As true Christians, we are called to spread the word of God to those who need to hear it and these prayers for unbelievers empower us to be able to do so.
We all have family and friends who don’t personally know God. While we talk to them about our Heavenly Father and His love for them, they don’t seem to listen. All of us believers know how uncertain life is and how hard it is to live without God. We don’t want those we love to miss Heaven so we need to pray for them.
If you are attempting to share the word of God with someone who needs to hear it, you might also want to use some Bible verses for unbelievers.
Let us pray.
Prayer for Non-Believers to Hear His Love
Oh Holy God,
May Your word be heard by those who have not yet heard it. Might Your word of love and peace be heard throughout the world.
May your love be open to those who have not yet felt it.
May your presence be known to those who have not yet experienced it.
May your grace be granted to those who have not yet received it.
I come to you in prayer on behalf of those who do not yet know You. I pray that they would come to see how good and loving You truly are.
I pray that they open their eyes to see the beauty of Your creation.
I pray that their hearts would be softened to hear Your voice speaking to them.
I pray that they become drawn to You and become open to Your love so that they can know the joy of having a relationship with You.
I pray that they would come to know You as their personal Lord and Savior.
In the almighty name of your son, Jesus Christ.
Prayer For Unbelievers Salvation
Dear Heavenly Father,
Some so many people don’t know you or your love for them. Others believe You don’t exist but we know You do. We also know You sent Your Son to earth to show them Your love. Jesus died and was resurrected so all can have eternal life. Without Him, there would be no hope or access to You.
Please send people and events into the lives of unbelievers so they know You exist and want to have a relationship with them. Break down barriers that keep You from those you are pursuing. Keep pursuing unbelievers with a passion to bring them to salvation.
We ask that You step into the lives of unbelievers miraculously so they can’t deny that You love them. Do things they can’t explain. Reach deep into their hearts to draw out their fears and mistrust so they can see You working in their lives, even though they don’t know you. Finally, show them the truth of salvation and how much they need it.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? – Corinthians 6:14
Prayer To Help Unbelievers
Lord, we come humbly before you to ask that you help unbelievers in whatever ways they need help. They may be hungry or could be the CEO and think they don’t need You. We know they do.
Whatever their need, we ask in your Holy Name to help them. Help them so that Your Name is glorified and so that they come to know You in a personal and intimate way. Jesus told us to meet people’s physical needs so that when they listen to us when we speak of Your love.
How can we speak of love yet walk away when someone is in need? We ask that You use us in whatever way possible to help meet the needs of unbelievers. Put those we are meant to serve in our daily path so we can show them how much You love them and want them to be saved.
Pierce our hearts with a burden to serve the unbelieving world and show us how to do it.
We ask for all these things in Your precious and Holy Name,
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23
Bible Verse Prayer For Unbelievers
Hear me dear Heavenly Father as we pray for unbelievers,
Many people know and have memorized John 3:16 but in prayer we want You to remember what Jesus said in John 3:17 so You, our Father, can stand by Your promise to save all those who ask. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him may be saved.”
We know You sit as a righteous Judge, a Holy Judge, and can’t bear anyone with sin to enter your presence. Thankfully, we have Jesus and His sacrifice and resurrection to cover our sins so we may be in Your presence.
Unbelievers don’t know this. They believe You are just judging them on their actions, their sins. Some may be so deep in sin they can’t see a way out. Reach out to them Lord, use who is near, to help pull unbelievers out of that pit and show them Your love.
If these unbelievers only knew how much You loved them! If they realized what You did just so they could live forever with You, they would run to You.
Help them see, Lord. Help them see how much You love them. Send the Holy Spirit to show them that You want to wipe away their sin and save them.
Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. – Hebrews 3:12
Prayer For Unbelievers Desiring God
Oh Dear God, hallowed be thy name!
We expectedly seek prayer for those unbelievers who desire to know You. Many have heard of You and Your miracles but they have never experienced You for themselves. They secretly want to experience Your love and miracles in their lives but don’t know how to reach out to you.
Our prayer is that you use us to show them. Put us, as many as necessary, in their lives to answer their questions and show them Your way. Help us to live our lives that demonstrate Your love to them so they do not doubt that You exist and that You love them.
Come into their lives in unusual and miraculous ways so they do not doubt that You are seeking them out. Speak to them by name so that they know You are calling them. Comfort them if they are in a time of distress so they know it is You who is there.
We pray for the Holy Spirit to act in the lives of all those in unbelief who desire to know you, that He teaches them about You even while they remain in unbelief. We pray for the Holy Spirit to give them an urgency about finding salvation in You.
Your Scripture says knock and the door shall be opened, seek and you shall find. Dear Lord, these people are knocking. They are seeking in the only ways they know. Open the door to them and show them who You are and how much You love them. Bring salvation to them.
In spite of all this they still sinned And did not believe in His wonderful works. – Psalm 78:32
Short Prayer For Unbelievers
Dear Gracious Father,
How we love You and how we know You love unbelievers. You would save every person if they would only ask! We pray for unbelievers now, that they realize time is short but Your love is long.
We ask that You reveal Yourself to them so they might believe and come to know Your love through salvation. We ask that you use us to help in that process and show Your love to them in any way possible.
But the Jews who disbelieved stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and embittered them against the brethren. – Acts 14:2
Have Your Prayer Submitted
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