7 Communion Prayers in the Bible

These 7 communion prayers in the Bible will lead you into a prayerful and thoughtful meditation of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Communion is a wonderful opportunity for God’s children to remember the selfless sacrifice of our Savior and Lord.

Receiving the elements with a prayerful heart makes it all meaningful.

Let us pray.


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Short Prayer for Communion

Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer so full of hope and faith.

I am so thankful for the gift of communion and for the chance to remember what You have done for Your people.

I pray that my heart would be opened and that I would be able to receive all that You have for me. I ask that You would cleanse me of anything that is not of You and that Your Holy Spirit would fill me.

I surrender everything to You now and ask that You would use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ name.


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Communion Prayer in the Bible on Salvation

Loving Father, I thank you for sending the Lord Jesus, the author, and finisher of my faith. In Him I have redemption, through the precious blood He had shed on the cross for my sin. By faith in His saving grace, I have access to Your throne.

A friend to sinners, a mediator to the sinning, Jesus, my Lord has made salvation certain and permanent for me. Thank you for not withholding your only begotten Son so that anyone who comes in childlike faith and surrender may be partakers of His grace and heirs of salvation.

Oh, merciful Father, as I take communion at this time, I meditate on your amazing grace. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for your undeserved grace. Praise be unto you, my Lord and my God.


Scripture for Communion

Communion Prayer for Faithfulness

Eternal Father, I take communion in praise and worship of you. You are forever faithful, and your love is steadfast.

I remember the promise of the Scriptures that Christ loves His own and He loves them to the end. Nothing can ever separate me from your love. Not anything in this world, nor anything that is yet to come.

Neither life nor death can separate me from your enduring love. Thank you for your great faithfulness and love. Enable me to stay faithful to you as you are faithful to me. Let Your Spirit keep me close, don’t ever let me drift away. In your presence, let me take refuge and find rest.


Communion Prayer of Worship

Gracious Father, as I take communion, I pause to worship and praise the Bread of life who came down from heaven to give life to the world.

The Lord Jesus promised that whosoever comes to Him will not hunger. Whoever places their faith in Him will no longer thirst. The Lord Jesus Christ is my fulfillment. Every need in Him is satisfied. I am strengthened, I am strong. I partake of the bread and thank my Savior that I live forever. I praise you God for your life-giving sacrifice.

Praise the Lord. Amen.

communion bible verse

Communion Prayer of Thanksgiving

Sovereign Lord,  praise be unto you for sending your only begotten Son to fulfill Scriptures. The Gospel is true and it is sure. Christ suffered, died, and was buried to pay for my sins.

He ransomed me from the chains of sin, death, and hell. On the third day, He rose victorious against sin, death, and the evil one. He has swallowed up death in victory. By this Gospel, I am forever saved through faith in Christ’s finished work. And as I receive the elements, the bread as a token of your broken body, the wine, as a token of your shed blood, my heart bows in humility and gratitude.

Thank you, Triune God. You have given me victory in every way. Nothing can move me because I am an overcomer through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen and amen.

Communion Prayer of Remembrance

Dear God, as I break the bread of remembrance, I meditate on your body that was broken for me. Your side was pierced because of my sin. You were crushed for all my iniquity. The due punishment meant for my rebellion was placed upon you. Because of your wounds, I found healing.

Oh, Lord Jesus, I am forever grateful for your sacrifice on the cross. Thank you for dying for my sins, and thank you for the command to observe communion as often as we can to remember your redeeming sacrifice. I do not want to forget, and I won’t ever forget that through the Cross I have now crossed from death to life. Praise you, Father, Praise you God the Son and praise you the Holy Spirit.

All three in one, I praise you for salvation full and free.


Bible Verse for Communion

Communion Prayer for Selfless Love

Father in heaven, as I drink the cup of remembrance, I meditate on your shed blood on the cross. Your blood washed away all my sins. You are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. I am forever changed by your selfless love. You have greatly shown the truth that there is no greater love than to lay one’s life for his friends.

Oh, dear Jesus, teach me to love as you love, especially my enemies. Teach me to pray for those who persecute me and to share your saving Word even to them, given the chance. Empower me to love my neighbors and to be concerned for their welfare the way I am naturally concerned about my own affairs.

Above all, create in me the desire and ability to love the Father with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Be pleased with my heart, oh, my Lord and Savior,


Communion Prayer to Abide

Redeeming God, as I remember the death of Christ, I think of His last words to the disciples. He came to give us life, not just any life, but abundant life. He came to give us joy, and in Him, our joy is truly complete.

Help me to abide in Christ, for without Him I am helpless. Apart from Christ, life has no meaning. It has no lasting purpose. In Christ, I live, move, and have my being. He created me and He completes me. In Him, I can do all things. Oh, Father, teach me to understand and remember that as the branch is forever dependent on the vine, I am forever dependent on You for life, growth, success, and satisfaction.

Thank you for the cross. Without I can never be found in Christ. In the Cross are my hope and glory.

Praise be to God, Amen.

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Communion Prayer for Faithfulness

Bible Verses and Scripture for Communion

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. – John 1:7

When we take communion, we are reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. The bread and wine represent his body and blood, and as we eat and drink them, we remember that he died for us.

This verse from John tells us that when we walk in the light of Jesus, we have fellowship with one another. In other words, communion is a time for us to come together as a community and remember what we have in common: our faith in Jesus Christ.

The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin, meaning that through his sacrifice, we are forgiven and can start anew. Every time we take communion, we are reminded of the grace and mercy of God, and we are given the opportunity to renew our commitment to Him and His teachings.

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. – Matthew 28

In taking communion, Christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and pledge themselves to follow in his footsteps. The bread and wine represent the body and blood of Christ, which were poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

This Bible verse reminds us that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness, but that through Christ’s sacrifice we can be forgiven and have eternal life. Communion is a reminder of our covenant with God.

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