These pure prayers for deliverance will call upon God’s power to protect and liberate you. Delivered by men of God who have experienced great victories in the name of Jesus, these prayers are sure to give you hope and faith in overcoming any obstacle.
These are a collection of the best prayers for deliverance.
Let us pray.
Father in Heaven, please deliver me from sin. Please cleanse my soul and remove all evil desires, thoughts, and actions that I have committed against you.
Deliver me from evil and hold me safe under Your love.
I thank you for sending your son to take the punishment for my sins on the cross, so that I may be forgiven of my transgressions. Please send the Savior, Jesus Christ into my heart to take control of my life. Let his will be done in me, not mine. Thank you for delivering me from the dominion of sin.
Prayer For Deliverance And Healing
Let my prayer for deliverance from every impurity, every sin and from all temptations be heard in the presence of God. Let my cry for mercy reach your throne, Jesus Christ Son of God.
Bring me deliverance and healing O Lord.
I deserve to be punished for my sins but instead have mercy on me. I am not perfect as I would like to be, but heal me and keep me safe. I may sin sometimes, but purify me and help me grow in holiness.
Prayer Of Deliverance And Protection
God, in Jesus’s name I come to you.
I come before your throne of grace and make a request for deliverance and protection. Protect me from any and all evil activity both open and occult. Protect me from any and all harm.
God, watch over me and deliver me from harm this day.
“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
Prayers For Deliverance From Darkness
Jesus Christ my Lord, Savior, and deliverer; I come to you today in humble prayer.
Thank you for your willingness to die on the cross on my behalf. I thank you for setting me free from sin and death. My heart is indebted to you for eternity.
Deliver me from the darkness Jesus. Bring me into your light and hold me safe from harm forever and ever.
Prayer For Deliverance From Sin
Dear Lord God, I pray for deliverance from sin, that we may be set free of its power in our lives.
Deliver us, O Lord, from the bondage of sin and empower us by your Spirit, that with true repentance and contrition we may obtain forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Savior.
I know that I’m not perfect but I try my best to please you. Help lighten my load and deliver me from sin.
Prayer For Addiction Deliverance
Gracious God, we thank you for your presence and the power of your Holy Spirit. We ask that you cleanse our spirits and remove all addictions from our lives. Please deliver us from these addictions so that we may serve you.
Please cover all those who are affected by addiction with Your love, grace, and mercy. Guide them to find healing in your arms.
We pray that our addictions be replaced with strength and power to follow you, so help us God Almighty,
Prayer For Deliverance For Your Son
Let my prayer for my son come before you, Lord. I thank you for this son and I ask your blessing upon him.
The Bible says that you care for all the birds of the air and every creature that moves along the ground or water. You take care of them when they are young, and you provide food for them when they get old. I pray that you will do the same for my son.
Please protect him, bring him deliverance and give him the strength to resist temptation.
Prayer For Husband Deliverance
Dear Lord God,
I come to you today and humbly ask that you deliver my husband. Please free him from any of the demons that threaten his mind, body, and soul. Please free him from the grips of Satan.
I pray for your healing power to heal his spirit, soul, and body and keep him safe.
Prayer For Deliverance From Narcissism
Almighty Lord God,
I offer up a prayer for individuals who are struggling with narcissism. By the power of the cross, help them overcome their prideful emphasis on themselves. Help them recognize that there is more to life than just focusing on their own needs.
I bring you my prayer for deliverance and ask that you help guide them back towards the light and the right way of looking at things. They aren’t prioritizing God above all else in their lives. Father, speak to them and show them that following You is more rewarding than pursuing the pleasures of this life.
It’s only You, Lord, who can show them the way to freedom. Please intervene and deliver them.
Prayer For Deliverance From Enemies
Gracious God, I come to you to seek my deliverance from my enemies.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who died for us and rose again, we pray for deliverance from every power of darkness. Nobody can hope to stand against me when I have you watching over my shoulder.
Deliver me from evil and hold me safe from these enemies who would seek to do me harm.
Prayer For Self Deliverance
Gracious God, you have given me a will so that I may choose for myself good and evil, Truth and falsehood. If I have followed my own inclinations, following the dictates of my passions and making them my god, then I am indeed lost in darkness.
If it is your most holy will that I should serve the world in Your name, aid me in self-deliverance to improve myself.
Prayer For Deliverance From Evil
Jesus Christ my Lord, have mercy on your followers and those under threat of evil.
God the creator of Heaven and Earth, watch over us and protect us all from evil. Deliver us from the threat of Satan and release us from his grip.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I come against you satan with all power that is granted me through Christ Jesus.
Short Prayer For Deliverance
God, I ask you to deliver me and to help me tap into the power of your Holy Spirit. I pray that you will help me make the right decisions in Your name.
I pray for those in need of help and deliverance. Watch over us when we’re in need of your help.
Submit Your Prayer
Have your prayer for deliverance submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses and Scripture for Deliverance
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. – John 4:4
Deliverance is a difficult topic for some because it unsettles the notion that we are in control of our lives. However, Christians know that God is watching over us and wants what is best for our lives.
This verse from John provides comfort and reassurance in the face of struggle. It tells us that, despite the trials and tribulations of this world, we are never alone. God is always with us, and His power is greater than any other. This verse offers hope in the midst of darkness and reminds us that, no matter what happens, we will always be children of God.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. – Pslam 32:7
This verse can be seen as a reminder that God will always be there to protect us and help us through difficult times. We can find comfort in knowing that we are never alone and that God is always with us.
He will deliver us from all evil and hardship and offers us refuge in His arms. This bible verse is a reminder that we can always turn to God in times of need, and He will always be there to help us.