7 Catholic Night Prayers for Protection

These Catholic night prayers for protection ask the Lord to protect you and your family as you sleep safely throughout the night.

Let us pray.


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Prayer for Protection Against Evil for Before Bed

Dear Heavenly Father, I must first thank you for being so kind, so faithful, and so understanding in my journey to walk by your side.

I thank you for your strength when I am too weak to continue in your glory. I ask that before I go to bed that you give me the ability to be thankful for what I have and to work towards what I want out of life.

Please keep me in your guarding embrace while I rest for the night. I ask that you stay with me while I sleep and that I may find complete rest this evening. I ask this in Jesus’ name.


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Prayer for Faith Before I Fall Asleep

Merciful Lord, I need to ask a favor of you before I go to sleep this night. I put my trust in you every single day that I may make it through and walk in your light.

I have asked that you guide me through my day and that I may turn away from evil. I now ask that before I fall asleep, that you fill me with the faith I need to continue to remain in your glory. I am a sheep in your flock Oh Lord, and I thank you for showing me your grace during the day.

I ask that you give me strength for the day ahead and that you let me serve you in any way I can. I put my trust in you to watch over me this night, and to ensure that I wake in the morning.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Bible Verse for Night Protection

Prayer for Peace and Rest Through the Night

Dear Lord, Oh gracious God, thank you for protecting me during the day, so that I may safely get through. I must ask that you bring clarity to my soul after this day, and that you bring my spirit peace, that I may get proper rest to be able to face the day as best as I can.

I ask that you help to restore my spirit while I sleep, so that I may have the strength and energy to follow you the next day. I need help bringing myself to peace this night before I go to sleep.

I ask that you watch over my soul and my heart while I get my rest so that I will be able to do your will the next day.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Prayer to Say Before Bed Every Night

Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, I thank you for all that you have done for me, and for my family. I know I do not deserve all of the many blessings you have bestowed upon us this day. I know that there are some times that I do not walk in your Light and that I stray from your love and glory.

I ask for your forgiveness for my trespasses and for my sins. I ask that you restore my soul and my faith. I ask that you help to give me strength for the next day to do your will. Lord God, shine your light upon me and my family. Protect us while we close our eyes and get ready to sleep.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Scripture for Night Protection

Prayer for Protection for Your Spirit Before Bed

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that you continue to watch over me and my family while we go about our day. We are full of worry and burdens throughout our day, our hearts and souls heavy with the weight of our daily stress.

We ask you, Oh Lord, that you could help take some of this stress from us so that we may be able to get a sleep full of rest. We ask that you help our spirit be free from any sins we may have committed during the day, so that we may be able to rest easy at night.

I ask that you help let my soul rest easy this night, so that I may wake ready to do your will. I ask this in Your name Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray.


Prayer for Fearless Sleep

Oh Lord, our Savior, please take from me my daily fear and replace it with the strength to do your will. You are always there for me during the day, to guide me through to get to tomorrow. I ask that you help to watch over me and my family, so that we may sleep safely and securely, without fear in our hearts.

Take the fear and uncertainty from my heart and replace it with faith in you to do your will. You have helped me get through this day and I ask that you help me get through this night. I ask that you hear my prayer.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Prayer for a Sleep Full of Rest

Heavenly Father, Oh God, I love that you are always with me and that you never leave my side, even when I walk in sin. Knowing you are here with me brings peace to my soul that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I thank you for your calming presence that is everlasting.

I ask that you fill my soul with peace so that I may get the rest I need to wake up to be able to walk in your shadow. I ask that you fill me with peace and your Holy Spirit so that I may be able to do your will. I ask that you hear my prayer.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


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Prayer for Fearless Sleep

Bible Verses and Scripture for Night Protection

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. – Proverbs 3:24

This Bible verse is a reminder that we are never alone. God is always with us, even when we are at our most vulnerable. When we lie down to sleep, we are putting ourselves in a position of rest and trust.

We are essentially saying to God, “I am tired and I need your help.” And God always comes through for us. He protects us from our fears and from the harm that could come to us in the night. If you wanted to, you could offer God a prayer for nightly protection.

He gives us sweet dreams and peaceful sleep. So when you lie down tonight, remember that God is with you. Close your eyes and rest easy knowing that you are safe in His care.

I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. – Psalm 3:5

Christians know that God is watching over us, keeping us safe from harm during both day and night. Christians can offer prayers for bedtime but He watches over us whether we ask Him to or not.

As we go through life, let us remember the words of Psalm 3:5 and take comfort in knowing that the LORD is our faithful protector.

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