It is never a bad thing to offer a prayer of humility. This reminds us to be humble and asking God to support us in remembering this is a good way to seek that humility.
We are asked in the Bible to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and it can be easy to lose sight of this command in so many ways. Prayers bring us back to that humility and remind us how we need to behave.
Let us pray.
You could also offer a prayer of thanking God or prayers for forgiveness alongside these.
Prayer for Humility Every Day
Lord help me to remember your command that we put on as God’s chosen ones compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
This as we are reminded in the Colossians is the way into heaven. Help me to remember that God has taught us exactly what he values and the way he wants us to behave. We know that the meek shall inherit the earth yet we spend so much time striving to be more successful now.
Help me Lord to listen to your command to be more humble now.
Remind me to be humble before the Lord from the minute I awake to the minute my eyes close.
I want not to walk in a state of pride and arrogance but to find within myself my sense of humility and kindness and compassion for others.
Lord stay with me every day and whisper these words into my heart so that I please you every day with how I live and honor your command.
Walk with me Lord so that I can learn to be more humble in your presence.
This I pray.
Prayers for Humility With My Family
Lord help me to remember to be humble with my family, to put them first in everything I say and do and to find ways of bringing my humility to serve them daily.
I know Lord that you ask us to be kind and generous to our families and to take responsibility for them. Help me to put their needs before mine.
Help me to lose any sense of self-importance and to work always to be at their service and love.
I am humble before you, Lord. I know I am but a speck in your flock and I need to treat my family as the most important people in my world.
Help me to avoid all conflict with my family caused by my arrogance and attention only to what I want to do and say. Temper my tongue and my actions as I think about your teaching and your desire to have me as humble as possible before you.
I must learn to serve others first. Think about their needs and place myself below their needs.
In this way Lord I can walk in your love and know that you are seeing my humility in action.
This is truly the way I will prove myself to you as your humble servant.
Bring me this habit and stay with me as I act on this humility in every way I can.
For this, I pray.
Prayer for Humility in Front of Jesus
Jesus, I cannot even contemplate the sacrifices you made here on earth. I am speaking of your many acts of humility, not least your crucifixion which you bore with grace and goodness, never once crying out against any unfairness.
You humbled yourself in so many ways so that you could serve others asking nothing for yourself and neither defending yourself nor boasting about your kindness to others.
You lived here on this earth to set the ultimate example of what it looks like to lead a good and humble life.
Every act you took was an act of humility, you suffered scorn for your teachings and lived in poverty and in squalor. You were born to humble parents in a barn. There was never a time when you asked for more or cried out to your father to save you.
This lesson of your life shines through the new testament and I can only partly understand the love you had for others that drove you to live so humbly and to die so humbly.
Teach me to have a fraction of that humility in my life, not to think about my needs and what I deserve but to put others first all the time and to put my needs last.
Help me to bear all the petty sufferings with humility and not to be arrogant enough to believe I deserve more in my life.
You are the model of humility Jesus and I just want to have a scrap of that humility and decency in my life.
I want to walk in your footsteps as much as I can in my daily life and to constantly remember I am nothing in your eyes but still you love me.
All I need is that love and I am warmed by you, Lord Jesus.
Prayer for Humility at Work
Lord God, it can be very difficult at work for a lot of reasons. I can be frustrated and unhappy for many reasons.
Some of this I know is because I think I deserve to be treated better by others, I have a feeling that I deserve more reward and more recognition for all that I do.
Help me to be more humble in my attitude and to accept things the way they are, or to make the changes in the right way.
Lord help me to lose some of the arrogance I bring to work which would make me more patient with those around me whom I often feel are not good enough in the job or as people.
Help me to bring a different, more humble attitude to the job and particularly to my coworkers.
It would serve me well if I thought less about myself and more about my coworkers in lots of situations.
Bring me this wisdom and this humility as I go into work. So that I change the way I am with people and the job might seem easier and less stressful.
Lord God, it is difficult to be humble when you know you’re right about everything and someone else is wrong, help me lose some of that arrogance and to work with other people to find agreement and compromise for this is the way of humility.
Help me take my desire for humility with me into work when next I am there and to remember with every action I take and conversation I have, that I am striving for that humility you expect from us.
This I pray.
Prayer for the Humility of Mankind
Lord help us to remember that we’re here on this earth for a short time and that we are here as part of your full creation.
You created us in your image to live with love, respect and humility.
Help us to see that we must look after all your creatures and the earth you created with humility and not arrogance as we do now. Bring us your sense of humility instead of the sense of entitlement with which we live. Bring us to a place of respect for the earth and each other.
Help your creation mankind to become more humble in the way we live on this=earth which is what you gave your only son to teach us how to love.
This I pray.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
Have your prayer for humility submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses and Scripture for Humility
Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble – Peter 5:5
This is interesting in that it is asking us to respect those who are older and to behave arrogantly in their presence. In essence, the Lord favors those who are humble among us and does not respect the proud.
Jesus did not come to this earth to be served but to serve others – Matthew 20:28
We need to understand that Jesus served others and true humility is found in the service of others, as through this we serve Jesus.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. – Colossians 3:12
This verse is urging Christians to live a life of humility. This verse is often interpreted as meaning that Christians should be meek and servile, but the original Greek word for humility actually has a much broader range of meanings.
The word can also be translated as “gentleness” or “lowliness of mind.” In this context, humility refers to an attitude of complete submission to God. Christians are called to set aside their own desires and ambitions, and instead seek to follow God’s will.
This doesn’t mean that Christians should never assert themselves or strive for excellence. Rather, it means that they should do so with the understanding that ultimately it is God who is in control.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. – Ephesians 4:2
Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who was a humble man. Christ never sought to draw attention to himself, but always pointed others to God.
In the same way, Christians are called to be humble, seeking not prominence or power, but instead showing love and gentleness to others. This Bible verse from Ephesians 4 is a reminder that Christians are to bear with one another in love, being patient and kind even when it is difficult.
By following these instructions, Christians can model humility in their own lives and create a more loving world.