Our souls are dear to God’s heart. He wants us to be clean, pure, and free from sin. If we have sinned, though, we can turn to God and ask Him to cleanse our souls and make us spotless again. We must remember to ask and humbly come to Him to seek His help in this process.
God will cleanse your soul from the influences of evil and any impurity. The prayers in this list can help guide you as you ask God to purify you.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer For Soul Cleansing
Holy Father in Heaven,
Please see my soul and know that I come to You with hope for healing.
Please remove any impurities from my soul. Fill me with kindness, love, and charity.
Remove the sins from my heart. Help me focus on righteousness and move forward with hope and renewed clarity.
I pray that you will help me lose my desire to do evil.
I offer this prayer in Your sacred name, Amen.

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin. – Psalm 51:2
Cleansing Prayer For The Soul
Dear Heavenly Father,
My soul belongs to You. I know that You have created me and that You are the maker of this world. I know that You are omnipotent and that You have the power to move mountains and change stubborn hearts.
Today, please use Your magnificent power to purify me. Please cleanse my soul. Forgive me for the sins I have committed. Help me move on and no longer continue in sinful behaviors. Help me strive to be better with everything I do.
As I live with more righteousness, please help me release the guilt that would hold me back from living in the present.
Cleanse my soul from hatred, anger, sadness, and pain. Help me see the world like a child, with innocence and wonder. As I change my outlook, may I see those changes reflected in my life and my interactions with the people around me?

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. – Psalm 51:7
Prayer For Cleansing Heart
Dear God,
I am so grateful for the kindness. You show me. I know that all things are possible if I lean on Your arm and trust Your power.
I pray that You will help me make changes in my life. Help me become the version of myself that You know I can be. Help me live up to the potential You see in me.
I know that the most important thing I can change is my heart. I pray that You will help me change my desires. Please cleanse my heart. Change my passions and desires so that I will no longer be tempted to do unrighteous things. Help me feel a want to live with clarity and purity. Fill my heart with love rather than envy and strife.
I pray in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. – Peter 1:9
Cleansing Prayer For A Person
Holy Lord,
Please hear this prayer and know that it comes from a place of humility. Know that it comes from love in my heart for my dearest friend.
Please cleanse this person. Touch their soul and remove any impurities that You find there. Reach into their heart and find the source of envy, frustration, anger, hate, and jealousy. Please cleanse their heart with Your power. Remove evil and replace it with love.
Please help this person find hope in their life. Cleanse the evil influences in their life. As they feel Your cleansing power, please help them feel the love that is stronger than hatred.
Please let my friend know that they are loved. Let them see that people want to see them happy and thriving.

You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. – John 15:3
Christian Spiritual Cleansing Prayer
Holy God,
Please use the power of Your mighty hand to cleanse me. I know that Jesus Christ is my savior, and I accept His cleansing power to help me become a better version of myself. I know that through Christ alone I can find hope for a better future.
God, please remove any malice I hold in my heart. Give me both the courage and the strength to release any grudges that I carry with me. Grant me the power to make better choices as I try to accomplish my goals.
Remove any evil or ill will in my heart. Help me turn away from the influences of Satan. Turn me towards Your healing power. Fill me with Your cleansing love.
I pray to You with love, Amen.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – John 1:9
Daily Effective Prayer For Soul Cleansing
God in Heaven,
Hear this prayer. Let this day be filled with love and purity. Please help me start this day with a fresh outlook. Help me take this opportunity to turn away from evil and turn toward goodness, love, and charity.
Let this new day be a chance for clarity in thought and action. Show me what things I need to eliminate from my life if I want to achieve a holier sphere of influence. Teach me what I can add to my life to help me become a better person.
God, please help me refresh my outlook today. Help me consider what my friends and family need and how I can help them get it.
God, cleanse this day and help it become a great day.
In Your name, I offer this prayer, Amen.

He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, – Titus 3:5
Powerful Prayer For Cleansing Your Soul
Dear Lord,
Send Your mighty power to help me and heal me. Cleanse my soul from iniquity and heartache. Protect me from temptation and sin. I know that once You have helped me, I will be able to overcome all obstacles.
Lord, please watch over me. Send Your angels to help me and guide me away from evil. I pray that You will save my soul from those who wish to see me fall into the hands of people who would want to harm me.
Teach me what I need to do to perfect my soul and manage my hubris. Please help me eliminate all powers of Satan in my life. Spare me from the danger that evil will bring.
I pray that You will cleanse my soul and exalt me.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10
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