When someone treats you unfairly or mistreats you because of the things you are passionate about, you want to see justice. These prayers for justice against your enemies ask God to bring the truth to light. When people hurt others, God is the ultimate bringer of justice. He is both just and merciful and will make everything right in the end.
As you offer these prayers, God can comfort you. He will reassure you that He is just and that all of the unfairness you face will be made right.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer For Justice Against Enemies
Dear Father in Heaven,
Hear this prayer and know that it comes from a place of humility.
Father, there are people in my life who want me to suffer. They pray for my downfall, and they relish in my failures.
Please hold them accountable for their wickedness. Please show them the evil of their ways and stop them from adding more hatred to the world.
Bring justice to my enemies.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. – Proverbs 21:15
Fast Prayer For Justice
Dear God,
I pray that You will hasten to help me and preserve me against the evil power of my enemies.
Please swiftly bring my enemies to justice. You hear their thoughts, and You see the schemes that they plan. You know the wickedness they feel and the hatred that they share.
God, please quickly hold them accountable for what they have done. Do not let their hatred go unpunished. I pray that You will change their hearts and give them opportunities to grow.
Show my enemies the error of their ways so that they will change and be more considerate and kinder.
God, do not let my enemies continue in their evil ways. Do not let them hurt anyone else. You have eternal laws, and those laws must be fulfilled. I pray that You will maintain those laws and not let my enemies continue to walk with impunity.
God, I trust Your plan. As I ask for justice against my enemies, I pray that You will forgive me for my mistakes. Please help my enemies change their ways.
I ask for this justice in Your name, Amen.

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. – Isaiah 1:17
Prayer For Those Who Persecute You

Holy God,
I come to You hoping that You can help me make changes in my life. I know that adding to contention and hatred will not help me solve the difficulties I face. We are commanded in the scriptures to love everyone, even our enemies.
I pray for the strength to do that today.
God, I pray that You will bless those people who persecute me. Please look upon them with grace but also let them see the unkindness they are sharing. Give them a change of heart so that they will modify their actions and be more loving.
Please heal the pain that my persecutors feel. I know that much of their hatred likely stems from unhealed emotional wounds they feel. I pray that through the grace of Christ, You will be able to heal those wounds so they can be more forgiving and loving to the people in their lives.
God, please help my persecutors find more peace. Help me be a peacemaker, particularly in my interactions with the people who persecute me.
God, You are the source of love in this world, and I ask that You will spread that love to everyone.

For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” – Hebrews 10:30
Prayer For God To Expose Your Enemies
Blessed Lord,
My enemies are conspiring. They want to see me fail and fall. They do not believe in the power of Jesus Christ, and they want more darkness in the world. They meet in darkness and hide their acts.
Lord, please do not let their acts stay hidden. Please expose their secret deeds. Let their evil actions come to light so that we can know how to stop them before they spread more hatred and ill will on the Earth.
Lord, please help me know of their misdeeds before they hurt me. Help me have the foresight to recognize when they are planning so that I can be prepared before they make their moves. Help me prepare before I am harmed so that their evil will fail.
Lord, I pray that their lies will be exposed. The world thrives when honesty prevails, and I want their lies to dissolve in the face of truth.
I pray in Your blessed name, Amen.

He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light. – Job 12:22
They say the truth can set us free, and shining a light into the darkness can expose all wrongdoing. A prayer to destroy your enemies might be as simple as asking God for justice and exposing their lies and evil deeds.
Prayer For Justice And Fairness
Father in Heaven,
You are both a God of justice and mercy. I pray that You will use Your mighty power to restore balance in this world. This mortal world is imperfect, and so many things are not fair. People lie and get ahead. People follow Your laws and suffer.
Father, please help increase the amount of justice and fairness in the world. Inspire people to follow You with more diligence and devotion.
Father, please restore order to the earth. Show the wicked their mistakes and give them a fair chance to turn their lives around.
Please save the innocent people who suffer. If they cannot be saved from their circumstances, please deal with them fairly. Send them comfort. Give them the encouragement to carry on through their difficulties.
Father, please help me act to help bring Your power and influence into the world with greater power.
I pray in Your sacred name, Amen.

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. – Amos 5:24
Prayer To Stop Your Enemies
Heavenly God,
Do not let my enemies prevail. Stop them in their tracks and prevent them from gaining power and influence in the world. Their desires are unrighteous. They accomplish their plans through dishonesty and contempt. Please do not let their bitterness win.
Please protect my heart against the attacks from my enemies. Remind me that I am loved and that I have value.
Stop my enemies. Make them recognize that their current path is not leading to goodness. Help them know that they can change. If they are unwilling to change, please change my life so that they will no longer be a part of it.
Stop my enemies and fortify me.

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” – Isaiah 54:17
Have Your Prayer Submitted
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