Join Us and Be Part of the Story

Support Prayers was created to help prevent the humdrum of daily life from getting in the way of the word of God. These days we need to see our prayers answered. We’ve created our prayer resources and submissions to help unite Christians together and help strengthen our prayers together.

We want to help share our prayers and prayer groups with as many people as possible and help as well as we can.

Why Join In?

When you choose to join in you’re helping spread the love and word of The Lord.

Being a supporter is an easy way to help spread the love and power to others and means you can partake of the benefits of our daily prayer groups.

Help Make a Difference

There is no such thing as support too small.

We work hard to share the word of God and submit as many prayers as we can every single day. Any little bit you do to help support us keeps us going an extra day.

How to Show Your Generosity

There are so many ways you can help us spread the word (examples below!). All of it (however little it may seem) goes towards spreading His word and keeping us going.

Support Method #1: Sow a Financial Seed

Probably the easiest and most popular option for many is to send a small donation.

We put a lot of work into collecting, writing and submitting prayers and bringing His word to so many people each day. Every donation (even the price of a single cup of coffee) helps us reach even more lives every single day.

We are endlessly grateful for the support we receive and it allows us to keep going.

Make a Donation

Support Method #2: Join us On YouTube!

The more people watch our videos on YouTube (and the longer they watch them!) the more YouTube spreads our prayer videos to more people. This is a completely free way to help us and really does help spread the word.

So if you have a spare moment subscribe to the channel and watch as many videos as you can. Pray alongside us or share our prayer videos with others.

Support Method #3: Share a Link to Us

Help us spread the word! Share us on Facebook, Pinterest, on your blog, on Twitter or wherever! You could link to your prayer request page, the homepage or send a specific prayer to someone who might be in need of it today.

We work hard to spread the word and share our prayers with as many people as possible, if you share it with just one person it really helps us out.

Support Method #4: Follow Us on Instagram!

This one is very new so bear with us while we get the page fully setup but if you follow us on Instagram it could go a long way to helping us get the word out there too!


Thank you for praying with me and thank you for your support.

Your brother in Christ,

– Chris