a faithful life. Without endurance, it would be very difficult to persevere in the face of difficulties and trials.

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. – Hebrews 10:36

The Bible verse Hebrews 10:36 is all about enduring until the end. It is saying that if we want to receive what God has promised us, we need to stick it out and persevere through whatever trials and tribulations come our way.

This is definitely not an easy task, but it is so worth it in the end. When we endure and do the will of God despite everything trying to stop us, we show just how strong our faith is. We also come out stronger in the end, which is something that can only happen if we go through tough times.

So next time you’re feeling like giving up, just remember this Bible verse and know that God will help you get through it if you just have a little faith and endurance.

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