If you feel an evil presence or are threatened by something, these pious prayers for protection from evil ask God to watch over you and hold you safe. There are many Bible prayers for protection from evil that you can recite to ask for help.
By calling on God’s power, you can feel safer and more secure. Whether you are facing a personal threat or dealing with something far larger, these prayers can give you the courage to carry on. recite one of these prayers today and find strength in God’s protection.
This collection of prayers about protection from evil asks God to help.
Let us pray.
To have your prayer prayed for around the world share your prayer and I will share it with groups and Churches around the world on your behalf.
Jesus Christ my Lord, who has sent His Holy Angel Raphael to guide and protect me, I pray that you bless these words so they may create a shield of protection around my family and me.
I break any curses, hexes, vexes or spells on me through the power vested in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Evil does not scare me as I walk with the light of God who watches over me and the others in my life.
Prayer For Protection From Evil For Family
Dear Lord God, I pray that you will protect my family from any harm done by the evil one. Please hold them close and comfort them if they are distressed or afraid of any person or thing.
Protect us all with your mighty power and keep us out of Satan’s grasp. In the name of Jesus Christ and through faith in him and his work on the cross, I pray.
Shield us with the armor of God and hold us all from any harm.
If you are worried for your family or loved ones you might share other prayers to protect your family from evil.
Powerful Prayer For Protection From Evil
Oh, Holy Father, creator of everything.
Please put any evil spirits to flight who wish me harm. Let them know they are defeated and never again can they return.
My body is a temple where you dwell within my soul. I love you Father God with all my heart, with all my mind.
I love you Lord God please protect me from evil so I can continue to serve your most Holy will. Luminous, radiant angelic hosts please encircle me three times.
My body is a temple where you dwell within my soul.
Short Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits
Gracious God, I ask for your protection.
Protect me from the spirits of darkness, that they will not gain power over me.
Give me strength against all evil forces so that I may overcome them with Your love and mercy. Hold me tightly when evil spirits try to scare or do me harm. Don’t allow them to be anywhere around me or others in my life.
I entrust myself to Your divine will and protection.

Prayer For Protection From Evil Doers
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior is the way, the truth and the life. I come to you, Lord Jesus Christ. I come to you in prayer for protection from evildoers.
Jesus, my Lord and Savior I need protection against Satan and all of his demons right now at this moment. Drive them from me as they cannot hope to gain victory against one of your own.
Keep me safe from harm and make them know that their evil deeds cannot hope to succeed.
Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits
Father in Heaven, Holy One of Israel, I come to you in prayer.
Please protect me from the evil spirits that want to attack my mind and body. God of my ancestors, You are strong, holy and wise. You know who these spirits are. You know their names and what they do. Please unite your forces with mine against them.
Please strike down these evil spirits and cast them into the abyss where they will never bother me again.
I ask this in Jesus’ name,
Prayer To St Michael For Protection From Evil
Gracious God, Holy and Mighty, Immortal and Invisible, I pray to Thee for protection from all evil in the name of St Michael.
Please guide me by Your power that nothing will defeat me or harm me in any way. Protect me from evil and drive them from around me with the power of your light.
St Michael, Archangel, wield your sword towards the threat of evil and drive them from this world.
In Jesus’ Name,
St Benedict Prayer For Protection From Evil
Dear St Benedict, please help me.
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.
Evil seeks to hurt me and I cast myself upon your protection by the power of God Almighty through the merits of Christ our Lord and I ask that you shield me from every assault or attack by any evil being whether human or demonic in origin, visible or invisible in manifestation.
I ask you to surround me and hold the walls of your protection about me like a mighty fortress and castle that nothing can penetrate, nothing will enter or leave without your divine permission.
Hold me safe in your arms and cast away the darkness forever.
Family Prayer For Protection From Evil
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I kneel before you and ask for forgiveness of my sins. I accept your free gift of salvation. Forgive me Jesus for all the times I have sinned against you.
I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is your Son, was crucified and died for our sins, He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to be at your right-hand side.
Satan and his workers cannot hope to win when faced with your almighty love and protection. I ask for You to protect my family from evil spirits or anything else that would harm us physically or spiritually.
Watch over me and my family and deliver us from all harm.
Most Powerful Prayer For Protection From Evil
God, I lift up my heart and soul to you. I ask that you give me a supernatural love for You, power over sin in my life, protection from the evil one, knowledge of Your will for my life, courage to do Your will.
Grant me powerful protection from evil and keep this protection in place always.
I choose to believe that there is a God who hears and answers prayer. I claim the promise of John. I ask that my name be written in the book of life, and I receive salvation through Jesus Christ. I confess with my mouth that I am saved and I thank You for saving me.
Prayer For Protection From Evil People
God, who is the giver of every good gift, has granted to us His precious gifts so that we may be strengthened by His divine grace. God is always with us and guides us in all our ways. Praise be to God!
Lord, grant me protection from evil people who would stand against me. They cannot hope to prevail when faced with your power but I need your help in order to overcome them.
Hold my hand and guide me towards justice and victory.
Prayer For Protection From Evil At Night
Gracious God, before retiring for the night, I ask for your protection from every danger and every enemy – physical and spiritual.
Guard my soul, my body, and all that is mine. Let Your holy angel be with me throughout the night to guard and watch over me as I sleep tonight.
Prayer For Protection From Evil At Work
When dealing with the work of evil at work you could share some of our other prayers for protection at the workplace.
O Lord God, watch over me as I work and protect me from the evil that may lurk there. Either in the form of spirits or in the actions of evildoers who would act against me.
Let your business be blessed now O Lord, let it thrive in this economic climate. Give us peace to work with productivity and efficiency all for Your glory, Amen.
Prayer For Protection From Enemies And Evil
Father in Heaven, Lord God, I come to you in need of protection and guidance.
I thank you for your merciful gifts to humanity, especially the gift of salvation from sin. Lord God, in my life sometimes evil comes against me in the form of spiritual darkness or the deeds of others. I turn in total surrender to you and ask that your holy angels surround me, protect me from all evil, from all enemies of the cross.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Christian Prayer For Protection From Evil
Dear Jesus Christ,
Help me to always be aware of the evil around me and control it with Your love. Please help me to think of evil as something that is external to myself, but not within myself.
Have Your angels watch over me and keep me protected from evil no matter what it might try.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
Have your prayer for protection from evil submitted all over the world:
Bible Verses For Protection From Evil
May he reign under God’s protection forever. May your unfailing love and faithfulness watch over him. – Psalm 61:7
In a world that is so often rife with turmoil and violence, it is reassuring to know that we have a loving God who watches over us and offers protection from evil. The Psalm reminds us that God’s love and faithfulness are always with us, and we can trust in his care.
No matter what challenges or dangers we face. We need not worry, for God is our refuge and strength. He will shield us from harm and guide us through whatever storms we may encounter. So let us put our faith in Him, and know that His love will see us through whatever comes our way.
The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe – Proverbs 18:10
This Bible verse means that God is our protector from evil. He is the strong tower that we can run to for safety. We are His children and He loves us. He wants us to come to Him for protection and He will keep us safe from harm.
When we are in His presence, we are under His protection and nothing can hurt us. Evil cannot enter into His presence because He is holy. Therefore, we can always go to God for safety and protection from evil.
These prayers for protection from evil will invite the Lord to help in this time of need. We can only hope that these prayers provide some comfort and safety for those who are suffering. Please keep all of those affected by these tragic events and the work of evil in your thoughts and prayers.