These prayers for the loss of a brother ask the Lord to welcome him into the kingdom of heaven and to console you in the pain of your loss. The Bible tells us:
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18
He will not leave us in our time of pain and need. God can bear this load with us as we join together in prayer, we become closer with the Lord and He reminds us of his teachings. He reminds us that this is not the end and your brother has joined by his side.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer For The Loss Of A Brother
Holy Father in Heaven,
Thank You for loving and comforting me in this difficult time.
Father, You know that I have lost my brother and that I am feeling the loss acutely. Father, I pray for your perfect, divine comfort at this moment.
Please bear this burden with me. Dry my tears. Tell my brother how much he is loved. Hold my heart in your hands and make it feel light as I work through this pain.
I pray that as time passes, I will remember the fond memories of my brother and forget the hurt of his loss.
I offer this prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Comforting Prayer For The Loss Of Your Brother
Dear God,
Thank You for watching over me. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to connect with You through prayer. I am grateful for the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, who saves me from my sins and weaknesses.
God, I pray today for Your perfect comforting power as I mourn the loss of my dear brother. I am so grateful that You sent me such a wonderful brother. I am grateful for all of the memories we shared.
God, help me hold onto those memories. Please preserve them in my mind and heart so that as I age, I will always remember the love and kindness of my brother and the fun adventures we shared.
God, send Your comforting angels to me. Please have them open their arms and take me in. I pray that You will comfort my heart with Your divine, omnipotent power. Please send kind people around me to mourn with me and help me bear this burden.
God, I pray that You will dry my tears and replace them with rejoicing and peace. I especially pray for peace in my heart. Help me trust that my brother is in a better place and that his soul is at rest. As I mourn, help me hold onto that peaceful truth.
I humbly offer this prayer in Your blessed name, Amen.

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. – Psalm 9:9
Prayer Of Remembrance For The Dead
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank You for blessing me. I humbly express my gratitude for Your miracles in my life. I am so grateful for the ability to pray and pour out the feelings of my heart to You.
Today I come before You in prayer to ask for something dear to my heart. I pray that You will give me the strength to remember those who have already left this life.
Father, please engrave their names on my heart, so that I will always remember the love they expressed to me. Please help me always remember the fond memories I shared with those dear ones.
Father, please help everyone who loved someone who has passed. Please help their minds be full of memories. Help them remember the face of their loved ones.
Father, please preserve the legacy of those we have lost. Help us honor them. Help us do things that would make them proud. Help us make the world a better place in their honor.
I humbly pray in Christ’s sacred name, Amen.

Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; – Peter 1:23
Prayer For My Lost Brother
Holy Father in Heaven,
Thank You for protecting me and watching over me. I am grateful for the gift of my family and all of my loved ones. I am so grateful for their kindness and love.
Today, I pray for my brother. I pray that he will be returned to us. Help guide him back to our family. Help us remember the things he loved and create a space that is ready to receive him.
Father, help my brother find his way. Show him the things that he needs to do. Guide him to all loving and caring people who will help him emulate our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Father, thank You for giving me such a loving brother. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for loving parents. I express my gratitude for a loving home and a joyful space.
Father, please help my lost brother. Help him know that he is loved. Show him how much You care about him, and please bless him with Your generosity and kind spirit.
I offer this prayer with all of my heart in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – John 1:9
Prayer For A Dead Brother
Dear Father in Heaven,
I pray today with heaviness in my heart. I humbly pray for Your power and generosity to heal my pain and heartache. I have lost my brother and I miss him greatly. I miss his smile and the kindness he showed me.
Father, please help my brother rest peacefully. Help him find comfort in heaven. Let him know that his family loves him and that they want him to be at peace. Bless him with a peaceful passage to heaven.
Father, please help this family. Comfort us with love and strength. Give us the knowledge that my brother is in a better place and that he is cared for with you.
Please help me remember my brother. Help me remember the smile on his face and the lessons that we learned side by side. I miss him, and I pray that You will ease that pain without making me forget the sweetness of my brother.
I offer this prayer with humility in Christ’s name, Amen.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her – Ephesians 5:25
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for the loss of a brother submitted all over the world: