The world can be a dark place. It can be hard to find guidance and illumination to help you know where God wants you to go. Thankfully, we can always pray to God and ask Him which paths he would like us to pursue. He can make the options clear as he erases the fuzziness of the world.
As you offer these prayers, pay attention to the guidance God sends you. Trust that He has prepared a way for Your life and will help the right opportunities arise. A prayer for decision-making can help you, but true
Let us pray.
Prayer To Light Your Path
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank You for preparing a path for me. I know that You hear my prayers and that You observe my actions. I pray that You will offer me illumination and guidance as I seek to pursue the path You have prepared for me.
Please help me know which decisions You would have me make. Grant me the wisdom to know when to make decisions about changing situations in my life, like my living situation and my career.
Please speak to my heart so that I will know which choices to make for the benefit of my family. Help me know what I should start doing and what I should stop doing. Show me how I can guide my family to the decisions they should make. Help me support them in their righteous and joyful choices.
Father, please light my way. When I fear that I will not be able to reach the end of the path, please help me see the next step that I can take. Give me the strength to take that step and to trust that the rest of the path will soon light up before me.

Now I have heard about you that a spirit of the gods is in you, and that illumination, insight and extraordinary wisdom have been found in you. – Daniel 5:14
Prayer For Divine Understanding
Dear Lord,
I express my humble gratitude for the wisdom You pour out over me. I know that You will guide me and teach me the things I need to learn for my success and joy.
Lord, fill my mind with divine understanding. Things do not always make sense. I question why bad things happen to good people. I fail to see the path in front of me. I feel lost and confused with the decisions of the universe and the people around me.
Please help me have divine wisdom. Let me understand things from a larger perspective than I can currently see. Let me see everyone as You see them so that I can be filled with patience and compassion for them.
Lord, give me the ability to see situations for all that they are. Fill me with empathy for those with whom I do not agree. Help me understand their history and where they are coming from. Touch my heart so that I can have the foresight to understand why difficulties and disagreements may arise.
Lord, I ask that You will help me avoid hot tempers and temptation. Help me understand why I must resist these sins. Give me the understanding and mastery to control myself.
Please bless me with divine understanding.

There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. – John 1:9
Short Prayer For Illumination
Even offering a short prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance can make a huge impact on your life.
Dear God,
I come to You in humility to ask for Your power to illuminate my mind.
Please give me the wisdom to understand my situation. Grant me the foresight to know what I can do to prepare for the future that You have prepared for me.
Help me recognize which choices will lead me to success and joy and which paths will take me away from Your divinity. Please share with me the courage to make the choices You want me to make, even if they are not easy.
I pray in the name of my savior, Jesus Christ.

the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” – Matthew 4:16
Spiritual Illumination Prayer
Dear God,
My spirit yearns for connection with Your power and wisdom. You are the source of all truth and righteousness and I desire to know how to make the most important choices that lay before me.
God, please speak to my spirit. Give my spirit illumination through Your divinity. Help my spirit with the gift of discernment. Let me recognize when situations are weakening my spiritual health. Help me avoid those situations and give me the courage to live those situations when they arise.
Please help my spirit guide me. Help me listen to the longings of my spirit as I make decisions for my future. Let me honor the spirit that You gave me by protecting it from harm and pursuing paths that will lead to its growth and development.
Please help my spirit grow. Teach me what I can do to gain eternal wisdom and emphasis on the things of Heaven. Help my spirit teach me about the holiness and divinity of Your word and the scriptures that I can study. Help me interpret the scriptures with understanding so that I can learn and grow from Your servants.
Please help me, God. Grant me the spiritual illumination that I seek.
I pray for Your light in Your name, Amen.
You can also offer a prayer for discernment for yourself or on behalf of someone in your life.

Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. – Micah 7:8
Holy Spirit Prayer For Illumination
Heavenly Father,
Hear my prayer and grant me the righteous desires of my heart as long as they align with Your will and plan for me.
Father, I pray that You will speak to my spirit. Use Your Holy Spirit to guide me. Fill me with illumination. Help me understand that the circumstances of my life are temporary and that things have larger meanings than I may recognize.
Speak peace to my soul as I make decisions. Give me the wisdom to make choices and then give me the confidence to stand behind those conclusions. Help me have the strength to pursue the paths You have prepared for me, even if the people around me cannot see those paths.
I pray that You will help me find peace in my life. Help me quiet my mind and find the clarity to enjoy the little moments of joy that present themselves to me every day. Help me recognize the beauty of the sun and the clarity of the moon.
I pray in Your name, Amen.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. – Peter 2:9
Submit Your Prayer
Have your prayer for illumination submitted all over the world: