Offering this prayer for a struggling son is so important, it may be your son who is in need, or offered up for someone you know who has a son in need. It is from a place of love that we offer this prayer.
We all struggle at times, and the greatest thing about prayer is that it can help those who need it especially when a prayer is offered up on behalf of someone else. That is a truly Christian act.
Let us offer up this prayer together.
A Prayer for Your Struggling Son
Please note: This was a long prayer shared with our YouTube congregation. If you would prefer something shorter and easier to offer to God yourself, we have a collection of shorter prayers for a son in trouble you can use instead.
Dear Lord, I offer this prayer for my struggling son. Lord, I am praying on his behalf because I love him more than anything and he is really in need of your help. I know that you loved your son and you watched him struggle as he walked this earth.
My prayer to you is that you help him to deal with whatever it is he has to deal with, you can bring strength to his art through your love. Lord God Almighty my son is in dire need of your help.
Saying this prayer for my struggling son is bringing me strength to support him, it is allowing me to talk to you Lord about my love for my son and my love for you, both these things sustain me and bring me life.
My worry for my son is that he has lost his way in being able to cope and I know that coping and getting through this difficult period would be so much easier with you taking his hand and giving him the strength he needs right now.
It may be that you lift him in your arms and carry him for a while until this time has passed that you take this load from him until he is ready to walk the path again with more surety and direction.
Lord, you are love and in your love, you have the capacity for all your flock, you have time for us all, love for us all, and my son is one of those who needs you right now.
I praise you for the way you have shown us to reach out to show love to others, to walk a path of kindness, I praise you for your wisdom and your righteousness Lord.
My son is in a place he cannot see a way out of. He needs someone to hold his hand and help him feel capable of getting through this and he needs a way forward. This prayer for my struggling son is so heartfelt and comes from a place of love and desperation.
The Psalms tell us that you are ‘our refuge and help, an ever-present help in trouble’. I ask you to allow my son to take refuge with you, that you are here for him in his time of trouble.
My son is trying to find his way through this, and he needs a bit of direction so that he knows what to do, and some help in being able to do that. I pray that this is where you will intercede.
I am worried for my son, but I know that in offering these prayers and asking for your help Lord that I will be heard and listened to. You ease my soul by the simple fact of your strong presence in my life. Help me to help him by letting him lean on me and by allowing him to accept any practical advice and support I can give him.
My son needs you right now Lord, whether he recognizes that need or not Lord, and I know that you will intercede on his behalf. I give you thanks for your everlasting patience and kindness in supporting me and my family.
I ask you, Mary, the mother of Jesus to take this prayer to your heart, as the mother of all mothers you know what it is to watch your son suffer, you know how a mother feels to watch this. I ask you Mary mother of God to intercede here, to help another struggling son, to support a weeping mother.
As one mother to another, I ask you to help me help my son, bring that maternal love to bear on all God’s children and focus some of that care, particularly on my struggling son right now.
Mary Mother of God, hold my child to your breast and show him the things he must do to get through this very difficult period. Suffuse his heart with the strength he needs so that he feels able to face his days and is better able to get himself out of difficulties.
I will try to give him the help he needs but I know that true strength comes from faith and prayer.
The love of God burns inside us like a beacon of love, you bring something to our hearts that we cannot find without you Lord, and that is what my son needs now whether he realizes it or not.
Accept this prayer on my son’s behalf, and on behalf of all mothers with sons who are struggling right now, help us to help our precious sons.
Lord Hear our Prayer.
Scripture for Your Struggling Son
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”
Psalm 46:1-3
The simplest message, turn to God in your hour of need, he will always be there for you as a source of strength.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe”
Proverbs 18:10
What a wonderful image in a tower of strength, a place of safety, a fortress no evil can penetrate. We are safe with the Lord.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6-7
The whole reason we pray repeatedly to God to ask for his help, we know that we can make requests of God, we know that in asking he will hear us and grant our prayer.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
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