Divine Prayers for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

These divine prayers for marriage restoration after adultery ask God to help bring you both back to where you once were.

Marriage is one of the most beautiful and remarkable things you can experience for yourself. When you find someone you want to spend the rest of eternity with, it’s truly a beautiful experience. You don’t just marry your soulmate, but you marry your best friend and life partner. Marriage is the most intimate commitment as it’s a promise you make to one another, to stay for better or for worse.

However, marriage isn’t always easy and a prayer for the restoration of a broken relationship can help bring both of you back stronger than before.

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These are two longer prayers we shared with our YouTube congregation. If you would like something shorter we also have a collection of prayers for a troubled marriage.

Short Prayer for Forgiveness After Adultery

Heavenly Father, I come to You today confessing our adultery.

I have sinned against You and my spouse. Forgive me, Lord. Cleanse me with Your blood. Heal my broken heart and restore our marriage. We love each other so much, Lord. Please help us to overcome this difficult time.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

We also have a collection of specific prayers for the forgiveness of adultery.

Bible Verse for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

Praying for Marriage Restoration After Adultery


I’m coming to you with every ounce of brokenness and internal conflict with my marriage. We promised to love each other under your covenant, but that promise got broken by an act of adultery. We’re simply humans and in that vulnerability, we were tempted with adultery despite it being a sin. One of the scripture on marriage restoration after adultery says,

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

I believe in the power of prayers and in Your word and through this scripture on marriage restoration after adultery, I’m convicted to run to You in an attempt to restore our marriage. Adultery is a choice that immensely ruins marriages and our relationship with You and we know this. I pray for healing and restoration in our marriage, Lord, and to forgive us for the marriage we’ve been taking for granted.

I know that marriage is the biggest commitment we can take on as it’s the moment we unite with our spouse, and I pray You to shine our hearts with the truth of our love for one another and for You. May you remove the brokenness, guilt, and shame in our marriage and replace it with goodness and kindness.

Remind us of that 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love we promised we’d share for one another and don’t let our marriage fall apart with a mistake of adultery and betrayal. May you give our hearts a huge capacity to forgive and understand, just as You keep doing the same for us. Give us the reminder to be the example of You to constantly forgive people who have wronged us, even if we don’t feel like it. May our hearts be filled with so much love, faith, and hope, that we choose to focus on that rather than any amount of brokenness, betrayal, and devastation.

Lastly, may you convict us of the truth of how much we love each other and no mistake or adultery is greater than that love. May you fill us up with Your love and be so full of it that we heal from any brokenness that our marriage has given us. Remind us that marriage is the most beautiful thing in the world and while it isn’t perfect, we’ll never find a beautiful marriage like us elsewhere.


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Powerful Prayer for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

Father God,

I’m coming towards You with humbleness regarding the healing and restoration of our marriage. I gave in to the temptation of adultery and it’s making our marriage fall apart into a disaster. Our marriage means the whole world to me and I love my spouse with my entire heart, which makes breaking their heart even worse. I pray that you give me the strength to overcome this temptation and weakness in order to fix the marriage I destroyed and so I deserve the goodness of my spouse’s heart. I’m not proud of what I did, which is why I’m coming toward you for the restoration and healing of my marriage. I pray that I become the person I’m meant to be through You and I fix my marriage in the best way possible.

You are the God of miracles and breakthroughs and no matter what I’ve done, I pray our marriage consists of the capacity to forgive and move past our shortcomings. While marriage is never perfect, may you not let us give up on one another completely. Give me the capacity to become better than my adultery and all my weaknesses, and give my spouse the capacity to forgive, even as I don’t deserve their forgiveness or love. Remind us of the love we shared that burned brighter than fire and may we hold on to that love in these circumstances of suffering and trial. I choose to believe that the joy to come is greater than any battle as said in Romans, and this is what I’ll hold on to in the hopes of restoration in our marriage.

Scripture for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

My spouse is my best friend and my partner in this entire world and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them. Despite my weakness in adultery, they’re the only thing that matters to me, especially as I see our marriage as extremely important. May You be the light during this darkness in our marriage and give us hope and healing.

No matter what brokenness and hopelessness we feel, may You be the reminder we need to keep fighting for our marriage that’s worth fighting for. I pray for a breakthrough and any type of miracle that we may fix every broken aspect in our marriage that I destroyed because of temptation and sin. I pray that we integrate 1 Corinthians 13 into our marriage and we choose to be patient and kind in our love for each other. I pray that the purity of our love is stronger than any temptations and battles we face and that giving up is not in any of our options in our marriage. May we still look at each other with the same amount of love as the first time we fell in love with each other and hold on to that love even as our hearts break.

Lastly, Lord, may our love for each other be greater and stronger with You as the core foundation of our marriage. May our love for You reflect in the breakthrough that happens in the restoration of our marriage. Through these prayers for marriage restoration after adultery, may our marriage gradually heal from the brokenness.


Bible Verses for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

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Bible Verses for Marriage Restoration After Adultery

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32

This verse is often quoted in times of conflict, as it reminds us that we are all fallible and that we should extend grace to others. However, this verse also has a specific meaning when it comes to marriage.

When one spouse commits adultery, it can cause a deep rift in the relationship. The hurt partner may feel betrayed, angry, and alone. However, the Bible tells us that we should forgive those who have wronged us- even if they have caused great pain. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is essential for healing a marriage after adultery.

What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. – Mark 10:9

Mark 10:9 is a popular Bible verse that is often used in wedding ceremonies. This verse comes from the book of Mark, in which Jesus is teaching his disciples about marriage. In this passage, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of marriage and says that it is something that should not be taken lightly.

This verse has been interpreted in many different ways, but most Christians believe that it is teaching us that marriage is a sacred institution that should be respected and honored. This passage also teaches us that marriages can be healed after adultery.

While adultery is certainly a serious offense, the Bible tells us that there is forgiveness and redemption available for those who repent and seek God’s forgiveness.

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