Every time you pray, God hears your requests and accepts your gratitude and these prayers for special intentions invite the Lord into various parts of your life. When you have something particular in mind that you want, you can ask God for help. Whether you have a goal you would like to accomplish or a habit you would like to change, or if you need a miracle, God can help you! Pray and ask for His help, and trust the answers He sends you.
If you need help knowing where to start Your prayers, this list can help you get started. You can add your personal goals and wishes to help make your prayers more specific.
Let us pray together.
Short Special Intention Prayer
Dear God,
We pray to You with thankful hearts and hopeful minds.
We have a righteous desire, and we pray that You will help us achieve it. God, Your plan is best, and You know what we need to grow and become more like Jesus Christ. If we are not meant to have this gift, we pray that You will guide us to what we need instead.
We pray with trust and humility, Amen.
Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart. – Psalm 44:21
Prayer For Special Requests
Dear Lord of us all,
I love You and I acknowledge that You have blessed me with everything I currently possess.
God, hear my prayer and help me become better today than I was yesterday. Grant me the desire to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings.
Lord, there is a desire in my heart that I would like to have. I know You have the power to make anything happen, and that means that You can give me this righteous desire. I ask that You will hear and answer my prayer.
Lord, please help me increase my connection to Your power. As I do that, help me stay in tune with Your plan for me, and help me align my desires with that plan. Please teach me how to trust You, no matter what circumstances I face.
I submit myself to Your will, Amen.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23
Mass Intention Prayer Example
Dear Father,
Hear our prayer and help us follow Your teachings and the promptings of Your Holy Spirit.
We gather today to worship You, our Savior, in mass together. We ask that as we worship, we will feel Your spirit touch our hearts and teach us the truths of Your holy scriptures.
Help us come to this mass to humble ourselves and learn what we can do better. We ask that You will edify us on how we can be more loving. Show us how to withstand temptation and how to share our talents to bless the lives of the people we see every day.
Let this mass be a chance for us to commune together and connect with Your divine influence.
In the Lord’s name, we close this prayer, Amen.
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. – John 3:18
Prayer For Better Things
You might want to offer the Lord a prayer for better days for yourself or others in your life.
O Lord,
I come to You in prayer with humility and hope. I know that You have the power to work mighty miracles. You can heal people with illnesses and You can inspire people to make powerful changes in their lives.
I implore You to use that power in my life. Help me find a brighter future and a better day tomorrow than I have today. Help me become wiser and kinder. Help my employment position improve and help me find greater comfort in my life.
I ask for You to remove anything from my life that is not helping me become a better version of myself. Please help me find more strength and courage to make the changes I need to improve my life. Help me turn my heart away from the desire to do evil.
I plead for better things in my life, Amen.
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. – Proverbs 16:2
General Prayer For Special Intention
Dear Lord,
We thank You for protecting us and teaching us how to be more loving neighbors. We are grateful for the blessings You generously bestow upon us.
Lord, we ask that You bless us with everything we need. Help us find the resources we need to make positive life changes. We pray that with Your help, we will become better versions of ourselves.
Lord, please turn our hearts towards Jesus Christ and His holy scriptures. Help us meet our spiritual needs. Give us the courage to share the words of Christ with our friends and neighbors.
Guide our intentions and help us know what You want us to learn daily with the rising sun.
We pray in Your name, Amen.
One who plans to do evil, Men will call a schemer. – Proverbs 24:8
Prayer To Holy Spirit For Special Intention
Holy Spirit,
You have the power and influence of God, and I ask for that power to help me change my life.
Fill me with Your spirit so that I will make choices with wisdom and the foresight to understand how my decisions will affect others. Please fill me with the faith to trust God and what He wants for me.
Please help me set aside my foolish desires and instead accept the path that the Lord has prepared for me. Help me make my special intentions happen. Fill each thought I have with Your spirit.
I offer this prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. – Genesis 6:5
Short Prayer For Safety
If you are praying for someone else, you could use prayer for the safety of a loved one.
Dear God,
Thank You for hearing this prayer.
I pray that You will keep me safe as I pursue my path. Please keep me from harm as I travel from space to space. Bless everyone I love that they will have that same safety.
Keep me away from injury and illness. Grant me the strength to fight off infections.
Please protect me from temptation. I pray that with Your strength, I will be able to withstand any evil that crosses my path.
This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. – Acts 2:23
Short Prayer For Happiness
Holy God,
I am so grateful to be alive today. Each day is a reminder that You love me.
God, I pray that You will increase my capacity for happiness. Please help me find greater joy in my current circumstances.
Help me let go of insults and injuries from the past that hurt my heart and cause me grief. Help me find gratitude in everything I experience, and then please transform that gratitude into joy.
I know that You are the true source of joy in life, and I ask for that happiness myself.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. – Romans 12:1
Submit Your Prayer
Have your prayer for special intention submitted all over the world: