The beginning of a new week is a glorious gift from God. It is a chance to forget any turmoil or stress from the previous week. A new week is a chance to try again and build new joyful habits.
Starting the week by reasserting your determination to follow God will help guide you as you make choices.
The following prayers will help you align your will with His and find comfort as you begin a new week.
Let us pray.
If you would like your prayer for new week blessings prayed for around the world share your prayer and I can share it with groups and Churches around the world.
Prayer For A New Week
Loving Father God,
I humbly come before You today at the start of a new week. I express my deep gratitude that You have given me this new week and a new chance. I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that lie before me.
Please guide me this week. Help me see the chances to grow and to serve others. I pray that through Your guidance, I will make choices this week that will help bring me closer to Jesus Christ.
Protect me this week. Watch over me and hold me in Your divine care in everything that I pursue. Strengthen my body and mind. Give me the clarity to focus on what truly needs to be done this week.
Watch over my family. Protect them from harm and heartache. Succor them. Help me stand by them and offer the help and support that they most need.
Father, let this week be full of abundance. I hope to have many opportunities and chances to reflect and meditate on the word of God. Consecrate my studies and help me find the lessons in The Bible that I need most during this week.
I pray in Your holy name, Amen.
As a new week begins, you could offer a prayer for Monday morning.

In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty. – Proverbs 14:23
Prayer For New Week Blessings
Dear God,
Thank You for this new week. It is full of so much hope and so many opportunities. I come to You in prayer today to ask for Your blessings as I start the journey of this week.
Bless me with the peace of mind to prioritize what matters most this week. Help me know what needs my attention and what can wait until a later date or be shared with someone else. I know that with peace of mind, I can confidently focus on the things in this life that matter to You.
Bless me with health this week. Keep my body strong and give it the endurance to carry out everything that I would like to accomplish this week.
Fortify my mind with strength and comfort. Comfort me when I face difficulties and sadness. Help me overcome burdens through my relationship with the true comforter, Jesus Christ.
Bless me with ears that can listen and learn from those around me. Grant me empathy and kindness, so I can comfort others.
Blessed God, I pray that You will pour out Your blessings on me this week. Help me always remember to be grateful for the kindness You have bestowed upon me.
I humbly offer this prayer today with hope, Amen.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13
Prayer For A New Week
Holy God,
I come before You today at the beginning of a beautiful new week. This new week is a chance to rededicate my life to You. I am grateful for the opportunity to pray and connect with Your holy power.
God, turn my heart to You in everything that I do this week. I pray that this week You will help me forgive those who have trespassed against me. Fill me with compassion and understanding.
Holy God, please help me become a better disciple of Christ this week. Teach me what He would do and help me have the courage to act accordingly.
I pray that this week I will feel renewed energy to study the doctrine of the gospel. Please bless me with increased time, so that I may spend that extra time studying The Bible and the words of Jesus Christ.
I pray that this week will be sanctified and dedicated to Your service. Place me in the path of those who need a helping hand and a listening ear. Magnify my efforts so that I can do good works in Your name.
I pray today in Jesus Christ’s sanctified name, Amen.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
Prayer To Start A New Week
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the great blessing of prayer. I am so grateful to have the chance to come before You in prayer and ask for guidance, love, and support as I start a new week.
Father, help me start this week with energy and passion. I pray that as I work on my tasks this week, I may have hope for better things to come. I pray that I will see each morning this week as a chance to start fresh and start anew.
Father, let this week be a week of holiness. Let me feel Your spirit in all that I do and help me heed its guidance.
Give me serenity this week. Help me not run faster than I can. Give me rest when my body needs it.
Heavenly Father, I pray that at the end of this week, I will be able to look back on what I accomplished and know that I did my best. I pray that You will magnify my work and let me bless those around me.
I pray for this week in Your name, Amen.

And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. – Thessalonians 5:14
New Week Prayer
Holy Lord in Heaven,
This new week stands before us, open and ready. We pray that You will guide us and help us make the most of the opportunities that these days will offer.
Help us grow closer to Jesus Christ this week. Clear the turmoil of the world around us and instead give us peace that only comes through the power of Christ.
Grant us the confidence to stand as righteous disciples of Christ, no matter what this week may bring.
Sustain us in our efforts to improve ourselves and become more holy. Send angels to protect and comfort us as we do the work of the Lord.
We offer this prayer in Christ’s name, Amen.

Therefore encourage one another with these words. – Thessalonians 4:18
Have Your Prayer Submitted
Have your prayer for a new week blessings submitted all over the world: