If you are a Christian looking for Bible prayers for morning gratitude, you have come to the right place. Here, you will find prayers that will help you start your day with thanksgiving and praise. May these prayers fill your heart with joy and peace as you begin your day. Praise God for all He has done! Amen.
These are some of the best devotional prayers about morning gratitude.
Let us pray.
Offering a morning prayer can help to empower your day ahead and prepare you for success.
As I think about what actions to take, give me clearer thoughts. When I am tempted to do wrong, strengthen my desire to do right.
Give me the grace to be patient as I wait on You, And give me wisdom as I try to plan my life. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord.
Short Good Morning Prayer For Gratitude
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, thank you for your grace and redemption. I will not sin anymore because of the Holy Spirit in me; you are my strength.
Thank you, God, for always keeping watch over me when I sleep, but also during my waking hours. Thank you for this day that is given to me. Thank you, God, for protecting me from all the dangers of the world. Thank you for protecting me from myself and my sins.
Thank you.
Sharing even a short daily prayer to God can bring you closer to him. We can share our gratitude to God by simply talking to him in prayer.
Prayer For Morning Prayer Of Gratitude
Oh, Lord God, come to my assistance. Help me to be grateful for the day you have placed before me. For you are the one who saves me and keeps me safe. I will trust in You and not be afraid.
For You are my strength and song. You, O Lord, will bless me and help me. Oh, Lord God, thank you.
For you are the one who saves me and keeps me safe.
Prayer For Prayer To Praise God In The Morning
Oh Holy Father, I want to praise you in the morning for all of your mercies. I want to praise you every night as a way of thanking you for all that you have done.
As I sleep at night, I know that you are there protecting me from everything evil and dangerous. And when it is time for me to wake up, I want to praise you in the morning for everything that you do.
You give us light and life.
You give us warmth and food.
And when we can’t think straight, you give us your Word so that we may understand.
Prayer For Morning Gratitude Prayer
Thank you for all the many gifts I have been given. Thank you for my life, and my family and friends. Thank you for this day as it comes to me anew.
I ask for your protection over those who are in harm’s way today: You know their names as well as mine. You see them where they are. You are aware of what they are facing and the challenges that they are experiencing.
Prayer For Morning Prayer Offering Of Gratitude
Oh, Holy Father,
Thank you for the miracle of life. Thank you for the beginning of each day and the opportunity to begin again.
I offer all that is given.
All that I have accomplished or failed to accomplish during the nighttime hours. Please let my eyes open with fresh vision this morning, that I might see all that you have given me and walk in wisdom and truth.
Please send your Holy Spirit into my heart, that I might be made new again today – a new creature in Christ Jesus. Let my words and actions bring honor to you,
O God of the universe,
Prayer For Prayer For First Thing In The Morning
Dear Jesus Christ, I thank you for this morning.
I thank you for everything you have granted me. I thank you, Lord, for all that you have done and all that you do.
I thank you that I am here. I thank you for this morning. I thank you for the day ahead.
Prayer For Prayer For Right When You Wake Up
God above us all,
I thank you for the new light of day that you have placed before me.
For this is a time of day that few think to take a moment and give thanks for all they have been given.
And so I ask for guidance from The Holy One, in hopes that my thoughts can be beneficial to myself, my family, friends and others in need.
Prayer Submission
Have your prayer for morning gratitude submitted all over the world: