11 Pure Prayers For Musicians

Music is a beautiful way to honor and worship God. It offers a voice to the feelings of our souls. The Bible is full of stories of people rejoicing through righteous music and dance. Inviting God into your music-making gives you a chance to elevate your worship. Praying for musicians who worship God will help them find more holiness in their lives.

Are you looking for prayers specifically written for musicians? Here, we’ve collected a few of our favorite prayers to help and guide your music-making. Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced musician, may these prayers bless your work and bring you closer to God. Thank you for using your talent in praise and worship!

The following prayers will offer help, support, and strength to musicians of all kinds. They will give you a chance to help worship God through music.

Let us pray.

If you want to pray for a musician (yourself or someone else) to see success you might want to share a prayer for success in life as well.


If you would like me to pray on your behalf play the video above and let me pray for you.
If you would like your prayer prayed for around the world submit your prayer and we shall share it with groups and Churches around the world.

Prayer for Musicians and Singers

Dear Father God,

I humbly offer thanks for Your influence in this world. All good things are tied to You. Today, I pray with music in my mind and heart.

Father, thank You for giving us the gift of music. I am so grateful that music lifts my spirits and warms my heart each day. Thank You for making music accessible in my life.

Father, please bless the musicians who make this music. Bless those who play instruments that they will be in tune with their instrument. Bless their instruments that they will not sustain any damage. Bless the hands, lungs, and bodies that are used to play these instruments. Help them make beautiful music with courage.

God, please bless singers making music. Keep their voices healthy. Protect them from illness and injury. Bless the voices of these singers. Help them produce music that is pleasing to the ear. Help their voices feel comfortable.

Help the words to their songs touch hearts and comfort those who are mourning. Please help these singers withstand any anxiety around performance. Help them focus on sharing their art and not on the criticisms of humankind.

Bless the hearts of all who hear this music that they will be softened and comforted.

Father, I offer this prayer in Your name,


Bible Verses for Musicians

St Cecilia Prayer for Musicians

Holy Saint Cecilia,

You are the patron saint for all musicians. Your life was full of honor and righteousness. We now pray that you will help us as we make music to honor our God in Heaven.

Help lift our voices to Heaven. Send our music throughout the world and to the skies. Help our voices touch people’s hearts and spread the word of God. Raise our voices. Help any people who need to hear our music have access to it. Lead people to comfort through the words and music we share.

Help our instruments play sound, supported music. Help people to hear it and rejoice.

Help magnify our songs. Make them a prayer to the Almighty in Heaven. Let Him hear our words through our music. Let our songs be a testament to our faithfulness to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Unite us with Christ in our music and our lives. Help us follow His teachings and His example throughout everything that we do. Please help our music speak of His goodness and grace.

Thank you for the example you set through the way you lived and worshipped. Pray for us, Saint Cecilia.


Bible Verse for Musicians

Prayer to St Gregory for Musicians

Saint Gregory,

Your life was an influence for good in this world. In the way that you lived, you honored our Father God. We pray now that you will intercede and pray on our behalf.

Give us wisdom. Help us teach through our music. Help our music open hearts and minds to holier things. Help us spread the word of God through our musical worship. Make our music instructive and a testament to Jesus Christ, who saved us all.

Help us perform with righteousness. Help us always make music that God is proud of. Ask God to magnify our efforts as we make music. Please pray that our music will always serve to strengthen God’s kingdom and never lead people astray.

Please intercede for us. Guide us to the best ways to make music. Teach our minds which words to sing. Teach our hands which notes to play. Help us know which instruments will best spread our message across the world.

Let our music be a healing power in the world. Help those who hear it find comfort from the things that pain them. Help us mourn with them and cheer their hearts with the music we share.

We ask that you will pray on our behalf in the name of Jesus Christ,


Prayer Thanking God For Music

Lord God Almighty,

We come to you today to thank you for the gift of music. The wonderful sounds that we get to hear every day and everywhere all around us.

Thank you for giving us such an amazing, beautiful sound filled world. We praise your Holy name and give thanks for this wonderful thing called music!

I’m so grateful for this gift you bestow upon us.



Prayer For Musicians

Prayer for Church Musicians

Dear Holy God,

Please bless the musicians worshipping with our church congregation today. Please help them invite Your holy spirit into our meeting with the music they share.

Let their songs be offered up to heaven as a testament to our faith. Help us learn from the words and music they share. Let our hearts be touched by the music they make and help these musical offerings bring us closer to Jesus Christ in all of His majesties.

We are so grateful for the blessing that music is in our lives. We are grateful for the joy it spreads and the messages of love that are so easily communicated through music alone.

We offer this prayer in Your holy name,


Short Musicians Prayer

Oh, Lord God, who hast given thy servants a love of music, and who dost prosper their labors; we pray thee graciously to bless this our offering unto thee; that it may be a sacrifice acceptable, pleasing unto thee, our God most high.

I do all things in Your service Lord.


Musicians Prayer For Success

Father in Heaven,

I praise you in all of my work. I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ your Son, our Savior for blessings in my musical career.

May it be Your will that my music succeeds with ease. All of my gifts come from You Lord and I seek only to succeed in Your glory and in the name of Jesus.


We also have a collection of short prayers for blessing and favor.

prayer submit

Prayer for Musicians and Artists

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank you for sending beautiful art to our lives. We are so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of creating beauty through gifts given by Your power.

Please bless the artists and musicians who are working hard to create beauty in this world. Guide their hands to the colors and the notes that will touch hearts.

Help these creative spirits make art that will comfort and touch souls. Let their work honor You in all facets.

Bless all who partake in the art of these artists that they will feel a connection. Help this art teach us to love one another as Jesus taught us.

We offer this prayer in Jesus Christ’s name,


Prayer for Choir Singers

Dear Almighty God,

Please bless this choir and anoint our voices to sing songs up to You. We are so grateful for the opportunity to make music together.

Unite our voices. Help us sing with one voice and one heart. Use the connections we forge as we sing together to bind us together as children of God. Let us sing of love and charity that are magnified by our love of God.

Help us learn while we sing. Open our minds to lessons from the conductor and lessons from the Holy Spirit.

We are so truly humble and grateful for the voices that let us make this beautiful music. Help this music touch the hearts of all those who listen.

We close this prayer in Your holy name,


Musicians Prayer For Practice

Oh, Lord God, give me the desire to practice. Oh, God, You who gives power to the faint and weary, strengthen me. I know all things are possible for You, so please allow my heart to be open to practicing Your song instead of the songs of this world. Turn my eyes away from worthless things so that I can look unto You and learn Your song. In Your name, Jesus, Amen.


Prayer Submission

Have your prayer for musicians submitted all over the world:

Step 1 of 2

  • Would you like a prayer candle lit?
Whether praying for yourself or another musician these prayers ask God to provide aid and support. Music is one of the many gifts God has given us and he offers support to those doing creative work in His name. I hope that you too will find peace in music as your turn to these prayers for Musicians.

Bible Verses for Musicians

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. – Psalm 95:1

This Bible verse is a call to all Christians (not just the musicians) to sing praises to God. Music is a powerful tool that can be used to glorify God and express one’s faith. God has given us the gift of music and He wants us to use it to praise Him.

When we sing hymns and other spiritual songs, we are lifting our voices in worship to the Lord. It is a way of showing our love and gratitude for all that He has done for us. This verse also reminds us that God is our rock and salvation. He is the one who gives us strength and support, especially when we are making music.

I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. – Psalm 101:1

This Bible verse is about praising God through music. It is a reminder that we should use our musical talents to glorify His name. Music is a powerful tool that can reach people in a way that words alone cannot.

When we sing of God’s mercy and judgment, we are reminding ourselves and others of His goodness and power. This is how God helps us and supports us as musicians. He gives us the ability to use our music as a force for good in the world. With our music, we can spread His message of love and hope to those who need it most.

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