God truly loves children; they are one of the most precious gifts that God has given to every parent in the world! How do you imagine your children moving and growing in the ways of God? When the disciples came to Jesus saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called forward a child and put him in the midst of everyone saying, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” This was based on Matthew 18, saying that children are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Let this prayer remind every parent or anyone with children and take care of them and that God is watching over them. Let us be aware that our future generation also depends on them, so we must be responsible in any way, especially praying for them to walk on the right path. The path of righteousness. All we need for you is to agree, especially if you’re a parent or someone who’s taking care of a child. Put your whole heart into the words you will hear and say. Let us pray.
Let us pray.
Short Prayer For Your Children
Dear Lord, we pray that these children shall know you, talk to you, and intercede with you in their daily lives. For we know that these children hold the bright future of our generation. We ask that you protect them, guide them, lead them, and talk to them so they may be guided throughout their daily lives. These children meant the world to us. We pray for spiritual intervention and guidance towards them so that they make decisions that are right for them.
Only you know what is right, and we truly believe that You have the best plans for them. We put our trust in You, for You have brought these gifts through us. May you provide us with the needs for them, work in us, Lord, and help us put the right words in their hearts.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1
Protective Prayer For Your Children
Our dearest heavenly Father, we hereby ask You with our wholehearted commitment to please protect these children. Always guide them and protect them in the way that you have promised us. Keep them under your wings. Let them not depart in your presence, for your presence will bring them peace and comfort in any situations that they may not control. Protect them and keep them sheltered in your graceful arms.
Oh Lord God, may you keep them safe from harm and provide them strength for every struggle they might face. We are here in complete awareness of your commands so that they may have a life filled with Christ in them.

the king of Jericho: one; the king of Ai(near Bethel): one; – Joshua 12:9
Intercessory Prayer For Your Children
Oh Lord Jesus, our God, we are praying on behalf of these children that you would pour out your spirit onto them so that they may be guided, and we pray protection against all forms of sin they would encounter. Lord, we know that your promises will never fail as well as your everlasting love.
We, as your people, have prayed blessings upon them, and we pray faithfulness to grow in them. As it is said in Hebrews 12, let them fix their eyes on you until they grow up and help us to teach them the good works you have done for your people. Therefore, guide them on the path that you have promised them.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23
Daily Prayer For Your Children
Father God our almighty creator, You have called the light as Day and darkness as Night. We know that on a daily basis, You have always known what is right for every individual. We pray for provisions for these children’s daily needs. Lord, we put our faith in You completely with all our hearts. Provide them with endurance, humility, love, obedience, and all of the fruit of the spirit that you may plant right in their hearts.
Hear their calls, Lord, we know how much You love these children, and we pray for growth in Godly relationships that anyone they meet will be blessed. Every day is always a new encounter, so please keep them filled with joy and peace throughout their days. Let them not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow should be worrying by itself. Let them not be anxious about what tomorrow will bring, for you have provided for them already.

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. – Colossians 3:20
Prayer For A Child In Crisis
Our gracious Father, who is always good and only good, we’re praying for the kids who are struggling in any form of crisis right now. Let your favor be covered and bless them as you make them righteous, oh Lord. May your mercy be showered upon them and bring forth that hope that there’s going to be that solution to the problem. As young children, they might not know or understand the world.
Let these children be wise and not walk in harm’s way. Hear their cries, oh Lord, and we pray for patience for them, for as little kids, this is what they would lack. Let them be slow to anger and help them to be obedient and act with integrity, so they will learn about the good things and act with the right attitude as they grow up.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. – Galatians 5:22
Prayer For Your Children’s Safety
Dear God, we ask that you provide healing whenever they are ill. Lord, help them to be completely ready physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially to be spiritually healthy. We entrust in you these children, for you are the only one that we believe is the God who is to protect them.
Our heavenly Father, in every night they sleep, may they sleep soundly and have no fear of what tomorrow will bring. Help them wake up and feel encouraged and also be well rested. You are the God of protection, we trust in your ways, and our heart longs for your voice so that they may also be heard. They will wake up well-rested and with complete strength through Christ Jesus!

Do to others as you would have them do to you. – Luke 6:31
Prayer For Your Children’s Success
Lord, we believe that you will bless everyone who fears You. In this generation, where these children grow shall be fruitful. They will bear fruit as they grow up. Lord, it is said in your word to “Train up a child in the way he should go.” says in proverbs, so that they may not depart from your words. We also ask that you help us find the needs for these children to be successful in any way they need to be.
Provide us wisdom on how to handle and help them in their paths. As they meet new people, Lord, let them be wise to make the right decisions on what they need to say and do. Provide them with the courage that has been given to David and Joshua in the bible. Because we know that success is a long way; a journey that they need to be strong and willing to persevere on the path they need to take. Let you be the center of their strength and may you help them understand humility to understand situations and not cause them harm.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32
We ask you all these things, Lord, as we pray for these things. We are in complete surrender to your word. You love these children, and You would love to see them grow as you have desired them. Amen.
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for your children submitted all over the world: