Whether it is a personal matter or something that impacts the world, we all hope for good news. Christians should especially pray for good news, as our faith is based on the promise of good news. These prayers invite good news and positivity into any situation.
A simple prayer can bring so much light into your life.
These are some of my favorite prayers for good news. You might also share a prayer for a better tomorrow. Or, if you are hoping for medical news, you could offer a prayer for good health.
Let us pray.
Get your prayer shared around prayer groups and holy places with the prayer submission.
Oh, Lord God!
I thank you for the blessings you granted me. Most of all for your son, Jesus Christ our savior! He suffered and died on the cross to save sinners like us from hell and then rose three days later to show that his power was greater than death itself.
I come before you now asking for good news as I wait to find out. Lord, bring me a positive result and hold me safe.
Prayer For Good News Today
Jesus Christ my Lord, God, Savior, King, and Friend.
I ask You to give me news today that can be shared with your people who you have put into my life for me to love and care about. I want Your will to happen on this day.
I ask for strength and courage for myself today to be all You want me to be. Send Your Holy Spirit into my heart and soul.
Prayer For Good News For A Friend
Oh, Lord God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Thus have I looked upon you in the sanctuary, to see your power and your glory.
Bring my friend good news today. Grant them deliverance and support in their time of need. Bring a smile of relief to their face.
I pray this for them as they would pray for me.
Prayer For Good News From Doctor
Gracious God, you know that we place all our hope in the life of this world and that it is only through Your abundant love that we can aspire to live eternal with you.
As we await results from the doctor, Lord I pray for good news. All the joys and triumphs of this life are fleeting, but Your mercy endures forever.
Please, Lord, bring me good news from the doctor. Hold us safe in your love and keep us safe and healthy.

Prayer For Good News Today
Dear Jesus Christ, our deliverance from the evils of the world, I pray that today I will have good news today.
Let my day go well. Let me be of good cheer. And let the news I hear not leave my lips in slander.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Help me to do Your will throughout this day and keep me from temptation that would lead me away from You.
Thank you, Jesus Christ, for listening to me.
Prayer For Good Health News For A Friend
Dear Jesus Christ,
Please bless my friend with good health news.
Dear Lord in Heaven, I pray for good news and good health for my friend. Protect them from pain and bring them a speedy recovery.
Please let them know that we all care about them and we love them.
Hold them safe, Lord. Please grant them good health and send them good news soon.
In your name, I pray,
Prayer For Good Health News
Oh Holy Father, We pray for your guidance and good health for everyone in the world. Bring us good health news this day.
May you bless all hospitals, doctors, nurses and their families with sufficient knowledge to help people who are becoming ill.
May you heal those who are sick by guiding medical professionals with a cure. Please protect us from all types of sicknesses, as we place our trust in you.
In your Son’s Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
If you are hoping (and praying) for good health news, you might want to study what the Bible says about protection from disease.
Good Luck Prayer For Good News
Oh, Holy Father,
We are full of worries and have many difficult burdens.
Oh Holy Father, deliver us from our troubles!
We ask for your protection and good news this day.
Deliver us from these harmful burdens. Grant us luck, wisdom, and strength to carry on this day forward. Please help us feel the warmth of your light and to carry on greatly this day.
Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
A prayer for good luck like this asks the Lord to grant his divine favor on us. He can grant us his blessing in any aspect of our lives. You could combine this with some Bible verses about Luck to share what the joy of the scripture.
Powerful Prayer For Good News
Oh, Lord God.
I come before you in prayer to ask for good news this day. Please, God, bring relief and happiness to me today. Deliver me good news from all corners.
Help me to not worry about what is going on around me, but instead only focus on the good things in my life. Thank you for all of the wonderful blessings that I have received and continue to receive every day.
I pray that I will be able to share that happiness with those around me. Help those who are struggling today, those who may also need Your everlasting help.
Prayer For Good News Tomorrow
God, you are the source of all creation and life. I come before you with a request for good news tomorrow about ___.
God, help us to receive the message; help us to know that we will always experience your love and care as long as we seek you and follow your commands. I pray that our hearts be filled with hope for tomorrow.
In your name, we pray.
Have Your Prayer Submitted
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