7 Devout Prayers For Students

Education is a gift that benefits our society. It gives people a chance to study, exercises their minds, and grow. The pursuit of education gives us a chance to interact with more of God’s children and learn to love them. While studying, though, there are many pressures. Many students are living alone for the first time. Others are trying to balance work, family, and school. Exams can be stressful, and students can get lonely.

The following prayers will offer strength, support, and love to students who are bettering themselves with an education of any kind. God’s power will help them.

Let us pray.


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 Have your prayer shared around prayer groups and holy places with the prayer submission.

Short Prayer for Students

Dear God,

Please bestow Your holy power on students who are trying to learn and grow.

Help them retain the information they are learning and help them know how to apply it.

Relieve their anxiety and stress.

Help them find the paths they should pursue. Let them know when they are learning the skills they will need for the rest of their lives.

Bless these students that they will gain valuable knowledge and wisdom.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for College Students

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving us so many opportunities to learn and grow in various ways on Earth.

Today I pray that You will place a special blessing on those people who are pursuing higher education at college.

Fill their minds with knowledge. Let them absorb new information from their classes and the new people they meet every day. Grant them the wisdom to know how to use that information.

As they worry about exams, learning, and living on their own, please bless them with relief from anxiety. Remind them that You are always there to help them if they come unto You.

Help them find kind, supportive friends who will encourage them to do their best. Make sure they know that they do not have to go through this experience alone.

Please watch over them and keep them safe in all that they do.

I offer this prayer in Your name, Amen.

prayer submit

Prayer for Teachers and Students

Holy Father in Heaven,

I humbly express my gratitude for all You have given me. Thank You for giving me wisdom and opportunities to build my knowledge.

I pray today for teachers and their students. These teachers are pursuing a path that requires a lot of passion and personal sacrifice as they work to inspire the next generation. Please make sure those teachers feel appreciated. Let me know what I can do to share that message of support with them.

Bless the students learning from these teachers. Give them open and understanding minds. Help them take in the new information and enthusiastically apply it. Help them learn with kindness and understanding for others and themselves.

I pray that the classrooms with these students and teachers will be spaces where people can make mistakes, try again, and become better than they were before. I pray that they will be places of compassion and empathy, skills Jesus masterfully taught.

I offer this humble prayer in Jesus Christ’s sacred name, Amen.

First Day of School Prayer for Students

Dear Jesus,

We are so grateful for Your example. You truly showed us how to be a master teacher and student. We humbly express gratitude for your empathy.

Today we pray that You will help these students who are preparing for their first day of school. Give them peace of mind in knowing that this is an exciting adventure that will give them many valuable experiences.

Ease their worries about finding friends. Send people their way who will be kind and supportive. Let them connect with a good sense of humor.

Open their minds to the new information they will learn this year. Help them finish this year wiser, stronger, and kinder than they start it.

Keep them safe at school. Place a shield around them to defend them from bullies. Keep them safe from accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

Help this school year be a year of joy. Bless these students that they will be happy as they learn and that they will grow emotionally.

Thank You, Jesus, Amen.

Bible Verse for Students

Morning Prayer for Students

Dear God in Heaven,

Thank You for watching over me and keeping me safe as I pursue my studies.

I pray this morning that You will continue to hold me in Your heart as I go to school today. Help me learn valuable new information. Grant me the ability to retain that information so that I can truly learn and apply it.

Help me with any exams I have coming up. Send remembrance to my mind of the things I have learned and studied. Remove the anxiety from my mind so that I can focus on more important things in my life.

Help my mind rest. Help me find moments of peace, quiet, and mindfulness throughout the school day so that I can learn without stress.

Watch over me and keep me safe. Bless me with safety on my commute and as I travel from one class to another.

Thank You for Your love and charity, Amen.

St Thomas Aquinas Prayer for Students

Saint Thomas Aquinas,

Thank You for living a life of holiness and scholarship. Your example is an inspiration for my life.

I pray that You will intercede in my life as I study. Ask God to send angels to protect me and enliven my mind. Grant me the gift of retention and peace.

I pray that God will enrich my brain and body. I pray that He will show me the paths to take and the courses to study. Help me use my time wisely in those classes so that I can truly grow in scholarship and strength.

Keep me safe as I study. Protect me from physical harm. Reinforce my mind and heart so I can face the stress and emotional challenges that come with pursuing a course of knowledge.

I pray that You will ask God to help me become a better student.

I pray today in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Submit Your Prayer

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Scripture for Students

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. – John 1:5

This is a powerful verse that speaks to the heart of every student. We all want to be successful in our studies and get good grades, but sometimes we feel lost and don’t know where to turn. But this verse reminds us that we can always turn to God for wisdom and guidance.

So if you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your education, remember to ask God for wisdom. He will guide you and give you the strength you need to succeed.

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