God appreciates and understands our efforts to create strong marriages. As we strive to cleave to our spouses, God can help us in our efforts. As you ask God for help in your marriage, listen to the guidance He gives you. The prayers in this list can help you fortify your marriage through the power of God. Ask with humility and be prepared to do what you need to do to defend your marriage.
From guiding your marriage back to where you both were when you first married to some prayers to stop a divorce. Offering a prayer to the Lord can help your marriage no matter where you both are.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer For Marriage Under Attack
Dear Lord in Heaven,
Hear this prayer and trust the humble spirit in which it is offered.
Please protect this marriage. Please help us come together in unity, love, and strength. Guide us to remember our love in everything that we do. Fortify us against temptation from those who wish to see our marriage fail.
Lord, please send Your power to reinforce our love and keep us away from anything that would tear us apart. Renew our dedication to each other every day.
In Christ’s holy name we pray, Amen.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24
Prayer To Save A Pressured Marriage
Heavenly Father,
I know that devotion and fidelity are commandments. I know that as I dedicate myself to You and my spouse that You will send protection for our marriage and our relationship.
Father, please save this marriage. Please help my spouse remember all of the pleasant memories we have shared. Show them why they fell in love with them in the first place. Please help my spouse appreciate my efforts.
Father, please help me meet my spouse where they are. We have both grown and changed throughout our marriage. There are so many pressures in life. Please help me grow towards my spouse and give them a space to relieve their stress. Help me listen with more humility and love for my partner.
Father, please release the outside pressures from this marriage. Help us make our home a fortress against the influences of evil. Let us stay together and focus on our relationship. Let us turn towards You with all of our energy, and let us turn in unison.
If the pressure on your marriage is internal (or you’re not sure where it comes from), you might consider prayer to soften your husband’s heart, or if this pressure is coming from a specific person, you could use something as specific as a prayer for your husband to leave the other woman.
Midnight Prayer for Marriage Restoration

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22
Midnight Prayer For Marriage Restoration
Dear God,
The end of the day is approaching, and a new day will soon rise. I pray that this new day will bring a time for restoration and strength in my marriage.
Please let me find opportunities in the new day to be a better spouse. Open my ears to the concerns my spouse has. Help me listen with humility about things that I can do better to help my spouse feel love and appreciation.
Please help my spouse experience patience with me on a new day. Fill them with empathy for me and why I make the decisions that I make. Help them find new reasons to love me.
Please help my spouse and me remember our love for one another. Renew our dedication to one another. Remind us of our wedding vows. Bring to our minds all of the reasons we fell in love in the first place. Help us find the beauty in one another with renewed passion.
God, please restore this marriage to its former glory. Help us grow stronger together so that we can withstand the difficulties of life.
I pray in Your name, Amen.

So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. – Matthew 19:6
Prayer To Drive Away The Other Woman
Holy Lord,
My relationship is under attack. My partner is tempted by another woman. His eyes are wandering, and she is tempting him to abandon me and throw away everything that we have built together.
Lord, please drive this other woman away. Let her realize that her happiness will never come from tearing apart a happy couple. Show her the error of her ways so that she will focus on building her relationship rather than tearing apart the love my partner and I have for each other.
Lord, please help my partner recognize me again. Give him memories of our love so that he will turn away from the other woman. Show my partner the devotion I have for him and fill his heart with fidelity to match that.
Please remove this other woman from our life. Help our relationship withstand her attacks. Show us how we can overcome this evil. Help us remain together.
In God’s name, I pray, Amen.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – Corinthians 13:13
Prayer To Save Marriage From Divorce
Holy Father in Heaven,
This marriage is struggling. We have grown apart, and we are struggling to listen to each other. We do not find the common ground that we need to share if we want to stay together. We fear that we will soon be drawn to the end of our marriage. But we know that You can save our marriage.
Father, please help us renew our love for one another. Fill our hearts with the loving forgiveness that will let us forget the mistakes of the past and focus on building a brighter, happier future together as a couple.
Please remove any factors that are drawing wedges between us. Let our eyes stay focused on one another. Help us work through financial, emotional, and personal differences that may draw us away from one another.
Father, please save this marriage from divorce. Help us come together again and find love for one another.
Bless us, Father.

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones. – Proverbs 12:4
Prayer To Save Attacked Marriage
God in Heaven,
Send Your guardian angels to save this marriage. Help them magnify the work that I put into this marriage. Let my spouse recognize that I adore them and that I will be with them throughout all of the difficulties of life.
Please remove the attacks on this marriage. Let my spouse and I focus on fidelity and building a future together. Take away any people who wish to tear us apart. Fill us with love and dedication for one another.
Help my spouse and I find more time together. Help us recognize ways to build our relationship with dedication and fun. Help us remember the things that we love most about one another.
Please save this marriage and help us withstand the attacks.

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. – John 4:12
Submit Your Prayer
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